Villain's Wish

Villain's Wish


Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
"in the jet plane scaping from enemies attack range"
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
the heck why do they betrayed me after all I've done for them..
a missile from one of the plane fired at him
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
is this my end .. I the finest assassin died like this ..
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
if only...
mission accomplished: worlds finest assassin is Dead "smirk"
good now go back to the underground base..
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
Cristofer Lancaster (ml past life)
Cristofer Lancaster (ML's past life) age:36 job: assassin of the underground society dislike: unknown like: kids (specially does orphan as he was once an orphan)
in the hospital
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
James(ML's ass)
how's boss condition bro it's been 5 years seen he's asleep from coma that day.. it's a miracle that his body didn't give up ..
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
well I don't know but hope soon he'll awaken already.. well yeah the whole Mafia organization is ruled by that man and everyone thought boss already died in that attack ..
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
*finger move in the bed*
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
*seen it* boss just move .. I need to check him ..
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
*eye opened*
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
W-what the heck I'm alive
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
James(ML's ass)
you finally awaken boss
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
*memories of this body continue to pour into my head ... Ahhh shit ahhh🧠😵
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
boss are you okey .. let me check your temperature first 😥
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
I'm fine .. did you find that girl who's with me that night before the accident 🙄🙄... *remember everything*
James(ML's ass)
am I'm sorry boss but every CCTV is gone and you been in coma for 5 years now ..
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
*I'm in a novel that I recently read "Our lovely princess" which is I'm the Villain that died from that attack by Alexander Reynold(ML of novel).. and they got a happy ending .. so this is the story after the happy ending huh..*
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
I need food get me faster *cold*ರ_ರ
James(ML's ass)
yes boss ..
*kring* *kring* *kring*
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
hello who's this
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
hey kid who's your dad ..
jas he is not our dad .. he abandoned mom .. he didn't find us ..
but.. *cry*
"call end"
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
what was that🤔🧠
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
"now that I'm here what should I do then "...
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
boss someone call in your phone .. well it's kids and said they are your kids ... and you abandoned there mom..
James(ML's ass)
maybe it's just a wrong call
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
nope they know that Jasper is in coma ..
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
*mm kids .. wait i remember that in a novel I have kids with that girl Akira .. but didn't have a chance know them as i was supposed to die that time in the accident* find there current location and give it to me after I woke up in the morning now leave *cold*🥶
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
yes boss
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
Jacob Rainheart (doctor)
James(ML's ass)
copy boss
James(ML's ass)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
Jasper Carnell (ML)
*finally time to sleep and recover fast💨*

Updated 2 Episodes


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