At the hospital.........
ANMOL: Where is he??(crying)
Nurse: Who? the Prince? Room no.1969
Anmol: (Rushes. reaches room no. 1969 Bam!! opens the door..) Aa....Aarav.....
Why isn't he opening his eyes???
Aarman: He is very weak... he sometimes opens eyes and closes...
Anshi: Look!! He is opening his eyes..
Aarav: Aarman,Aarnav ,who are thos girls???
Anmol: 😯😦😟😣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 cant rememb ME??!!
ANSHI: 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲
Aarman: your love , your life, your soul ...ANMOL...
Aarav:WHAT??!!! NO I dont have any girlfriend!!! And i want some one more hotter and beautiful!! Not like her!!
(She has remained as Campus belle from her childhood!!!!!How can he say that!!)
Anmol:😨😵😢😢 You dont love me? Is beauty so important to you? You only once said ' Beauty is not important , you love my heart'....
Aarav: Shut up !! I never said that!!! Now listen it clearly..''I LOVE ONLY HOT AND BEAUTIFUL GIRL '' AND THE ONE WHO IS 'STRONG' NOT A CRY BABY LIKE YOU!!
ANMOL: (Burst into tears) you scolded me? you said you will make the person dissapear from the world who will even talk rudely with me....
Aarav: How can you make such a great story??? Look!! that girl is my Love she is way more hotter than you....
Everyone : *(Turn around)
Aarav: She is Mohini...
MOHINI: HEH!!😈😏 i am more better than you Anmol~ Why would my darling love you!!?? huh?? you are not HOT!,,PRETTY!,AND NOT STRONG TOOO .. I DONT KNOW HOW YOU BECAME THE PRINCESS OF UNDERWORLD!!! damn!!Bitch!!
Anshi : Hey !! you !! Bitch!! how dare you say that to her!!?? she is quite strong , very pretty ,and she has!! the LEADERSHIP! quality!! You are the bitch!!!!!!!😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😠😠😠...(Tries to slap mohini)
Aarav: (Suddenly holds Anshi's hand )
Dont you Dare to touch her!!
Anshi: Oh wow!!she called your love a Bitch!! And you....huh what a Boyfriend!!!!!!😡😡😠
Aarman : What the hell are you talking about!!??? You were ready to give away your life for her and now.....
anshi grabs Anmol's hand and rushes out....
Anmol: Hey why are you pulling me!??
Anshi: Why are you crying!!?? Listen Mohini is not a human !! She is a witch!
and cant you see your divine loket was shining like a star and some black aura was coming out of that mohini....
Aarman,Aarnav: What!!!!
Anshi : Yes you twa are listening right she is not a human..
Anmol: Wa..wait! What time is it ?
Anshi: Why are you asking soo... by the way the time is 12:12am..29th of September 2020 ..Oh yes!!Happy Birth day anmol!!😊😊😇
Arnav : Happy birth day anmol!!
Aarman: Happy birth day Anmol and AARAV !
Everyone except Anmol:😲😲😲😲😱😱😱😲😲😨😨😵😵😵😵😵😵😱😱😱😲😲😲😱😲😲😲
Anmol : Yes, he.. he turned 25!! And the day came but we are unmarried...My grandma told me that when the prince
Aarav will turn 25 She will come to fulfil her ETERNAL WISH!! Which she wanted 500 Years ago...
Anshi: What shall we do????!
Anmol: We have 3 ways one. to give Aarav to her .2 . To do time travel to find out why mohini wants Aarav and...3 . To become more powerfull than her...
Aarnav: But you are a daugther of a Goddes and a God! they are most powerful Deities!!! So also you are a power full princess !!you inhert all the genes and characterstics of most powerfull Deites they are your parents....
Anmol: I know but mohini knows that i lack physcial fitness i am not strong......I have to be stronger than her and i am perfect in everything else....
Anshi and Aarnav: (At a time) Then you should improve yourself!!!!
Aarman: Are you two tape recorders!!??
Anmol: Hahahahah....
Anmol : Fine I will start my training today itself! I have to be stronger!!!
Everyone : Yes!! You can do it..
Mohini: Heh!!Hello~ Cry baby anmol and her powerless and useless friends ..
Anmol: How dare you!!
Mohini : I dare~ so what!!??
Anmol: You evil witch!! You are not better than the divine powers...that i have !!You will repent!!!
Mohini : Hmmm then lets see who laughs at the end.....
guys i updated!!please guys please tip comment and like and also Share the manga ..It means a loooot to me.😇😘
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oh god damn nice plot author heats off too you
author seriously when mohini comes in my mind that song plays on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 you can understand author right
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