Ep 9~

Priest: My child,Why are you screaming?!??

Anmol :I ....i..i ...don't know..my head was hurting ...it hurts like hell...!

Priest : Ohhh..then you have to hurry up.!! You can't keep your powers compressed! They are bursting inside your body.You have to activate them..Hurry Up!! Maybe your memories also do not want to stay compressed..

Priest : Anshi, my child why you were screaming??

Anshi :Me?? i was screaming because,Anmol screamed...

Aarnav : Fool!!😤😥😡

Anshi : Oh ....yeah ,hehehe...

Aarman : Really!!! We dont need any loudspeaker where girls are present..their scream are living loud speaker.....😑📢📣

Anshi : Hey!! dare you say that again!! 😡😡😈

Priest : My children, you need to find the eternal crystal very soon...And there is a problem....

Anmol : Problem!?? What is that??

Priest : Emm...you have to find the king of fire and then only u will be ableble to activate your powers....its your boy frnd who lost his memory ...without him finding those divine crystals will also be very hard and withot him you cant activate your powers at all.....

Anmol : oooh is that.....nothig!! Lets find Aarav ..my bf who lost his memory....sigh..

Anshi. : okay..but its night already..how can we find Him in night???

priest : Whatever happens ..but you have to find him today itself!!!

Anmol : ok we will try our best even if it costs my life!!

Anshi : Anmol!!! !!! How can you say that ??!! You can not die i cant live without you...oww my bestie( Hugs Anmol like a puppy)..

Anmol : Do you really want to be a lesbian!!??? Leave me!! Its suffocating me! leave or else i will die here only!!!!!

Anmol : Then father( Priest) We will take our leave...thank u...

Priest : Be sucessfull my child ...If your love is strong enough ,,he(Aarav) will not hurt you...Good luck...

Aarnav : Lets goooo...

Anmol: It will be dark within an hour .. drive faster!!

Anmol : wait wait wait ! Park car here..

i think that forest is the place i will meet him....

Anshi : owww thats scary...😢

Anmol : Dont be scared .. i have my pet and protection dragon..and also the legendary ice dragon...

Anshi : Hey, hey!Anmol you are making

me more scared..dragons ???!!! Who has dragons as their pet and protector?!!!

Anmol. : Oh dear my pet is a magical creature who is always with me only my protector is a dragon...

Anshi : Your pet i have never seen it ...if it is not a dragon then what is it??

Anmol : It is a magical and powerfull unicorn....!!!

Anshi : Woowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Anmol : Close your mouth there are many flies they can move inside your mouth....

Aarnav.: Then who is your protector dragon and the legendary ice draogon??

Anmol : My protector dragon is available but......the legendary ice dragon is sealed inside me...it can only come out when there Aarav's legenday fire dragon will be summoned.....

Aarman : So princess Anmol oh sorry angle princess anmol how many secrets do you have...and that damn brat Aarav also didnt tell us these things we friends for more than 7 years ....hmp!! You two are really a mach made in heaven.....

Anmol : So you all want to see my protector dragon ??? as the legenday ice dragon will only come out when the fire dragon is summoned...

Everyone. : Yes yes yessssss!!!! we want see your protector dragon..show us right now . we can not wait!!!!!

Anmol : okay ~~~~see i am summoning my protector dragon.. ($@@$//##^&&~%{>~¤♡¤`~{>~``%||《》《\¡¿) Show yourself in front of your master ..show yourself to me!!

Everyone : Wowwww...scary😰 but beautifulllllllll😍 o my gosh....a real dragon..!!!!😱😱😱😱😲😲😲😨😨😵😨

Anmol : okay now eveyone lets go inside the forest .. and yes its a magical forest so be CAREFUL!!

Anshi : The forest is getting more and more pretty as we move in .its indeed a magical forest....

Anmol : Yeah ! You are right....ummm ouch!!

Aarnav : What happened Anmol!!??

Anmol : Me ok i m im ok okay...owww ahhhh hh!!! no! it it it hurts it feels like ahhhh!! som... something no not something every thing is breaking inside my body......ahh oww aaahhh i cant take it ...what whats happening??how can the seal be broken...ia Aarav already in the ....forest. ???is he summoning the ...the...legendary fire dragon ??!! Ahhh! how ...how can my snow seal be broken...stay stay stay...away from me away!! The legendar ice drago is ahhh!! Com ..coming out!! ahhh oeeeewahhA!!

Eveyone : what ??!! the legendary fire dragon is already summoned ?? ! anmol ! Are you okay...???

Anshi : Oh my god !!!! the the LEGENDARY FIRE DRAGON !!!!!!! OMG!!

Everyone looks up..

Everyone : OH!!!!! MY!!!!!! GODDDDDD!!!!!😨😨😲😲😲😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😨😨😨

Anshi : Oh my Anmol !! hey every one ! see whats happening upon Anmol!!!

Aarman : is is is it THE FORMATION OF LEGENDARY ICE DRAGON ??!!!!!!


Anmol : it hurtsssss ahhh!!!

Then how will be the view of the legendary ice dragon ??!!

i can't wait to see....

Hey guys !! how is it ? If you like it ....then please like and leave a comment.....it means a lotttttttt to me ! 😇😇😇💚💛💚💜💜💓❤💙💙💖💖💕💕💗💘💘💞💝💟💚💗💗💝💚💛💝💝💓💞💞💝❤💙💖❤💙💚💛💛💜💓❤

See you soon in next episode~~~♡♡☆....





Thanks for making this kind of supernatural story and
are you a army, too???



jamy johnason

jamy johnason

plz. update next ep soon



jamy johnason

jamy johnason




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