Mythical Encounters : Vampire (Bts)

Mythical Encounters : Vampire (Bts)

a very special evening and place part 1

Your Point of View

I have a bad feeling… A very bad feeling… I don’t want to go there…

“Come on, you’re too slow!”

I whine a bit as Jongdae walks past me, soon joined by Baekhyun.

“You’re such a coward (Y/n), come on!”

I frown at Baekhyun, not liking how he talks to me. I sigh as he walks at the front, along with Jongdae.

“It’s alright (Y/n). Don’t pay attention to what he says.”

I turn to Chanyeol, pouting a bit.

“Why are we here again? There’s no reason to be there.”

“We’re here because Jongdae and Baekhyun are curious.”

“Yeah, but the both of us, why are we here?”

“I’m here to keep an eye on Baekhyun. And I believe you were here to spend time with Jongdae.”

“Yeah, but… Not like that. I wanted to spend an evening nice and calm with him...”

I pout and lower my head, making him chuckle. He puts his hand on my shoulders.

“Don’t worry, tell yourself that I’m here and that you won’t be left alone.”

I smile at him thankfully before we hear a voice.

“Yah! Chanyeol, keep your hands-off (Y/n)!”

Chanyeol laughs before answering.

“Maybe I wouldn’t need to be there with her, if you weren’t leaving your girlfriend behind as she isn’t feeling well.”

Jongdae immediately stops at that and smiles sheepishly. He comes to us, scratching the back of his neck.

“I’m sorry jagi… I didn’t mean to.”

I pout at him and sigh.

“Why did you bring me here Jongdae?”

“I brought you here because you said you wanted to spend time with me.”

He smiles brightly as I sigh again.

“Yeah, but I didn’t want to spend time with you that way. I wanted a nice and calm evening with you.”

“Aw… come on. You’ll see you have fun.”

“There’s no way I will find it fun.”

I sigh, smiling a bit.

“Pretty please? For me?”

He knows that him pouting is my weakness… Go burn in hell Kim Jongdae.

“I hate you Jongdae.”

He laughs and starts walking again.

“Then I get the right to cling onto Chanyeol for support.”

Jongdae stops immediately and starts whining.

“Wae? Why Chanyeol?”

“Because he is the only one that seems to be supporting me.”

Chanyeol chuckles a bit, tensing up when I grab his arm. Jongdae starts pouting.

“Why don’t you hold onto me?”

“You will start running after two minutes and I will still be left alone.”

“But… You know it’s not true.”

“Of course, I know it’s true. You do it every time. Every time something interests you, you end up running away, leaving me behind.”

He starts pouting and lowers his head.

“I don’t do it on purpose...”

“I know. And I’m not mad at you. But this time I want to be sure that I have someone next to me. Otherwise I won’t come out alive.”

He starts sulking and walking ahead with Baekhyun, maybe just a bit less jumpy. I smile and go to him, rolling my eyes.

“If you promise that you aren’t going to leave me behind, then I come with you.”

He smiles brightly, nodding as I slip my arms around his, matching his pace. We soon arrive to the door and I feel chills going up my spine.

There is no light, which is logic since the place is normally abandoned since the two last centuries. There are wild plants everywhere and the windows are as black as coal. This place is so creepy…

I just want to crawl back home and watch a good movie with Jongdae. I turn to look at him, almost with a pleading look.

“Do we have to go there?”

“Aw, you’ll be okay, you’ll see. You’re with me so there’s nothing to fear.”

He pecks my forehead, making me smile as I still cling onto him. Baekhyun is the first one to go to the door.

“What the hell? Is this door weighting a hundred pounds?”

I chuckle as Chanyeol arrives behind him, pulling the door.

“It’s not heavy Baekhyun, it’s just locked. It means we won’t be able to enter by the front door.”

“Then out to the window!” The smaller one exclaims, moving to go the window.

But when he arrives in front of it, he sees that he is way too small to reach it.

“Channie? Can you reach it?”

Chanyeol smiles and hold his hand out, near the window but he isn’t tall enough.

“Nope, it’s too high for me.”

Baekhyun starts pouting before looking at Jongdae and me.

“We can push (Y/n) up there and she opens the window!”

“Wha- Why me?”

“Because you’re the lightest of all of us here.”

I pout, turning to the guys.

“But… I don’t want to go in there alone...”

“It’s okay, you just have to slip inside, go to the main hall and open the door. It won’t even be five minutes alone.”

I’m still really worried about that place. I don’t like it, and just the idea of being alone inside gives me chills.

“Please (Y/n)? I swear it’ll be really fast.”

I look at them and sigh, knowing that they won’t leave me alone until I do what they ask.

“A-Alright… I’ll go.”

They smile and Chanyeol comes closer to me.

“Alright missy. Here you go.”

He helps me up, lifting me off the ground and I grab the border of the window, climbing on it. They smile at me, making thumbs up. I sigh and quickly unlock the window. I slip inside and jump when I hear the wind making the window rattle behind me.

Jesus Christ… I don’t like it… I don’t like it all.

I close the window to prevent it from scaring me again. I turn around and I can’t hide my surprise when I see the inside of the place. Everything is in the dark but it seems really clean, really well taken care of. All the furniture looks like it comes from the last century and looks very expensive.

I get closer to the small table in the middle of the room and my hand reaches out to touch a vase, laying on it. The flowers inside look like they have been watered the exact morning or not so long ago.

Why does everything look like someone lives here? Everyone says the mansion is abandoned since at least the last century…

I jump again when I hear loud thumping on the door. I put a hand against my racing heart as I got scared. I quickly head out of the room and go to the main hall.

“(Y/n)! Are you okay in here?”

I go to the main door and start looking at the locks, undoing it.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just… spaced out...”

I finally manage to open the door, making the guys smile. Jongdae immediately takes me in a bear hug.

“God… I was scared something actually happened to you...”

I chuckle, moving my hand in his back.

“I’m fine. I’m okay. I was just surprised that everything seems to be so clean and well taken care of.”


Baekhyun starts laughing and points at his surroundings. I look up and see that everything is covered in dust, spider net and some things are even falling apart.

“But… I could’ve sworn...”

I pull away from Jongdae, going to the room I was before. Everything is in the same state as the main hall. There’s dust everywhere and the sofa that seemed in perfect state are now ripped out. I get closer to the table, seeing the now dead flower.

“I swear it was not like that when I entered...”

“Maybe the dark is playing tricks on your mind (Y/n).”

I pout at Jongdae, turning to Chanyeol.

“You believe me, do you?”

“Well… It’s hard to believe that everything could have changed so fast.”

“But… I swear...”

“You’re stressed and scared (Y/n). And your mind is playing tricks on you. There’s nothing to worry about (Y/n).”

I look down, sighing.

I am sure of what I saw. And my mind is in a perfect state.

But I shrug, confirming what the boys said.

“Yeah… Maybe...”

“Come on. Let’s see the rest of it.”

Jongdae grabs my hand, pulling me with him, along with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They first want to look in the kitchen to see how it is now.

As we enter it, just like in the other room, there is no light. The guys take their flash-lights out to be able to see and walk through the mansion without doing anything wrong. The kitchen is completely messed up and they look around. I don’t let go of Jongdae’s hand. I get closer to the sink and notice that here again, it seems completely clean. I get curious and gently tap Jongdae’s shoulder.

“Jongdae, look here.”

“Oh, do you think the water is still running?”

“Hum… I don’t know...”

“Let’s try!”

Before I can prevent him from doing so, he lifts the tap but there is no water coming out.

“Well… I thought there would still be- Ah!”

He pulls his hand away as water starts flowing out of the tap.

“Fuck! That burns!”

I quickly see steam filling the sink and close the water. I go to Jongdae and see him shaking his hand.

“It was so fucking hot...”

I sigh, taking his hand, gently. He, indeed has a bright red mark made by the water. I blow on it lightly and he sighs.

“God dammit...”

“It’s okay, we’ll apply something as soon as we get home.”

He smiles thankfully, nodding as we keep going forward in the mansion. At a moment, I see Baekhyun holding onto Chanyeol’s arm.

“Baekhyun? Is everything alright?”

“I have a bad feeling Channie… I feel like there’s someone watching us...”

“It must be your imagination Baekhyun. No one lives here since 1912...”

“But… I really feel observed… I don’t want to stay here any more… I wanna go out...”

“There are only the bedrooms and the music room to check. Then we can go. It will be done quickly okay?”

Baekhyun seems a bit hesitant first but end up nodding, holding onto Chanyeol’s arm.

We keep on walking, heading upstairs. The sound of the stairs creaking under our feet doesn’t help me staying calm. I believe I jumped out of my skin when I heard something crack behind me and Baekhyun shrieking.

“It’s okay! It’s okay! Just one of the step that cracked when I walked on it.”

Chanyeol immediately reassures us or at least try to. We end up upstairs, separating to look into the rooms. Well, the guys separated and I was first staying with Jongdae. But as he entered a room, the door of the one next to it caught my attention. I slowly let go of his hand and went there. I opened the door quietly and saw that this room was all clean and neatly arranged. I see the soft bed and quickly swipe my hand on it.

“The blanket is so fluffy. I wish mine was that soft.”

I let out a giggle and sit down on it. I close my eyes, slowly leaning onto it, laying down.

You like it? I hope so because it will be yours.

I sit up straight really fast and jump at the voice.

“What the-”

I look around but see no one which makes me freak out. Is my mind really playing tricks on me? I could have sworn that the voice was right next to me. I don’t like that house! I want to get out of here!

I stand up and head towards Jongdae. I cling onto his arm, making him jump slightly.

“Jongdae, I want to get out of here… please...”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Because this place feels so wrong… I don’t like it and I want to get out.”

“It’s… It’s almost done (Y/n), there’s only one more room to go, okay?”

“But… Jongdae...”

I start to whine, not liking this place one bit. Baekhyun comes holding onto Chanyeol and not wanting to let go.

“Channie, I’m scared! Please let’s get out of here!”

“We’ll get going, okay? Just, just calm down Baekhyun...”

As Chanyeol finishes his sentence, there is no more sound, but something catches our attention at the end of the hallway.

It’s a melody. A soft melody, probably played on a piano by the sound of it. We all freeze and this time Jongdae looks at everyone.

“Did someone else come inside while we were in?”

“I-I don’t think so. Or, if there is, I didn’t see that person...”

I start to shake as Chanyeol starts heading towards the room.

“Channie! Let’s go!”

“But wait, I wanna check. If there is indeed someone in the house, I want to see who it is. We can’t let someone else completely alone here.”

We follow him slowly as I stay in Jongdae’s arms. Chanyeol puts his hand on the doorknob and slowly open the door. The soft melody is still playing and he pushes the door wide open. As he does it, the melody stops abruptly and the lid of the piano falls, closing itself with an astounding sound. I jump, holding onto Jongdae. Baekhyun is still holding tightly onto Chanyeol as the taller one takes a slow step inside the room. He barely has the time to walk a bit that the door slams shut, pushing him back.


Baekhyun screams at the top of his lungs walking back.

“What the hell is going on?” Jongdae asks.

We lightly walk backwards going away from the room. As we slowly get close to the staircase Chanyeol talks again.

“Okay, let’s think correctly. This mansion is abandoned… There is no one in here so it must have been the wind.”

“Yeah, the wind in a closed space, are you stupid Chanyeol?!”

Baekhyun starts to get angry as the fear visibly strikes him. Before we even have the time to react all the doors to the bedrooms that where open slam shut making us jump out of our skin.

“Okay, I’m done! I’m not staying here any longer!”

Baekhyun runs down the stairs and to the exit.

“Baekhyun, slow down!”

Chanyeol and Jongdae immediately go after him, getting outside quickly as I try to follow them by running.

But I forgot about the hole there was in the stairs because of earlier. I trip on it and fall down the stairs, landing on my back, letting out a groan of pain. My vision becomes blurry as I just see a blurred face and a voice before everything becomes black.

Aw… Too bad, they left without you… Don’t worry sweetie,

we’ll take good care of you.



สุทิน ศรีภักดิ์

สุทิน ศรีภักดิ์

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∥ BTS |
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∥ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
∧_∧ ∥
(`・ω・ ) ∥
ヽ つ0



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