Sprained ankle
When Aadya and Alice walks towards to gate Alice bump into some one
Don't you have a eyes..
Aadya didn't see who bumps into Alice and started scolding
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Sorry girls...
Alice Peterson
It's.. It's ok senior...
Alice Peterson
*try to get up*
Alice Peterson
I think my ankle is sprained...
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
I am so sorry....
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
I will bring you to hospital
Alice Peterson
No.. no thanks.. I will manage to get up..
Alice Peterson
*Alice try to get up.. but she can't*
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
I will carry her...
Alice Peterson
what... No...
Alice Peterson
there is a lot of people here...
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
so what?
Alice Don't be stubborn...
Jason lift her and carry her to his car.. and the driver help to open the car door.
Jason gently put Alice in the car
Ok.. take care Alice.. I'm leaving...
Alice Peterson
No.. come with me..
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
yeah.. you also come.. I can't handle two things..
Aadya also sits back in the car
Jason sits front passenger seat
(He can't handle easy things like this but how can he be a student council member)
Alice.. Is it hurts...
Alice Peterson
(It is the first time her face expression changes)
Alice Peterson
(She is very beautiful yet cold)
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
📱going to hospital..
📱why.. what happened...
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
📱nothing serious when I bumped into my junior girl accidentally she slipped and sprained her ankle
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
📱So I'm taking her to hospital...
After checking her ankle ..doctor prescribed some ointment and some painkillers
Jason drop Alice in her house and also drop Aadya also
When Jason drop Aadya he accidentally sees Ezekiel..
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
(He.. He is one of the gangster right... )
Hi Ezekiel.. Why are you coming down..
You didn't come.. so..
You are so late girl...
Ok let's go... I will tell what happens earlier..
They went to their apartment
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
what... Aadya know him...
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
what's the relationship between them..
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
I have to tell Aaron
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
why are you shouting.. I'm not deaf.
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
you know what.. Ezekiel that guy is with Aadya...
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
I'm.. I'm. so confused.. How did she know him...
I already know that...
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Why didn't you tell me...
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
But.. how did..
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
*extremely shocked*
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
you already know all these things then why didn't you tell me about that??
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Do you have a dead wish Mr. Jason Arora
Jason Arora(Aaron's cousin)
Nice Going Author