name - Carlo king
age - 29
occupation - world's top mafia leader, of the top mafia group, named as blue snake.
personality - cold,rude,bossy.... only kind to his beloved ones.
likes - his boyfriends ( Bruce, David, Ralph, Mario) and later fl.
hates - all b*tch , gold digger and all useless things.
Top - for everyone
Bottom - for none
Fun fact - he hates pink...not even a single trace of pink will be noticed near him.
name - Bruce Rodriguez
age - 27
occupation - world top ceo, of world top company, named as Flemingo.
personality - cold,rude,bossy.... only kind to his beloved ones.
likes - his boyfriends ( Carlo, David, Ralph, Mario) and later fl.
hates- all b*tch, gold digger and useless things.
Top - for David, Ralph, Mario, Isla (fl)
Bottom - for Carlo
Fun fact - He is a mosochist...which can only be controlled by Carlo.
name - David Perz
age - 25
occupation - best psychiatrist in the world.
personality - cold but calm.
likes - his boyfriends ( Carlo, Bruce,Ralph,Mario) and later fl.
hates - all b*tch, gold digger and useless things.
Top - for Mario, Isla (fl)
Bottom - for Carlo, Bruce, Ralph
Fun fact - have many kinks.
name - Ralph Moore
age - 24
occupation - most successful fashion designer in the world, having his own brand... know as StyleStar...
personality - flirty, fierce, clingy but cold for others
likes - his boyfriends ( Carlo, Bruce, David, Mario) and later fl.
hates - all b*tch, gold digger and useless things.
Top - for David, Mario, Isla (fl)
Bottom - for Carlo, Bruce
Fun fact - Afraid of ghost.
name - Mario Baker
age - 22
occupation - all seven star hotels and restaurants are under his company.... know as chef in the world.
personality - kind, smiley, helpful.
likes - his boyfriends ( Carlo, Bruce, David, Ralph) and later fl.
hates - all b*tch, gold digger and useless things.
Top - for Isla (fl)
Bottom - for Carlo, Bruce, David,Ralph
Fun fact - He is the most shy and cute one among the four mls...and before he meet them...he was straight.
name - Isla Garcia
age - 18
occupation - studying in university...and doing part time job as a waiter in one of the Mario's restaurant.
personality - cute, kind, lovable, helpful, caring.
likes - none....but later mls
hates - who are bad people.
Top - for none
Bottom - for everyone
Fun fact - she is really an innocent girl, which gonna ruined by our 5 Devils.
hlo pearls....if you like this story... thumbs up👍 and click the heart button💓 for me.... which connects directly to my heart....and comment if u want more(≧▽≦)
interesting 🤔
hey author I just started reading ur story and I am already a fan 💖
Nylanor Zeugirdor
last name ko pa HAHAHAHHA 😻😅