The Duchess's Reincarnated!

The Duchess's Reincarnated!

Ch.1 I got reincarnated!


I was driving home one night, then "Crash!" The car next to me had slammed me into the guard rails, flinging me head first into my window. The last thing I could remember was my head was pounding and my ears ringing, as I felt sweat running down my forehead, but when I went to rub it off my hands felt sticky, I looked down to see them all red. Then my vision started blurring, everything started black, the last thing I had seen was my bloodied palms, and then it felt like I was falling. All I could think was is this the end, what about my parents, or my brother, would I never see them again?

A million questions swirled in my head, but then I heard a voice " Beatrice wake up!" Was I in the hospital? As I opened my eyes I saw an unfamiliar face staring at me. "W..who are you?" I started sitting up. "I already told you yesterday, I'm Marie." She threw the bed cover off of me. I looked around, seeing a small room with four beds, a few candles and some maid garments. "Where am I?"I said looking at her "Stop messing around, just because today is your first day doesn't mean you can slack off. We need to get to work." She threw a dress at me. "Get ready." Instead of arguing I just did what she said, it wasn't worth getting yelled at.

Marie led me all around the manor showing, and telling me all the jobs I needed to do. But the entire time I could only think "where is this, how did I get here, I'm just an ordinary college student, in Korea, why am I here, is it a movie set" But every time I started zoning out Marie snapped at me "Are you paying any attention", all I knew was this tour could, not had been over with fast enough

I was done with my "tour" around lunchtime so, Marie told me to go eat lunch, with the other maids and they'll show me what to do from there, so I sat down at a table full of maids gossiping about the newest scandal in town, once they noticed me they a looked at me like I was a fly, soon their faces all grinned. "Oh you're the new hire, Beatrice right" one giggled with a grin. "Uh.. yea I guess so" I said, fidgeting with my fingers. One smirked and said "Don't worry we'll show you the ropes." But her tone didn't seem right. I soon found out why.

6 hours later

    "I can't believe it all of them dumped half their chores on me", I thought to myself scrubbing dishes, mumbling curses at them. But that doesn't matter right now, I need to find out where I am, and how I got here, then I remembered the crash. It has to be the reason I'm here, maybe I've been reincarnated into a novel, or maybe this is a dream, or maybe .. My thought was cut short, by me overhearing two maids gossiping "The Silver dukedom, is falling apart, if the Duke doesn't do something soon, a war might break out." The Silver dukedom that sounds nothing like any of the novels I read. "WHERE ON EARTH AM I" I internally screamed. But then I heard a real scream from the one of the upper floors, I rushed to check it out, but as I got closer I heard glass clattering, on the ground, and yelling. Then I saw a maid crouched down on the floor trembling "Are you alright." I said offering my hand to her, she just pointed to the door behind me where the sounds were coming from. I slowly opened the door, then I felt two hands push me from behind, I fell forward into the room, and the door slammed shut. I looked up to see two blood red eyes staring at me with such a sinister look, I thought I would die, I slowly retreated up until my back was pinned to the door behind me, then the figure of the man that those eyes belonged to, stepped out of the shadows.

He was tall, and he had broad shoulders, with rough face which made him all the more menacing, but as he drew closer I realized, the man's face was twisted with pain, not with bad will

"Are you alright sir." I stepped towards him, feeling his forehead. "Ah you're burning up!" I turned to go get some medicine but he held my hand steadily. "Stay.. stay here."

After thinking for a second I said "Okay but you are, ill you need to lie down." Then I led him to the bed at the end of the cluttered room, trying to avoid glass shards. But when we got to the bed he collapsed, so I had to drag him into the bed, and turned to leave, then I felt two arms wrap around me. "Hey let go!" I pushed his hands away, but he didn't let go, and after a few minutes of this I gave up, and felt my eyes grow heavy, as I drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up, woman." A voice demanded, and I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake. "I'm awake." I said sitting up so fast that I got light headed, then the man from last night, said "Good!" while leaning over me, now I could see he's features, he has jet black hair, sharp red eyes and, a long scar running down his face "Now tell me what the meaning of this is." I shrunk back some "meaning of what" He scowled "Of some random woman waking up in my bed that's what." I straightened myself and said confused. "You're the meaning of it, last night you wouldn't let me leave your arms." His scowl turned into smirk. "That's impossible." Now he was getting on my nerves, I looked him straight in the eyes. "Last night you were burning with fever, so I dragged you to your bed, and we I turned to leave you held onto me so I couldn't leave."



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