Falling in Love with the Vegetative

Falling in Love with the Vegetative

Episode 1

Nina is a very kind and patient young woman. She lives with her aunt Carla. Her parents died in a car accident, leaving her very sad and lonely. Her aunt loved her very much but was always traveling and enjoying life.

Before he died, Nina's father had made an agreement with his friend, Rodolfo, about the future of their children, where Nina would marry Vitor...

Nina was twenty years old and Vitor was thirty...

He was much older, but that's how their parents wanted it...

Vitor had been in a car accident a year ago and was in a vegetative state. There was no more hope for him medically.

Nina was relieved because she thought that this way she wouldn't have to marry Vitor because she didn't have a good relationship with him. Because she always went to parties with her aunt, he would always throw it in her face that he was going to marry a little girl...




Carla: Nina, dear, Rodolfo and Cecilia want to talk to you. They've arranged a dinner tonight. You can't say no. They've been taking care of everything about your company since your parents passed away.

Nina: I hope they're releasing me from that crazy marriage contract since their son is in a vegetative state.

Carla: It's a shame, he's handsome. You would have been a wonderful couple.

Nina: Auntie, he hated me. You know that.

Carla: Oh, he had a crush on you. He just wouldn't admit it because you were younger.

Nina: I know it wasn't that he hated me. I even thought he was handsome and always wanted to get married. I had a platonic love for him, but my fear of him consumed me. Now, your cousin was and is crazy about me...

Carla: Otavio?

Nina: Yes, Auntie. He scares me. He already tried to force himself on me, but thank God I got away quickly.

Carla: You're too fragile to get away quickly, lol.

Nina: I had pepper spray that you gave me, remember, lol.

Carla: I'll buy more... Tell me, niece, are you still a virgin?

Nina: Of course, Auntie...

Carla: You take after your mother. She was just like you...

Nina: I really have to go to dinner tonight, right?

Carla: Yes.

Nina: I don't have a dress.

Carla: Just look at your closet. It's full! I buy so many things for you. Please wear them, Nina.

Nina: Okay, Auntie.

Carla: Look, even I wanted to get married, lol.

Nina: Oh, no! I must be hearing things!

Carla: I'm getting married! You just wait and see, lol.

Nina: I'm going to get ready...

This is Nina, 20 years old.

Vitor, 30 years old.

Nina, ready for dinner...

Carla: Wow, you look wonderful...

Nina: Thank you, Auntie. I take after you.

Carla: Physically, yes, lol.

Nina: Ugh.

Carla: The driver is waiting for us...

Nina: Let's go, Auntie.

Carla: Let's go.

At the Valverde Mansion:

Rodolfo and Cecilia were waiting.



Rodolfo: Welcome!

Carla: Thank you.

Nina: Thank you, Uncle.

Cecilia: My dear girl, you're so beautiful! I haven't seen you in ages.

Nina: Auntie, I've been busy studying. I'm in my second year of psychology.

Cecilia: I know, my dear...

Dinner is wonderful! Carla says, smiling.

Rodolfo: Well, the reason for this dinner...


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