Treat You Better! Chifuyu Matsuno - Chifuyu X Y/N! (Tokyo Revengers)

Treat You Better! Chifuyu Matsuno - Chifuyu X Y/N! (Tokyo Revengers)

Episode 1 : What About You?

Random Guy
Random Guy
I-i've always liked you...can you go on a date with me please?
I glanced at guy's flushed face, when are they ever going to stop?
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
My best friend, Ellie yelled from a far.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
I replied, not looking bothered by the boy.
Random Guy
Random Guy
Hey wait, it took me months to confess to you... atleast say something!
The guy shouted, i turned back to him with lolipop on my mouth.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Sorry, you're not my type.
Random Guy
Random Guy
So what is your type?! tell me... I'll also be like that!
I stared at his face.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Random Guy
Random Guy
The guy shuttered.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
If you have to change to get someone to love should just let them go.
I walked away saying that, leaving the guy stunned.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Again a proposal?
I rolled my eyes.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
I wonder when are they gonna stop doing this.
Ellie Chuckled.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
They just can't accept the fact that you're out of their league.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Let's stop talking about them and start playing, remember our bet last time?
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Ofcourse, how can i forget it... whoever looses will confess to their crush.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Yeah, then let's start playing.
We played 1v1 basketball match, and I won the bet.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Can't believe i loose.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Better luck next time.
I winked at Ellie while she rolled her eyes.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Now do it.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Ellie took out her phone and started messaging someone.
I peeked to see who it is.
The contact was saved as “Baji”!
I smirked.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
So he is your crush huh~
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Sh-shut-up... don't tease me now!
Ellie pouted with a blush on her face.
I giggled.
Suddenly we heard a Beng sound and looked toward the direction where it came from.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
huh, seems like someone fell.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Aren't they playing soccer? they must be hurt.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Let's go and see.
We hurriedly went toward the area where they were playing soccer a while ago before the beng sound.
And we were right, there was someone on seemed like they got hit by a soccer ball.
I looked at the person, and it was Chifuyu.
My eyes widened at his state, his nose was bleeding and face was flushed red because of the hit.
Chifuyu's Pov.
Cristofer Edward
Cristofer Edward
Man you good?
The soccer player guy asked, i was froze at the moment.
It felt like it wasn't a accident...he was aiming at me..
Suddenly i saw Yui coming toward my direction.
Yui L/n
Yui L/n
Are you ok?!
She asked, i nodded my head...but instead coming to me, she went toward the guy who's name was Cristofer i guess.
Yui L/n
Yui L/n
Are you ok, you didn't get hurt right?
Cristofer Edward
Cristofer Edward
I didn't...but what about your boyfriend?
He looked toward my stunned face, i was hurt...but more hurt because of Yui's action.
I was the one who got hit by the ball, but she went to that guy who didn't even had a scratch.
Yui L/n
Yui L/n
Ohh, don't worry about him, let's continue the game since you're ok.
She smiled at the guy and they started going toward the other direction.
The guy looked at me before going..his look was saying that i looked pathetic just now.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
That bi*ch, I just hate her for so many reasons...and one of the reason is that she always act all bi*chy around every famous guy out there even though she got a f*cking boyfriend.
I looked at the direction where the voice came from, i didn't notice earlier...but there were so many people who were staring at me.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Don't you useless people have something else to do? Go to your class right now... the bell will soon ring.
Elliana the class president commanded, everyone started going toward the class.
But there was her too...Yui's sister who always used to look me with that looking which says that i look pathetic whenever Yui does something.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Aren't you going to get up? the class will ring soon.
She said giving me a hand to get up, i was surprised for a second...then accepted her hand.
Chifuyu Matsuno
Chifuyu Matsuno
I thanked, she left before saying anything with her best friend Ellie.
Baji Keisuke
Baji Keisuke
Oi chifuyu, what you doing out here?
Baji tapped my shoulder, i turned to him.
Chifuyu Matsuno
Chifuyu Matsuno
Ohh Baji-san, i was just about to go to washroom and wash my face.
Baji Keisuke
Baji Keisuke
You look all bloody, who did that?
Baji Keisuke
Baji Keisuke
I'm gonna beat the shit outta him... whoever it is.
Chifuyu Matsuno
Chifuyu Matsuno
It's alright Baji-san, we were playing and i got hit... it's nothing serious.
I lied.
Baji Keisuke
Baji Keisuke
If you say so, anyways... let's go and wash your face now.
I nodded my head and started going toward the washroom before glancing back at Y/n who was going toward the class.
Y/n's Pov.
I glanced back at Chifuyu, who was with Baji.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Why don't you just go and confess already?
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
I don't know what you're talking about.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Ofcourse to that blonde guy, i know you like him man.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
He is my sister's boyfriend, i don't want to ruin their relationship.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Whatever, she doesn't treat him right anyways.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
He deserves more better.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
I also think he does though...but i can't do anything.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
It's his choice if he wants to stay with Yui, I can't interfere in that. besides...Yui is my sister, i don't want to steal her boyfriend.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
She will also realise someday that she loves him and he is best for her.
I looked down with a fake smile after saying that.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
You're thinking about Yui... but what about you?
My eyes widened.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
You should be selfish sometimes and think about yourself.
Elliana Anderson
Elliana Anderson
Yui can never love Chifuyu as much as you love him.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
The bell ring.
Y/n L/n
Y/n L/n
The class had started, let's go to the class now...
I changed the subject and started going toward the class.
To Be Continue.


Rose 🌹

Rose 🌹

love it





love u gurl





bish i wonder how chifuyu fell in love with you



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