The Secret Treasure

The Secret Treasure

To the verge of death

Jan 8 1947 - Near ladakh_My name is Sonu Sid Indian working for British government to stop the bandits from invading the near villages I have been here for 5 months and I lost my comrades in this battle and also going to lose my life in this pit.


2 Hours before *

Imran soldier 1- Hey Sonu why are you always in military base and field after this bandit mission you have take a break man Sonu - Haa..haa.. where should I go brother i don't even have a family

Jevahar soldier 2 - You idiot why are you thinking like that we are all your families

Mehta soldier 3 - Yes, just take a break and meet or families they are also asking about you in letters

Sonu - okay guys let's talk about this latter after this mission look there squad leader is giving the signal from the other side

From the other side of the bandits hide out

*****Jason Squad leader***** - My signal reached they giving the respond

Arshad Soldier 4 - Sir it's begin to get dark this is the right time to take the bandits out one by one

Jason - Yeah let's meet them at rendezvous

Arshad - Yes ,Sir

Meeting at the rendezvous

Sonu - Sir it's the time sabatoge them there are six of them guarding three in the tent and 2 hostages


Bandits Mission:

Arshad and Mehta you to take the left just kill them at point blank range

Imran and Jevahar goes to the right

Sonu cover the back I will take the lead kill on site secure the hostages

Arshad - Mehta take the one without weapon I will take one behind the tree

Imran - jevahur just take one and leave me the rest to me


Act 1:

Sonu and Jason sneaking inside the camp release the hostage and to take down their leader They saw two huts Sonu saw the hostages with an enemy in a hut and try to save then , Jason goes to take down the people in the another hut where the bandit leader was held . Sonu trys takes the enemy down by using his knife and kill him by choking his neck and release the hostages by cuting down the rope of an old man and a girl


Sonu - Don't worry I came to help

Old man - Take the girl kid they won't leave me just take the girl and go

****Sonu**** - It's ok we have squad to take down the bandit

Fweeeeet!!!! Fweeeeet!!!! Fweeeeet!!!!

Sonu - what the why are they whistling squad leader can easily take down them then why?


Act 2 :

At the precise time Arshad , Mehta and imran , Jevahar going for the counter then hearing the whistle from the bandit leader

enemies got alerted and the six bandit gets alerted started to taking down the soldiers who came for the sabatoge Arshad take down two bandit and try to retreat from the place


Act 3 :

Sonu escapes from enemies came and taking the hostage out of the bandits hideout then


Sonu - Oldman just take the girl go there below the valley just take this map I will meet you at that place In a few mins if i not come just go run away to the south you can escape

Oldman - kid you should come with us you shouldn't go back (coughing)ahem ahem

Sonu - They are not fellow soldiers they are my family I won't lose them I sure will come for you guys


**Act 4 :

Sonu goes back to the hideout he saws his three friends died in vein then there is a commotion between the bandit . He goes near the hut and saw they capture Ahmad with bruises and bleeds the bandit begin to kicking Ahmad mercilessly

Sonu( Thinking) :

Sonu has been confused how the plan failed and has been captured by the bandits then where is the Jason is he dead then he hears the familiar voice


Jason** - Sonu! Sonu! it's me

Sonu - Sir what happened what's happening here

Jason - I don't know Sonu our plans has been exposed to the bandits by imran I don't know where everyone is


Act 3:( Tragedy exposed)

Sonu realized something and point the gun at Jason head


Sonu : Why did you do this sir I saw imran was shot dead at point blank range why and how do you know imran is an imposter

Jason : Hey no Sonu i just heard from the bandit leader talks to them

Sonu didn't drop the gun pointing at Jason then suddenly a sound behind Sonu a bandit pointing rife at Sonu's head then

Jason : You want to know how imran and everyone die in point blank just like know the bandit pointing at you this is how everyone dead

Jason tells to shoot him , Sonu pulls out a grenade from his pocket pin of grenade has been pulled out it scares Jason and the bandit and Sonu tells Jason us to Ahmad and tells bandit to give him his rife.

By walking near the bandits Sonu saws a landmine bag when the bandit leader and everyone sees them begin to point gun at Sonu he tells them to put down the or else I will put down the grenade

Sonu - Why did you do this to as Jason why did you sell as to this cheap bandits for What

Jason - Sonu we don't have anything personal just lay down the grenade I will let you live ok

Sonu - just shut up tell the fucking truth, you motherfucker

Jason - Ooooo... that's some harsh words you should not tell those words to you superior ok you know for what haan for something that makes us rich the Gold "the secret treasure ".

Sonu - A treasure

Jason - You know the village of golds right 40 years ago there was a village who don't knows the value of the gold the people in village tells is from the predessors who gets the gold from the blessings from the god then there was thief scum who found the gold and exposed to the world where villagers and village of gold has been disappeared from the history but the gold was not yet found it was hidden deeps somewhere in North which was hidden by a man he is thief who expose steals the gold and hides it after then he disappeared for 40 years and now I found the man who was the hostage and you made him escape from here...

Sonu : Bullshit it was a just a myth story Jason : Asshole you think I don't have a proof Haan the one who destroys the village of gold was my only own father general Kenny levingston

(Gets chill vibe hearing the name )

The ruthless and merciless general Kenny


Act 4 ( The escape plan):

When Jason is speaking Sonu picks injured imran in his shoulder then he suddenly throws the grenade at the land mine Jason shouts to crouch the grenade blast and each land mine begin to blast at everyplaces it becames a chaoes at the time Sonu runs away with ahmad...then Jason sees him running shouting to kill him


Sonu : Just hold it' ahmad I will save you at any cost.

Ahmad : Sonu please take care of my family I cannot make it I'm bleeding to much You need to leave me behind here.

Sonu : Just shut up and brace yourself we will make it

Ahmad : Ok Ok

Bang!!! Bang!!!

Ahmad : Just give me the gun Sonu I will backfire at them it will slow them from coming

Sonu stops and give the gun to ahmad then

Ahmad : Thanks Sonu Thanks for everything my friend

Sonu : what the? just stop talking stay still I will look for them give me a sec.


Act 5 :

When Sonu scouts for the enemies he hears a sound Bang!!! from behind

Sonu stops and then looks at ahmad he killed himself for him just having a letter in his hands for his family Sonu begin to screams and crys then takes gun and the letter then begin to run to valley top edge He goes there at edge It was 20 feet pit he begin to climbs down at the time.

Bang!!! Bang!!!

Sonu was shooted at the shoulder by Jason he slipped and fell down at pit where was full of trees


Jason - Where is the otherone? I shooted only Sonu

Bandit - He was shooted there I think he shoot himself

Jason - What a pitty

Jason shouting***

Sonuuuuuu.....You can't even save you best friend haaaan your are a pathetic asshole .


Act 6 :

At the pit Sonu has struck in a tree with bullet wounds and brushes when he hears Jason shouting he beginning to lose consciousness and beginning to dieee...

At the verge of death he hearing the footsteps approaches and he sees at letter his friend gives him then he begin shout with low pitch

Help me !! Help me !! Help me !! ..


Jason - We need to find the hostages right now I think they maybe camping at place where we hiding yesterday Let's get the ***Gold.



Updated 1 Episodes


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