Mistake Is A Huge Deal

Mistake Is A Huge Deal


(not important) author
(not important) author
There was a time when emperor were rules.... there was a country named AKA..... At first there was peace in that country. The emperor of this country is so kind caring helping love.
(not important) author
(not important) author
Even if The criminal were, but emperor found them and punished them he was an ideal of everyone.......
(not important) author
(not important) author
but after many years a boy birth in the neighborhood country
crying sounds of baby
doctor: congratulations you had a boy
father: really thank you mam
father: 📱 hello sweetie now you have a baby boy be ready I'm coming to pick up you okay 👍🏻
daughter: really ok dad
after some year
(not important) author
(not important) author
that baby boy 4 years young now
(not important) author
(not important) author
the country AKA is doing good and the emperor of this country is doing so good and running a country smoothly
(not important) author
(not important) author
forgot to tell you that in this year he had a son who is 2 year younger right now
the mother of that baby boy is died when he was only 5 months
with Than _________ knock ________
father: baby wait for me okay I will answer the door
father: May I know who are you guys
a young man: of course you can but before that you have to go to hell
father: ohhhh
(terrible) $hide behind some things$
a young guy: boss I have done according to your order
$crying while covering the mouth with his hand$


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