A young boy is sitting while holding both his legs, burying his head inside the space between his legs and hands
????: how come this even started?
~ A few weeks ago ~
A young boy was going to trip with his family
he was excited like everyone else
Little did he know
What will happen when he comes back
News reporter: breaking news! People are turning into ruthless monsters! One man in xxx who is of age 30 killed his wife of 28 and their 8-year-old child
News reporter: the thing which made him ruthless is that he bite them in their necks
News reporter: the people who are bitten are acting very weird, they are also bitting others, the others are also turning into monsters
news reporter: these symptoms are: pale skin, white eyes, blood oozing out from mouth, vines seen in dark colors
News reporter: everyone must stay at their homes till the doctor and police find an antidote-
suddenly the news reporter was bitten, turning into a zombie
People thought about staying home, but it got worse
S. Anisha irin rafaela