My Naughty Wife

My Naughty Wife

"how are you"

Amy leaf
Amy leaf
So sweetie how are you doing?
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
ehh-im doing good
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
are you still up to your lying and tricks?
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
what do you mean mom
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
I'm a good child
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
sure sure
Zach leaf
Zach leaf
hey sister 😊
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
hey big bro
Avery leaf
Avery leaf
Amity 😊
Avery hugs Amity while Amity was talking to zach
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
Avery leaf
Avery leaf
*raises paw*
Avery leaf
Avery leaf
aww so cute
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
you know mom maybe you can buy Avery a pet right
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
so then you can take it?
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
I won't I promise
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
you said that last time when you took your brothers
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
by the way where is your brothers pet
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
he's in my house with nono
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
I want you to give him back to Zach
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
ok whatever
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
I will do it someday
Jackson leaf
Jackson leaf
she means it amity
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
I'll do it relax
Zach leaf
Zach leaf
so mom just cooked do you want?
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
no I was just about to leave
Amy leaf
Amy leaf
Ok sweetie well bye I love you
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
me to
Amity leaf
Amity leaf
come Polly let's go
*goes in amity's hand*
Hi I know I made some mistake and I'm sorry
anyways bye


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