Hello guys it's my first work I'm sharing with you all.
I hope you all will like and enjoy it ☺.
Now let's start with Introduction.
Slayer (ML)
My Name is Slayer, 5000 yr old Dragon.
I'm a Prince Of A Great Dragon World. my father is king.
Now I'm in a trouble, becoz I lost my love of life, hope you guys help me find my love.
I'm Nadia, 22 yr old ( single girl 😞)
And I'm not a princess, I'm a normal girl. 😗
my hobbies are dancing, drawing, reading comic book, manga, watching kdrama😉,
playing games.
I hate exams so much.
plz help me 😩 guys to find a hot, sexy and handsome guy 🥲🤤.
😅 hehe... our female lead is so talkative.
Zartan (ML bff)
Hi guys, my name is Zartan and I'm a good boy 😅.
Slayer (ML)
😒😒 what the hell Zartan give your proper intro.. to our readers.
Zartan (ML bff)
oh sorry,
I'm Zartan, Prince's bff, I always helps him in every single moment of his life.
we are together since we start breathing.
(Age : same as Prince's).
sofi (fl bff)
Hey guys, I'm sofi, 22 yr old
I'm Nadia's bff.
my hobbies are not diff.. from nadia's coz we are bff ☺☺
but I have a bf.
it's been 16 yrs we are best frnds. 🤗
Yaa Yaa... you always have more than one bf. 😂
sofi (fl bff)
oh please Nadia don't talk about this with our readers
Dragon messenger (phillip)
Hi, I'm a Dragon messenger. my name is Phillip,
I'm a faithful servant of my prince.
oh and I'm 7000 yrs old.
ohh thank you so much my characters, you all introduced yourself to our readers.
ÏRÍS (✿^‿^){ファイザ WÍFÉ}
i don't know where to concentrate the body or 👀👀
yeah yeah 😂😂🤣 , you got it.
i smell taehyung 👀