I Love You Man...But I'm A Girl

I Love You Man...But I'm A Girl


《Tabark Allah 》
Two bad @ss & too powerful police Detectives
Each of them hates the other the most
& works in a far away department from the other's
to avoid seeing each other's faces
But....due some mission
they were forced by their boss
to work together & share the same room
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
•Saying to his boss
(Hunter : An English name, Hunter was the surname of someone who hunts.)
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
It's final
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
I will never work with him no matter what
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Even if It required me to quit my job .....
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
I would do it in order not see his face in each day
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
•saying to his boss
(Connal means “strong wolf” in Irish.)
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
😠I got into hell
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
building my own reputation
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
& I will never risk it for ...
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
a rushed decision & short tempered
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
person like him😤😤😤
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Me.....💢😡😡a rushed decision & short tempered person?
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
The Boss
The Boss
•Shouted,.....interrupting them
The Boss
The Boss
🤨You two shut your mouths
The Boss
The Boss
🤨I'm the boss here & the only one
The Boss
The Boss
🤨Who can decide who works with whom
The Boss
The Boss
😑& I'm saying that you are the most powerful police men here
The Boss
The Boss
'the smartest as well.....& I need you two to unite
The Boss
The Boss
your powers to do this hard mission
The Boss
The Boss
& a short tempered & rushed decision person like Hunter
The Boss
The Boss
would be the perfect partner to
The Boss
The Boss
an attentive, calm & wise person like Connal
The Boss
The Boss
to control his rushing & make him give me
The Boss
The Boss
the best he can give instead of causing me problems as usual
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
😬but boss...
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
😬I didn't came here to fix his mistakes
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
😖& learn him how to use his power wisely
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
😬I came here to get the criminal down
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
😬& put them in their right place
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
😬to get their punishment
The Boss
The Boss
•smiling......😊but I gave you that Job
The Boss
The Boss
😊& will do whatever you are willing too or not
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
The Boss
The Boss
•smiling broadly......
The Boss
The Boss
😃but both of you will do this mission together
The Boss
The Boss
😑because if you didn't....
The Boss
The Boss
😌next month.......I would give a very bad annual report
The Boss
The Boss
😌about you two
The Boss
The Boss
😌with a B(bad) mark as a yearly evaluation
The Boss
The Boss
😏Wich with it you won't be able to work
The Boss
The Boss
😏in any place belongs to police circle
The Boss
The Boss
😒even this department 😊
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
The Boss
The Boss
😤As you two heard it
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
but after this mission ends
both of them, said at the same time
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
Connal : The bad @ss Police Detective
We won't work......
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
.......with each other again
The Boss
The Boss
Indeed, they worked as a team at day
& became roommates at night
But what if suddenly......
they faced unexpected matter
& Hunter had to take off Connal's clothes due some reason
& figured out that the strong bad @ss partner with a man appearance from out side
Is not a thing except a hot girl from inside
& instead of telling her that he figured that out ....he decided to
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
I have never expected that
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
but I really just found the most interesting game ever
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
& I will never stop playing it with her from now on
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Hunter : The bad @ss Police Detective
Yeah, he decided to play with the fire
& got no idea that
"who plays with fire will have his fingers burned first"🤭🤭🤭
& unconsciously he would fall in her love deeply
In The Time
This girl believes that she is a man
Who can't beloved by any other man no matter what
What is gonna happen with those tough couple?
We will now that through this amazing story
Which coming to you, soon
Written by : Rahma Ali
after I finish Rahma's ongoing stories, I will start uploading this one
I hope you like this chapter & comment if you liked
that's may make me upload it sooner than I was planning to all of sudden in a day & night
I still don't know 😊😊😊😊
Thank you so much for your supporting in advance🥰😘


🍃🌺 Helô 🌺🍃

🍃🌺 Helô 🌺🍃




blossom 🌸

blossom 🌸

interesting love story 😘😘😘








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