Yellow Pages Of A Diary

Yellow Pages Of A Diary



Hiding is not the best solution when there is war in your vicinity. But, what could I do? I am only fourteen and I do not even know how to handle a gun. My muscles are not quite capable of carrying my entire body and my belongings through this messy area.

It is day 57 in hiding and I am doing a bit better than before. The army forces have temporarily left this place; I can now easily go and hunt for food. I have met quite a few people, like me, on the way and needless to say, I had a wonderful chat with them.

I met Conny, Bastien and Quin among them. Ever since I first met them, they have been accompanying me for hunt every day. We have become fast friends, and I believe none of us would ever try and break this unique bond we hold.


Quin folds the page with his long and calloused fingers, so gentle as if he was caressing his lover. Kissing it lightly, the man put it in a pouch and zip it shut.

Gripping the reigns, he led his horse farther into the broken town, his subordinates following him with caution. They had no clue what they were searching for; a week since the great war has passed and General Quin had asked them to accompany him to an investigation. Being soldiers and true to their duty, they agreed and galloped around continuously with minimum breaks.

Despite their long struggle, all they found was a yellow crinkled page hidden between two books of an almost ruined bookshelf. The men were baffled as to why the paper was important - it raised curiosity within them.

"General Quin, why is that we venture in this broken town for a week and leave with only a mere sheet of paper?" A soldier, brave enough, dared to ask.

Quin closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled lightly. "It is no 'mere' sheet of paper. This may be a likely path to an underground concentration camp."

"Underground concentration camp?" The soldier was baffled. "What is written as such in the paper?"

"A victim has left a trail for us to follow."

"A trail? How could they predict that they were about to be abducted and leave clues accordingly?"

The general smiled fondly. "They were coy enough to make it possible."

"What if it's a trap?"

"Rest assured, the victim is someone from my knowledge." And from his heart.

"If you trust them general, we will always await for your orders. Anything to destroy the ones who brought our homeland to ruins."

"I am quite relieved to be having reliable soldiers like you by my side. I will not let your efforts go in vain." He replied solemnly.

The troop saluted their general and began following Quin to their next destination. It was quite absurd to blindly follow a bunch of papers laid as if it were a game of treasure hunt, but if it was something of utmost importance to their leader, they would follow it blindly too.


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