Due to a Medical Error

Due to a Medical Error

Episode 1

I am a girl who traveled from Colombia to Italy in search of a better life; I didn't want to do it, but opportunities in my country were scarce for me.

So I embarked on a quite long journey. I don't know how things will go there, but I know I can achieve much more than by staying in my country.

I arrived in Italy and stayed in an apartment that I had already rented. It wasn't very nice, but it was all I could afford with my three-year savings. During those years, I limited myself in many ways, I didn't go out, I hardly bought anything for myself. But I believe that all the effort will be worth it in the end.

Who would have thought that I would be in such an important country like Italy? It was amazing for me to experience new cultures and everything. But not everything was exciting; I left my family in my country and coming here without them is very tough because I don't know anyone here, except for the apartment owner.

I calmed my mind a bit and started unpacking and organizing everything. It distracted me from everything else. I was already thinking about what to wear for the job interview I had. Before traveling, I had a virtual interview with one of the largest companies in the country. My position was in the accounting department, which I was already a professional in, despite my young age. I think they were surprised when I told them I was 23 years old.

So, I had passed the first screening, now I had another one that was more important. They would determine if I passed or not.

The next day, it was very difficult for me to get up as the hours were very different from those in my country. So, it was challenging for me.

Upon arriving at the company, I was left speechless. It was huge, with a beautiful garden at the entrance, and many elegant people coming in and out. I felt a bit embarrassed about my outfit, as I was only wearing a shirt, pants, and high heels.

When I entered, I was amazed by the elegance of the place. But I managed to hide it and headed to the reception.

Me: Good morning, I am here for an interview with Mr. Andres.

The receptionist looked at me as if I were strange and continued doing what she was doing. I didn't like her attitude; I think she should at least tell me which floor to go to.

Me: Miss, did you hear me?

Receptionist: Of course, I heard you, but we are not distributing charity here. That part is handled by Mr. Camilo's foundations.

I was boiling inside, but who does she think she is to call me a beggar? I thought to myself, trying to control my temper and not give her what she deserves.

Me: I'm not here for any charity work. I'm here for a job. Could you please be so kind as to tell me which floor to go to?

She laughed, and I wanted to pull her hair out. I wasn't very patient, but I couldn't afford to make a bad impression. The company is one of the biggest in the country, and the salary was promising, so I swallowed my anger and my words and left. I didn't know which floor to go to, but someone had to give me information. As the saying goes, when in Rome, ask.

I got into an elevator, and it was strange that no one else got in. Those who were waiting for other elevators looked at me as if I were crazy. I could only wonder if everyone in that company had eaten a matchstick; they were very bitter. Nevertheless, I bit my tongue and asked them if they were going up.

Me: Are you going up or not?

Most of them laughed, and others looked at me sternly. I didn't think much of it, so I closed the elevator door. The strange thing about that elevator was that it only went to one floor, and apparently, it was the top floor.

When I arrived at the top floor, I was also surprised. If the first floor was elegant, this floor where I got off was even more so. But the strange thing was that there was no one to guide me. There were only waiting rooms and many offices.

There was one in particular, it was spacious, and I thought that was the reception for that floor, so I knocked. But as always, no one answered me.

I entered but was also surprised by how elegant that reception was. There were decorations that matched the sofas, and at the end, there was a huge window through which the whole city could be seen. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the city. I didn't hear when someone came in; that's how focused I was. Watching the city brought me so much peace and, for some reason, made me feel proud of myself.

Man - It's beautiful, isn't it?

I turned around, unsure if it was the right decision or if what I was looking at was even more beautiful than the man standing in front of me. He was wearing a formal suit with his shirt slightly open, and it was clear he worked out as everything fit him perfectly. His blue eyes were analyzing me, resembling the sky I was admiring. And don't even get me started on his mouth... everything about him was beautiful. I don't know how long I had been staring at him, but it seemed like he didn't mind at all.

But then I snapped out of it... it wasn't the right time to be checking out guys. I had the interview, so I checked the time and realized I only had two minutes left. I couldn't believe I was going to be late.

Man - I see your expression changed; can I help you with something?

Me - Yes, thank God, you arrived just in time... you see, I don't work here, and I'm a bit lost because no one has told me where Mr. Andres' office is... I have an interview in two minutes...

I stared at him and managed to see a smile, and it was very beautiful. Who would have thought that a man with such a smile would help calm my nerves for the interview?

Man - Of course, it's on the 24th floor. You can find the office there.

Me - Thank you so much, you know... I really appreciate it.

And I rush out of there. I get into another elevator, praying that I can make it to the interview on time. But I'm not sure if I can. I'm already on the 45th floor, and there's only one minute left... when I arrive at the floor, I run out. I think I've exercised more today than usual. I reach the door where I'm supposed to have the interview, knock several times, but no one answers.

Me - Is everyone mute today?

But it seems like someone hears me.

Woman - Mr. Andres just left.

Me - What do you mean he just left? But I came for an interview with him...

Woman - I'm sorry, but we've already chosen someone to work with us.

I don't know where I am, and I wonder why this is happening to me and what I'm going to do now... The woman leaves, leaving me there with my thoughts. I leave that company and take the first bus that takes me home. Tears start streaming down my face effortlessly. Now what am I going to do? That's the question I keep asking myself at this moment.


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