Wifey Were Do You Think You'Re Going!

Wifey Were Do You Think You'Re Going!

Fate of women...

Fate of women...
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
"Brother , please don't leave my hand ."
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
"The train is running fast , I will fall down !"
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
"I don't want to die brother !"
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
" I promise I will never sing again "
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
"Please ! "
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
Rong Xinghe | 13 yrs
"No !"
; screamed the 13 -year old little girl ...
"You should've thought that when you took part in this stupid Reality Show in this country just for singing and fullfilling your so-called dream....."
" A woman from a family like ours should be sitting at home with grace and manners and not flaunting herself in front of the world like you did !"
"The fate of women should be serving her husband. You are dead to the Rong family from today"
"Go die !"
[The man released the girl's hand and she fell down ! ]
[The moment her body hit the cold railway tracks , blood started flowing through it endlessly .]
[Maybe due to shock or betrayal , but she wasn't able to even voice out her pain ! ]
[More than the pain in body , there was the pain of helplessness and hatred . ]
[Hatred towards her own family .]
[ No one came to her rescue throughout the entire night . ]
[ Next morning , some locals found her unconscious and took her to the local hospital .]
"She is alive ! "
The doctors exclaimed with an amazed expression as they hadn't expected that at all.
Assistant Doctor
Assistant Doctor
"Please contact the patient's family ."
Assistant doctor said to the receptionist as he gave her Rong Xinghe's phone and went into the operation theatre.
The receptionist switched on the phone and browsed the emergency contact list .
It had six names .
Su Rogguang
Mo Zixuan
Zhi Xi
Zhi Bo
Zhi Al
Lu Wei
The receptionist contacted the 6 men unknown to the reality that she was calling the most influential identities of not just Country X , but the world .
Rong Xinghe
13 years old


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