General Gains Power

General Gains Power

Episode 1

Hello everyone
This is my new account and I am going to complete my story which I left
My English is not good so if there are mistakes, please correct me.
This is my first story, I hope you all will like it.
Now let's start the story.
somewhere in deserted building
What is the news about our plan?
No. 1
No. 1
Sir everything is going according to our plan.
Good, but remember no mistakes will be forgiven
If there is mistake there will be consequences and I don't need to remind you about consequences
No. 1
No. 1
*gulp* Nothing will go wrong sir
No. 1
No. 1
Our man has taken position and we will start our plan on time
Good, you can go now and give me update of every situation in every few minutes
No. 1
No. 1
Okay sir
Somewhere at ceremony hall
After successful completion of mission, a banquet is held at ceremony hall to give regards to Military General Arthur who is a well known general and he has completed all his missions successfully some respected people of country, some students, media and some respected military officers are invited
Now I would heartly welcome our revered Military General Arthur to oblige us with a few words of encouragement/ inspiration
Arthur/General (ML)
Arthur/General (ML)
Hello everyone...
All of a sudden lights go off
People at hall
People at hall
What happened? why there is a black out suddenly?
Arthur/General (ML)
Arthur/General (ML)
Don't worry everyone It will be fine
Arthur/General (ML)
Arthur/General (ML)
Wait for few minutes
No. 1
No. 1
*communicating through earbuds* No. 2 and No. 3 takes the general down now
Working on it
No. 2 and No. 3 takes advantage of lights out and attack general from back side and give a sedative injection to general which will make him sleep
All done, general has been taken down
No. 1
No. 1
Bring him towards back gate, van is ready and comes to building and remember there should not be any mistake
They leaves from ceremony hall and locks the gate of ceremony hall before leaving
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
What the hell is happening here? why there is suddenly a black out all of a sudden?
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Andrew check it out What's the matter?
Suddenly lights comes back
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Finally lights comes
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Uhh..where is Arthur
All people panics when they dont and general in ceremony half
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Andrew check out where is Arthur
Andrew/Fighting (ML
Andrew/Fighting (ML's Squad Member)
Okay sir
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Don't worry everyone, we will update you what happened here, but right now ceremony is over please leave
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Alex makes sure that everyone leaves the ceremony hall safely
Alex/Strategy (ML
Alex/Strategy (ML's Squad Member)
On it sit it
Alex makes every one leaves from the ceremony hall
Andrew/Fighting (ML
Andrew/Fighting (ML's Squad Member)
Sir, I have checked CCTV and found out that General has been kidnapped
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
What? *shocked"
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Who has the guts to kidnap Arthur, have you seen there faces on CCTV
Andrew/Fighting (ML
Andrew/Fighting (ML's Squad Member)
No Sir, they had wore mask, we can't recognise them
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Damn it Who did this, looks like they don't want to live anymore. call Mily and ask her to find out tracker's location which is on Arthur's body.
Andrew/Fighting (ML
Andrew/Fighting (ML's Squad Member)
Yes sir
Alex/Strategy (ML
Alex/Strategy (ML's Squad Member)
Sir, back gate watchman sow some people taking our general in a van
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Okay, tell mily to hack every camara of this area and check where that van heading towards and tell all members of squad to get ready in base it's time for some action *smirk*
Alex/Strategy (ML
Alex/Strategy (ML's Squad Member)
All will be done sir
Edward/General (ML
Edward/General (ML's friend)
Let's head to army base it's time to do some exercise *smirk*
Arthur our male lead Most Respected Military General orphan He successfully completes whatever mission he takes on Strict, Punctual, dangerous when in anger etc.
Edward our male lead friend also a general Orphan


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