Episode 1

"Mr. Nahuel. The room you acquired has not been cleaned yet. The lady is asleep."Liam, his assistant, spoke.

Nahuel Taylor, also known as the Tiger. He is the number one CEO, the most sought after in the city. (Heterosexual).

After enjoying a few hours of pleasure with a beautiful girl, he headed to the nearest bar to have a few drinks.

"When the lady wakes up, send her home and tell her that I only have sex once with the same woman" Nahuel told Liam.

Liam Jones, Nahuel's assistant for 5 years, has been friends for 10 years. (Gay)

"Yes, boss. I'll take care of it."

While Liam took care of the girl, Nahuel had his eyes on a beautiful woman who was alone in the place.

In another corner, at one of the VVIP tables, was Drake Ricci, also known as the Dragon.

"Dani, send me a martini. To that beautiful woman's table" Drake enthusiastically told his assistant.

Dani Smith, Drake's assistant for 8 years. (Gay)

"Boss, that man over there is sending the same woman a martini" Liam pointed to Nahuel.

Immediately, Drake took the martini and walked towards the lady. Both men arrived together and offered her the drink at the same time.

"I am flattered that two handsome men invite me for a drink" she took both martinis.

Drake and Nahuel locked eyes. Silently, it seemed as if lightning bolts were about to strike.

While the lady drank and chatted with them, Nahuel took out his phone and sent a message to Liam.

[Liam, investigate these two people]

[Yes, boss]

Nahuel put away his phone and continued chatting with both men, but his gaze towards Drake was that of a furious tiger about to attack at any moment.

Discreetly, Drake sent a message to Dani.

[Dani, investigate these two people]


[What do I pay you for, idiot? Of course, do it now.]

A few minutes later... Drake and Nahuel received their reports.

Nahuel: [Drake Ricci, number one mafia boss. Also known as the Dragon.]

Drake: [Nahuel Taylor, number one CEO. Also known as the Tiger.]

[Bethania Brown, Director of the Treasure company].

*Cough... cough...*

"I am jealous of your phones" the two men smiled and stopped reading the information they received.

Hours later, since neither of them was willing to let go of Bethania, each immersed in their thoughts, they idealized a plan.

Drake sent a message to Dani.

[Dani, give the Tiger a sexual stimulant and send him with a companion].

A few minutes later, Nahuel sent the same message to Liam.

[Liam, give the Dragon a sexual stimulant and send him with a companion].

Liam and Dani, slightly drunk, went to the lobby of the nearest hotel and took rooms #9 and #6.

The two assistants met in the elevator and felt that they were meant for each other. They exchanged glances and instantly bonded.

"Was it the alcohol, maybe?..."

Bethania heard her phone ring and immediately picked it up.

"Excuse me, guys, I will take this call. Excuse me" she left the bar with her bag in hand and answered the call.

Drake and Nahuel looked at each other furiously.

"When will you leave? You are a Mafioso, you only bring trouble" Nahuel looked at him with challenging and disdainful eyes.

"Hahaha, I can make you bankrupt and hunted down like a trafficker" Drake looked defiant and proud.

While the two men seemed like two teenagers arguing, Bethania took a taxi and disappeared from the place.

An hour later, the two men were drunk and had taken the sexual stimulants.

Liam and Dani approached the table and smiled at each other.

"Don't tell me you are the CEO's assistant?"

"Yes. And you are the MAFIA assistant?"

"Well... it seems like these two think alike, did you send my boss to investigate and gave him a sexual stimulant, right? What if we let them sleep together?"

"Tomorrow... we will be dead, but my boss is tough on the Gays" Liam is scared, but likes the idea.

"Nah... we'll be fine. Let's say we were very, very... drunk. The boss always speaks ill of the Gays. It's time he tried a bit" Dani smiles mischievously.

"How about you and I try a night of passion?" Dani smiles and seductively approaches Liam.

Was it the alcohol or did they really want to get revenge on their bosses?

The two assistants led their bosses to the hotel room and went to the other room to enjoy a night of passionate love.

When Nahuel and Drake felt their bodies next to each other, caresses were not long in coming.

The two men tore off their clothes and desperately sought to satisfy the desire pulsating between their legs. The Dragon and the Tiger, two fierce beasts thirsty for pleasure.

Amid sexy and rough breaths, with lust Drake bit Nahuel's lips. Nahuel could feel Drake's strong and chiseled muscles in his arms.

Their bodies were naked and panting wildly. Nahuel could feel Drake's muscular chest sliding over his skin. He shuddered as he felt his hands around his bulge. Drake squeezed it with subtle force and then continued with his mouth.

Nahuel was left blank under the overwhelming lust provoked by Drake down there. He exploded in a flame of fire and was very hardened.

Drake ran his hands through his black hair, gripping the sheet tightly due to the overwhelming sensations. Drake bit his mouth and couldn't hold back, he was too lost.

Drake's fingers slid, he also kissed there, slowly caressing and loving that place.

Drake held Nahuel and kissed him, quickly thrusting into Nahuel breaking all barriers.

After their moment of ecstasy, Drake collapsed and Nahuel did the same, copying every movement of Drake. Drake had never felt anything so pleasurable. Nahuel lifted his legs giving Drake access, Nahuel reduced the thrusts, he was so gentle entering and waiting for him to finish first.

Moments later, the two collapsed, panting breathlessly.

"Damn it! that was good," Drake said in his head.



Jaisha Jafme

Jaisha Jafme

wow same way of thinking... 🤭🤣





its a good story



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