The Dream Runner

The Dream Runner

Chapter 1

Complete darkness.

No sound or light or anything to feel.

Nothing existed yet, at least in this world.

Something was laying on the ground.

It started amorphous, having nothing to draw from for appearance.

The thing’s eyes opened and looked around the endless darkness.

As they stared, the black shadows began to peel away.

Bright light shined as ground began to form wherever it touched. The darkness faded into a variety of colors.

A large field of grass with sparse trees and mountains in the distance. The amorphous being rose and looked around, floating like gray and light purple blobby mist staying together in a small cloud formation. As the cloud searched, it spotted something in the distance. It very quickly began to move towards it, floating through the grass at a high speed, creating rushes of wind as it moved.

It stopped and floated above the ground, staring at a strange creature.

It was a mixture of ape and human, standing on the hind legs yet covered in hair. It was staring at a tree, its head tilted as it stared, as if thinking.

The cloud observed the creature, staring as it began to move around it slowly to observe every angle it could.

The cloud began to huddle closer as two long portions began to stretch down towards the ground. The limbs began to slowly shape into the same as the creature, changing color and texture as it did to match those of the creature. The cloud began to slowly shift more and more into the shape, the body very slowly forming into place as the colors and textures were slowly added in after, washing over until it looked as if an exact copy.

The being stood, moving very slowly as it tried to figure out how to move the same way. They very slowly lifted their arms, slowly turning them and curling their large and stubby fingers. They looked down and shifted weight back and forth before very slowly lifting their leg up, then put it back down. They lifted their foot again and pushed it forward, losing balance but stomping down to collect themselves and stay standing. They kept moving slowly until they stood next to the creature.

They were both staring at the tree, but then the creature suddenly ran forward and jumped up, grabbing hold of a branch and swinging around from one branch to another. The being watched on before attempting to run, but quickly fell forward and hard onto their face. The being tried to get up, but was still trying to figure out how the body worked and how to do it.

The being was struggling to stand before lifting their head, seeing the creature on their hands and knees, their faces inches away as they stared curiously at each other.

The being and the creature very slowly got to their feet, looking at each other before they both raised their arms up slowly. They kept staring while moving in sync, as if they were reflections of each other.

As they stared, the world they were standing in began to shake and disappear. Everything was fading back into darkness. The being looked around in panic as the creature didn’t see to notice. The creature suddenly faded, disappearing completely as the being was turned back into the amorphous cloud of blob. It floated around while panicking as the world was crumbling and fading rapidly.

In the distance, there was a single light.

The being quickly raced as quickly as it could, the world crumbling behind them faster and faster and faster. It began to catch up with the being, only a few feet off as they raced faster. The grass on the ground would be blown violently to the side before being forced quickly back in the other direction and disappearing all together.

They kept racing and racing as quickly as they could as the light grew brighter and brighter. The world disappeared behind them as they raced. They could feel the warmth of the light on their form as they grew closer and closer.

The world was preparing to swallow the being whole and turn everything into nonexistence, but just as the world was about to grab them, they were swallowed by the light.

The being woke up in a very similar world. Grass everywhere yet it was much more uneven with hills all over. There were trees sprawling everywhere as the being floated around, turning as if looking.

It continued to spin before slowly changing itself back into the form it was before, a hairy human figure. It could walk at a slow pace, learning just enough to keep moving.

Once they got to a hill, they put their arms out to grab it, yet were unsure of what to do next.

They turned to see another one of the creatures crawling up the hill, using their arms and legs together as the being watched and studied. They very slowly began to copy them, stiffly and unevenly moving their limbs at an inconsistent rhythm. Once they were halfway up the hill, they were able to move smoothly and speed up slightly. They continued to rise up faster and closer before reaching the top, getting to their feet and staring upon an endless sprawl of beautiful land. Cliffs with massive waterfalls of clear water sparkling brightly with sunlight, a large lake with crystal clear water that perfectly reflected the bright blue and white sky on itself. The grass was filled with vibrant and colorful flowers with the massive trees full of fruits along with small bushes holding berries.

The being went to walk forward, yet misstepped and very quickly began to fall and roll down the hill at a high speed, only accelerating as they went. It was completely silent as their body was flipping and rolling aggressively and rapidly until they landed on the ground with a violent thud, yet their form was unscathed. They stood back up as if nothing happened, not feeling any sense of pain or even feeling anything.

They made their way to the body of water, staring into the reflection.

Staring back was the cloud of mist and blob, floating around and staring at the hairy creature. The being raised their arm, with the cloud reflection slowly lifting up with it. They slowly went to feel their face. Their hands stopped on their skin, yet they couldn’t feel anything. Their hands couldn’t push further, but they didn’t have any sense of touch.

They lifted their head to look at the sky, the white clouds floating peacefully through the bright blue expanse. The sun shining violently bright yet having no effect on the being, as if they couldn’t feel it.

The being could see, but nothing more.

There was no thought, no feeling, nothing but existence. As they stared, the world once again was beginning to fade and disappear.


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