Ch.15: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin 3

Those figures were dressed in white prisoner garb and bore no heads. It appeared they were

newly-executed criminals, every one of them holding a head in their hands. They wobbled

slowly towards the ox cart as their heads buzzed in those boney arms.

Xie Lian instructed the other two on the cart in a low voice, “In a moment, when they approach,

do not make a sound.”

San Lang tilted his head. “Gege27, I can’t believe you’re a man with superpowers!”

He sounded greatly interested, and Xie Lian replied, “Not really superpowers, I only know a

teeny bit of tricks. They can’t see us now, but it’ll be hard to say when they get close.”

That old cart driver’s eyes were already wide with fear after seeing the flight of a silk cloth, and

now that there were headless walkers, his eyes were about to roll back in terror. He shook his

head repeatedly.

“Nononono, I don’t think I can hold my voice in! Daozhang, what should I do?!”

“...Then, there’s another way, too. I apologize in advance.”

Then he swiftly swung his hand and tapped a point on the old man’s back, and instantly he

slumped and passed out. Xie Lian caught him lightly and laid him down flat on the ox cart while

he himself assumed the driver’s seat. Suddenly, he sensed a strange movement behind him,

and when he turned back to look, he saw that youth had also followed after him and settled right

behind his person.

Xie Lian asked, “Are you alright?”

San Lang propped up his chin. “Of course not. I’m scared.”

Although his voice didn’t have a single trace of fright, Xie Lian still comforted him, “Don’t be

scared. You’re behind me, nothing will harm you.”

That youth smiled, not saying a word. Xie Lian suddenly realized the youth was actually staring

at him. A moment later, it finally dawned on him that what this youth was staring at was actually

the cursed shackle around his neck.

This cursed shackle was like a black collar bound to the neck, completely inconcealable. It could

easily cause one to make bad conjectures. Xie Lian pulled at his collar lightly, even though that

couldn’t hide anything.

27 “Gege” is a familiar address for older brother.

The skies had darkened, and that youth’s expression could no longer be seen. Xie Lian picked

up the reins to gently urge that ox. That group of ghosts in criminal garb walked over and were

wanting to pass, but kept sensing there was something blocking the middle of the road, so they

all cursed up and down.

“What the hell’s going on? Why can’t we pass?!”

“Yeah! What the hell! Is it haunted?”

“Fucking hell, we’re the ones doing the haunting, alright?”

Xie Lian finally soothed the ox, and the cart silently passed by this band of headless criminal

ghosts. Listening to the heads banter, Xie Lian thought them rather hilarious. They were full of

petty woes:

“Um, did you make a mistake? How come it feels like the one holding your head is my body?”

“You’re the one whose body grabbed the wrong head!”

“Hurry and switch back then, you guys…”

“How come the cut around your neck ain’t clean?”

“Sigh, the executioner was a newbie. It took him five to six tries before he managed to chop my

head off. Made me think he did it on purpose!”

“Your family probably didn’t tip him well enough. Next time don’t forget to pay the guy, and he’ll

give you one clean chop!”


The fifteenth day of the seventh month was the Zhongyuan Festival—the biggest festival for the

ghost realm. On this day, the gates to the underworld opened, and all manner of spirits, ghosts,

monsters, and demons rushed out to play. Mortals should avoid them at all cost; especially on a

night like this, it was best to stay home with every door and window shut. But Xie Lian had

always had rotten luck. Even just drinking water and the water could get stuck between his

teeth; even wearing holy repellent gear, ghosts would still appear, like right now. Ghost fires

flared all around them; several were playing tag, some were expressionlessly mumbling to

themselves in a corner trying to catch the offerings and paper money burnt for the afterlife by


28 It's folk custom to burn paper money and other paper imitations of daily objects for the deceased, in the

hopes that they will receive them and use them for the afterlife.

A scene like this certainly epitomized the word “pandemonium”. Xie Lian crossed through the

middle, thinking that from now on he must pay more attention to the calendar when going out.

Suddenly, a screech that sounded like a chicken being butchered cried out.


This scream made all the ghosts anxious.


The ghost that screeched answered, “I’m scared out of my wits! I found so many shattered

ghost fires over there, they were all brutally crushed, what hostility!”

“All shattered? Then they’re truly broken beyond saving! That really is too much!”

“Who did it? Could it be…have monks and cultivators infiltrated us?!”

That band of headless people started shouting.

“AH! Now that you’ve mentioned it, weren’t we blocked by something on the road earlier with no

way of passing? Could that have been…”

“Where, where?”

“Right there!”

Xie Lian cried “oh no!” mentally.

The next second, a large group of monsters, demons, and ghosts surrounded the ox cart, each

of their faces savage. They said maliciously, “I smell the steaming smell of yang…”

They couldn’t hide any longer!

It was already unreasonable for a live human to be crashing in on a band of ghosts on

Zhongyuan Festival, as if Xie Lian wanted to actually fight with such a large mob of creatures.

He urged the cart and shouted, “GO!”

That ox was terrified and was already stomping its hooves anxiously while it stood. Once it

heard the shout, it didn’t need to be ordered twice before it pulled the cart into a mad dash.

Xie Lian didn’t forget to grab at the youth sitting behind him. “SIT TIGHT!”

He withdrew Ruoye and conveniently whipped out the path of escape. An ox cart suddenly

revealed itself amidst a circle of ghost fires and dashed out of the siege. Those green-faced,

teeth-baring, limbs-missing ghosts screeched behind the cart.

“THERE REALLY IS A CULTIVATOR!!! DAMN CULTIVATOR IS TIRED OF LIVING!!!”“A live human actually dared to crash our Zhongyuan gathering, you can’t blame us for



Xie Lian was gripping onto the reins with one hand as his other hand fumbled out a large

handful of paper talismans. He threw them onto the ground.


Those were Stumbling Charms, excellent tools for escape. A series of small rumbling noises

could be heard; with every rumble, an obstacle was set up for that band of ghosts, stalling them

for a small bit of time, but only a small bit. Even having used up so many talismans, it wouldn’t

take half an incense time before they caught up. Xie Lian was driving the cart down the

mountain path in an escape as though his bum was on fire when he suddenly called out.


Turns out that old ox had pulled the cart to a fork in the road. Xie Lian saw there were two pitch-

black mountain paths ahead and immediately pulled the reins back.

Now he had to be extra careful here!

On the night of the Zhongyuan Festival, sometimes when people strolled, they might discover a

road that had never existed before. Such a road should never be taken, because if wrongfully

walked, they would enter the ghost realm and never return.

Xie Lian had only just arrived in the area and didn’t know which path was the right one to take.

Then, he remembered the large bag of junk he collected. The miscellaneous items he

purchased earlier in the day included a fortune shaker29. So he thought, why not try and shake

out a fortune to decide? Thus, he fumbled for the fortune shaker and shook it in his hands with a

clattering sound, mumbling as he shook.

“By the Heaven Official’s Blessing, No Paths are Bound! Every Road Leads to Heaven, May

They All be Walked! The first stick left, the second stick right! We’ll go the path with the best


Just as the words left his lips, clack, clack!, two sticks fell out of the shaker, but when he picked

them up and looked, he fell silent.

The worst of bad luck.

29 A fortune shaker is a wooden jar full of thin bamboo sticks, with varying degrees of good and bad luck

inscribed on the bottom ends. The idea is to shake the jar with a wish in mind, and the first stick that

drops out will dictate the outcome of the wish.

Both sticks were the worst of bad luck; both roads were perilous, so didn’t this mean they were

going to die no matter what?

Xie Lian felt a little exasperated and shook the shaker furiously once more with both hands.

“Dear fortune shaker, this is our first meeting, why are you so heartless? I’m going to try again.

Please give me some face this time.”

Clack, clack. Two sticks again this time, and when he picked them up, they were both still the

worst of bad luck!

“Let me try?” San Lang spoke up suddenly.

It couldn’t end up worse than his, anyway, so Xie Lian passed the fortune shaker over. San

Lang received it with a single hand and casually gave it a shake. Out fell two fortune sticks, and

he picked them up and handed them to Xie Lian without even so much a glance. Xie Lian gave

them a look, and they were both, amazingly, the best of good luck. He couldn’t help but be

awed. Since, having reached such a stage of misery, it seemed oftentimes those around him

would also have their fortunes affected by his crummy luck. Who knew if that was actually true,

but either way it was a complaint he’d hear frequently. Yet this youth wasn’t affected in the least,

and a casual shake could have him shake out two of the best of fortunes!

Since both fortune sticks showed the best of good luck, Xie Lian picked a path randomly, and

drove the cart as he praised sincerely.

“My friend, your luck is really quite good.”

San Lang casually tossed the fortune shaker to the back and smiled. “Really? I think my luck is

pretty good, too. It’s always been so.”

Having heard him say “it’s always been so”, Xie Lian thought that the difference between people

truly was as great as heaven and earth. After running for a while, suddenly, wails and hollers

could be heard from all around.



Ghost head after ghost head all popped out.

Xie Lian spoke up, “Ah, I can’t believe we still picked the wrong path.”

The effect of the Stumbling Charms was over; they were still surrounded after all!

There were at least hundreds in this mob of monsters and ghosts, surrounding them in wave

after wave, and the numbers were still increasing. Xie Lian really didn’t know why there were so

many inhuman creatures gathered here, but there wasn’t any time to wonder. Xie Lian said warmly, “It wasn’t my intent to disturb everyone, I pray you will all show us mercy.”

A headless ghost spoke up, “CHE! Stinkin’ cultivator. Why didn’t you show mercy first? The one

who broke and dispersed a bunch of ghost fires over there was your doing, wasn’t it?!”

Xie Lian replied innocently, “It wasn’t us. Truth be told, I’m but a lowly scrap collector.”

“DON’T TRY TO ARGUE! What kind of scrap collector looks like you? You’re clearly a

cultivator! Besides you, who here could be a cultivator that could do such a cruel thing??”

“It doesn’t have to be a cultivator to break and disperse ghost fires,” Xie Lian reasoned.

“Then what can it be? Ghosts?”

Xie Lian quietly placed his hands into his sleeves. “That’s not impossible.”

“HAHAHAHAHAHahahaha damn cultivator! You…you…you…”

The band of ghosts who were laughing and howling to the skies suddenly stopped in their


Xie Lian wondered, “What about me?”

He might’ve asked a question, but they hadn’t just stopped in their tracks now. They all stared at

Xie Lian as if they were seeing something exceedingly terrifying. Their mouths were either wide

open or shut tight, and a number of the heads held in the felons’ hands were even dropped onto

the ground.

Xie Lian ventured, “Everyone? Are you all…”

Yet unexpectedly, before he finished his question, the band of ghosts all fled the scene, like the

wind blowing away remnants of clouds.

Xie Lian was taken aback. “What the???”

He hadn’t even taken out that bundle of talismans he clutched in his hand in his sleeve yet, and

he was found out? Were they really that sharp? And those weren’t even particularly powerful

talismans, either. Xie Lian felt incredulous. Was it really him they saw?

Or something behind him?

Having thought this, he turned his head back and looked behind him.

Behind him, there was only the passed-out ox cart owner and that carefree, red-clad youth who

was still propping up his cheek. Seeing him look over, San Lang smiled and dropped his hand. “Mister cultivator, you’re

amazing! Those ghosts were all scared away by you.”

“...” Xie Lian smiled back. “Really? I didn’t realize I was actually this amazing.”

Then he pulled at the reins a couple times, and the wheels of the ox cart began to roll slowly

once more. The road after that was smooth, and it didn’t take an hour before the ox cart slowly

pulled out of the forest and came to an open mountain path. Down below the hills, the warm

glow of lights illuminated Puqi Village.

That really was the path of “best of luck”, with a close call but no actual danger.

A night breeze brushed by, and Xie Lian turned his head back once more. San Lang seemed to

be in a very good mood and had laid down, watching the moon with his hands pillowed behind

his head. Beneath the faint moonlight, that youth’s complexion looked surreal.

After humming for a moment, Xie Lian smiled. “My friend.”

“What is it?” San Lang replied.

“Have you ever had your fortune told?” Xie Lian asked.

“No?” San Lang replied, turning to face Xie Lian.

“Do you want me to give you a session?”

San Lang looked at him and smiled. “Do you want to give me a session?”

“A little bit,” Xie Lian said.

San Lang gave a slight nod. “Sure.”

He sat up, his body leaned slightly towards Xie Lian. “How do you want to read my fortune?”

“How about palm-reading?” Xie Lian suggested.

Hearing this, the corners of San Lang’s lips curled. It was hard to tell what that smile meant, but

he only replied with, “Sure.”

Then, he extended his left hand to Xie Lian.

This left hand was long and shapely, clean and elegant, a beautiful hand. It wasn’t a vulnerable

kind of beautiful, but rather, there was strength hidden beneath the muscles. It was a hand that

one wouldn’t want to have choking their throat. Xie Lian was mindful of not touching San Lang

due to the slight change in the latter’s expression the last time they touched, so he simply

looked down to study the hand up close.The moon above was bright, but not too bright, yet even in the midst of night, it wasn’t too dark

either. Xie Lian thoroughly scrutinized the hand before him as the ox cart languidly climbed the

hills. The wheels and the wooden shafts creaked as they rolled.

“So?” San Lang asked.

Xie Lian took his time, then slowly said, “You’ve got a good hand.”

“Oh yeah? How so?” San Lang asked.

Xie Lian raised his head and said warmly, “You have a strong character, quite stubborn, but

whenever you run into obstacles you remain true to yourself, and are able to transform the bad

to good. You have a limitless well of good fortune; your future is bright and full of success.”

All of that was complete bullshit, made up on the spot. Xie Lian had never learned palmistry.

Once upon a time, when he was still banished, he often regretted not learning palmistry or face-

reading at the Royal Holy Pavillion. If he had the skills, then earning pennies on the streets

wouldn’t have been so hard, and he wouldn’t have to busk or shatter boulders on his chest.

What he really wanted to see wasn’t the fortune of this youth, but rather whether his hands had

fingerprints and palm prints.

Normal ghosts and monsters could fabricate fake bodies and pretend to be human, but their

craft was rough and often overlooked minute details, such as fingerprints and palm prints.

However, the body of this youth appeared altogether normal; unperturbed and with clear palm

prints. If he was a ghost in disguise, then he had to be of a calibre greater than a Savage to

create such a flawless disguise. But why would a Ghost King of such special status spend his

time traveling with Xie Lian on an ox cart to visit Puqi Village? Just as how heavenly officials

were busily working like machines, Ghost Kings should have their hands full too!

Xie Lian pretended to be confident in his fortune-telling and sweated through his bold-faced lies

until he couldn’t come up with anything else. San Lang watched him unblinkingly the whole time,

sitting through his nonsense with an intrigued smile, and chuckled under his breath.

“Got any more? Hm?” San Lang asked.

No way, did he want Xie Lian to make up some more? “Is there something else you want me to

look at?”

“Don’t fortune-tellers always tell about love and marriage?” San Lang asked.

Xie Lian cleared his throat and replied solemnly, “To be honest, I’m actually not that great at

fortune-telling, so I don’t know how to predict relationships. But I don’t imagine you have

anything to worry about.”

San Lang arched his brows. “Why do you say that?”Xie Lang grinned. “There must be many girls who crush on you.”

“And why do you suppose so many girls must like me?” San Lang asked.

Xie Lian was about to answer before he realized that this kid was manipulating him into praising

him. Helpless and amused, Xie Lian didn’t know what to say and rubbed his forehead.

“San Lang…”

This was the first time Xie Lian ever called San Lang by name, and the youth laughed

delightfully, letting Xie Lian off the hook. The ox cart had finally laboriously entered the village,

and Xie Lian turned around and hurriedly got off the cart with his hand lightly supporting his

forehead. San Lang followed behind and jumped off. Xie Lian finally looked up and realized with

a start that San Lang was actually a head taller than him! It wasn’t obvious when the youth was

lazily lying in the hay, but standing tall, the two couldn’t see eye to eye on even ground.

San Lang stood before the cart and stretched, and Xie Lian asked, “San Lang, where will you go


“Don’t know. Maybe sleep on the streets. Or a cave will do,” San Lang sighed.

“That won’t do…” Xie Lian said, concerned.

San Lang shrugged. “Can’t be helped. I’ve no place to go.” Then he grinned. “Thanks for telling

my fortune. I’ll count on your good words. See ya later.”

Xie Lian felt bad about his fortune-telling, and seeing that the youth actually turned to leave, he

quickly called after him. “Wait! Why don’t you come to my shrine, if you don’t mind it?”

San Lang stopped in his tracks and turned halfway around. “Is that okay?”

Xie Lian explained, “The place wasn’t originally mine anyway, and I heard it housed a number of

passersby. It’s just probably much shabbier than what you’re used to, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be


If this boy really was a runaway young master, Xie Lian couldn’t possibly let him run around the

streets aimlessly. He strongly suspected that San Lang may have only eaten that half a bun all

day today, and youth or not, he would collapse somewhere if he kept that up. Hearing Xie Lian,

San Lang turned his body around and said nothing, but walked up close to Xie Lian and leaned

forward. Xie Lian didn’t understand what he was up to, only that the distance between the two

shortened too fast. He suddenly didn’t know what to do.

Then that youth straightened back up and lifted the giant bag of junk in his hand.

He said, “Then, let’s go.”


*hey guys i just wanted to let you know I have decided to also add this story on wattpad for those of you who want to read it there, or for friends of yours who have wattpad and want to read something there, my name will be exactly the same 'Bilyana-12' and my profile picture will also be the same for you to find me more easily, hope you like it see you soon*

3704 words :)










hahahaha ........





I think they're staring at our ghost king 🤨



See all
1 Ch.1: ~Prologue~
2 Continuation of Ch.1:
3 BOOK 1: CRIMSON RAIN SOUGHT FLOWER : The Scrap Immortal...
4 Ch.2:
5 Ch.3:
6 Ch.4: Three Clowns; Night Discussion on the Palace of Gigantic Masculinity
7 Ch.5: Three Clowns; Night Discussion on the Palace of Gigantic Masculinity 2
8 Ch.6: Ghost Takes a Bride; Crown Prince Mounts the Bridal Sedan
9 Ch.7: Ghost Takes a Bride; Crown Prince Mounts the Bridal Sedan
10 Ch.8: Ghost Takes a Bride; Crown Prince Mounts the Bridal Sedan
11 Ch.9: Mountain-Locked Ancient Temple; Forest of Hanging Corpses
12 Ch.10: Mountain-Locked Ancient Temple; Forest of Hanging Corpses 2
13 Ch.11: Mountain-Locked Ancient Temple; Forest of Hanging Corpses 3
14 Ch.12: Red-Clad Ghost; Burning of the Martial and Civil Temples
15 Ch.13: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin
16 Ch.14: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin 2
17 Ch.15: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin 3
18 Ch.16: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin 4
19 Ch.17: Puqi Shrine Talks the Guile Tales of the Half Moon Pass
20 Ch.18: Puqi Shrine Talks the Guile Tales of the Half Moon Pass 2
21 Ch.19: Puqi Shrine Talks the Guile Tales of the Half Moon Pass 3
22 Ch.20: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms
23 Not an update
24 Ch.21: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms 2
25 Ch.22: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms 3
26 Not updated
27 Notice
28 New year
29 Ch.23: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms 4
30 Ch.24: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit
31 Ch.25: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 2
32 Ch.26: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 3
33 Ch.27: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 4
34 Ch.28: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 5
35 Ch.29: Wind Master in White; Bellowing Sandstorms from Nothing
36 Ch.30: Poking the Ghost King; Crown Prince Seeks Truth
37 Ch.31: Poking the Ghost King; Crown Prince Seeks Truth 2
38 Ch.32: In the Great Martial Hall; Crown Prince Meets Crown Prince
39 Ch.33: In the Great Martial Hall; Crown Prince Meets Crown Prince 3
40 Ch.34: In the Great Martial Hall; Crown Prince Meets Crown Prince 3
41 Ch.35: Enter the Ghost City! Rendezvous with the Ghost King
42 Ch.36: Admiring the Flower through Red Clouds; A Heart full of Sympathy
43 Ch.37: Admiring the Flower through Red Clouds; A Heart Full of Sympathy 2
44 Ch.38: Admiring the Flower through Red Clouds; A Heart Full of Sympathy 3
45 Ch.39: At the Paradise Manor; Questions of Xianle
46 Ch.40: At the Paradise Manor; Questions of Xianle 2
47 Ch.41: At the Paradise Manor; Questions of Xianle 3
48 Ch.42: Borrowing the Underpath; Night Crawl in Paradise Manor
49 Ch.43: Borrowing the Underpath; Night Crawl in Paradise Manor 2
50 Ch.44: Paradise to Ashes; The Second Coming of Fangxin
51 Ch.45: The Black-Hearted Guoshi; Gilded Banquet Awash in Blood
52 Ch.46: Enraged Nan Yang; Fist Fight with Xuan Zheng
53 Ch.47: Raiding a Heavenly Palace; Three Lines to Scare All Gods
54 Ch.48: Adroit Dice for the Safety of Only One
55 Ch.49: Adroit Dice for the Safety of Only One 2
56 Ch.50: Adroit Dice for the Safety of Only One 3
57 Ch.51: Truth or Deception; Difficult to Discern
58 Ch.52: Truth or Deception; Difficult to Discern 2
59 Ch.53: Truth or Deception; Difficult to Discern 3
60 Ch.54: In the Cannibal Lair; Ghost King Faces Heavenly Officials
61 Ch.55: In the Cannibal Lair; Ghost King Faces Heavenly Officials 2
62 Ch.56: In Search of the Past; Retracing Steps to Mount Taicang
63 Ch.57: In Search of the Past; Retracing Steps to Mount Taicang 2
64 Ch.58: On the Martial Deity Avenue; An Awe-Inspiring First Impression (BOOK 2)
65 Ch.59: On the Martial Deity Avenue; An Awe-Inspiring First Impression 2
66 Ch.60: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire
67 Ch.61: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 2
68 Ch.62: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 3
69 Ch.63: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 4
70 Ch.64: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 5
71 Ch.65: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 6
72 Ch.66: To Ascend is Human; to Fall is Also Human
73 Ch.67: To Ascend is Human; to Fall is Also Human 2
74 Ch.68: To Ascend is Human; to Fall is Also Human 3
75 Ch.69: Fishing for Offerings; Boor Meets Crown Prince
76 Ch.70: Fallen Golden Statue; Boor Buries Suffering Son
77 Ch.71: God of Heaven Interferes in Mortal Matters
78 Ch.72: To Meet You in the Mortal Realm; To Find Flowers Beneath the Rain
79 Ch.73: To Meet You in the Mortal Realm; To Find Flowers Beneath the Rain 2
80 Ch.74: Praying for Rain; The Rain Master Lends the Rain Hat
81 Ch.75: Closing the Capital Gates; Survival of Yong’an Barred
82 Ch.76: Closing the Capital Gates; Survival of Yong’an Barred 2
83 Ch.77: Xianle in Chaos; Crown Prince Returns to the Mortal Realm
84 Ch.78: Quell Yong’an; Crown Prince Enters the Battlefield
85 Ch.79: Upon Beizi Hill; Crown Prince Falls into the Devil’s Nest
86 Ch.80: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire
87 Ch.81: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire 2
88 Ch.82: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire 3
89 Ch.83: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire 4
90 Ch.84: From the Earth of Buyou Forest, Human Face Disease Breaks Out
91 Ch.85: From the Earth of Buyou Forest, Human Face Disease Emerges 2
92 Ch.86: From the Earth of Buyou Forest, Human Face Disease Emerges 3
93 Ch.87: Gilded Figure; Exertion to Block Celestial Ruin
94 Ch.88: Vow to Never Forget, Never!
95 Ch.89: The Mid-Autumn Festival; Battling Lanterns on Moon Watch Eve (BOOK 3)
96 Ch.90: The Mid-Autumn Festival; Battling Lanterns on Moon Watch Eve 2
97 Ch.91: Temple of a Thousand Lights Endlessly Illuminating the Lingering Night
98 Ch.92: Temple of a Thousand Lights Endlessly Illuminating the Lingering Night 2
99 Ch.93: Pregnant with Evil; A New Wave Disturbs Peace
100 Ch.94: Pregnant with Evil; A New Wave Disturbs Peace 2
101 Ch.95: Mind in Disarray but Say Not the Tender Heart Is Too
102 Ch.96: Mind in Disarray but Say Not the Tender Heart Is Too 2
103 Ch.97: To Compose in Nuit Blanche; Fragrance Added by Red Sleeves74
104 Ch.98: Bizarre Game Plan; Doors Open to the Fetus Ghost Thief
105 Ch.99: Bizarre Game Plan; Doors Open to the Fetus Ghost Thief 2
106 Ch.100: Mad Confrontation; Laughter of Ridicule Without Closure
107 Ch.101: Fight for Commendation; E'ming Battles Ruoye
108 Ch.102: Sage Stew of the Crown Prince to Welcome Unexpected Guests
109 Ch.103: Venerable of Empty Words; Mourning at the Feast
110 Ch.104: Venerable of Empty Words; Mourning at the Feast 2
111 Ch.105: Three Gods One Ghost; Reverend Nowhere in Sight
112 Ch.106: Three Gods One Ghost; Reverend Nowhere in Sight 2
113 Ch.107: Gods and Ghost Hear the Tale of the Blood-Soaked Fire Social
114 Ch.108: In the Temple of Wind and Water; Night Chatter to Discern Truth
115 Ch.109: In the Temple of Wind and Water; Night Chatter to Discern Truth 2
116 Ch.110: Fight the Reverend; Crown Prince Takes Wind Master’s Place
117 Ch.111: Fight the Reverend; Crown Prince Takes Wind Master’s Place 2
118 Ch.112: Doors Open to Greet the Ghost; Drawn Earth a Prison
119 Ch.113: Teasing Words to Befuddle Me and Also My Lord
120 Ch.114: Teasing Words to Befuddle Me and Also My Lord 2
121 Ch.115: Traversing Through Tunnels; Sword Penetrating from Above
122 Ch.116: Eve to the Last Day of Autumn; An Unscrupulous Substitution
123 Ch.117: Gods Appointing Gods Lesser Than Ghosts Devouring Ghosts
124 Ch.118: Pass the Heavenly Calamity; Waves Surge in the East Sea
125 Ch.119: Ships in the Lair of Demons Shall Sink
126 Ch. 120: Combined Spirit; Coffin Boat Enters the Demon Sea
127 Ch.121: Combined Spirit; Coffin Boat Enters the Demon Sea 2
128 Ch.122: The Nether Water Manor; Black Robes White Bones
129 Ch.123: The Nether Water Manor; Black Robes White Bones 2
130 Ch.124: Unravel the Dead Knot; Water Master Battles Demon Xuan
131 Ch.125: Unravel the Dead Knot; Water Master Battles Demon Xuan 2
132 Ch.126: Subject Ache of Separation; Restless Heart Strays the Path of Ink
133 Ch.127: Mount Tong'lu Reopens; All Ghosts Aroused
134 Ch.128: Blinded by the Heart; Brocade Immortal Forged by Blood
135 Ch.129: Blinded by the Heart; Brocade Immortal Forged by Blood 2
136 Ch. 130: Separating Colours; Textile House Wide Open
137 Ch.131: Separating Colours; Textile House Wide Open 2
138 Ch.132: The Ninety-Ninth Ghost Robe Hiding in Danger
139 Ch.133: Seen Through the Ghost King; Play the Ghost King
140 Ch.134: Seen Through the Ghost King; Play the Ghost King 2
141 Ch.135: My Puqi Shrine Will Collapse Supremely
142 Ch.136: My Puqi Shrine Will Collapse Supremely 2
143 Ch.137: Upon Barren Hills; Rioting the Black Hearted Inn
144 Ch.138: Upon Barren Hills; Rioting the Black Hearted Inn 2
145 Ch.139: Upon Barren Hills; Rioting the Black Hearted Inn 3
146 Ch.140: Sharp Tongues and Pointed Teeth; Winds Swallowed and Arrows Shredded
147 Ch.141: I Choose the Path I Walk
148 Ch.142: I Choose the Path I Walk 2
149 Ch.143: Gates Open at Mount Tong'lu; the Assembly of Millions of Ghosts
150 Ch.144: Gates Open at Mount Tong'lu; the Assembly of Millions of Ghosts 2
151 Ch.145: Gates Open at Mount Tong'lu; the Assembly of Millions of Ghosts 3
152 Ch.146: Ambivalent Regrets; General Ming Snaps the Hateful Sword
153 Ch.147: Ambivalent Regrets; General Ming Snaps the Hateful Sword 2
154 Ch.148: Ambivalent Regrets; General Ming Snaps the Hateful Sword 3
155 Ch.149: Panic Left and Right; East or West Undecided
156 Ch.150: Panic Left and Right; East or West Undecided 2
157 Ch.151: Panic Left and Right; East or West Undecided 3
158 Ch.152: Four Heavenly Kings Hidden on Darkened Walls
159 Ch.153: Why Not Xuli; Why Not Jing Wen
160 Ch.154: Why Not Xuli; Why Not Jing Wen 2
161 Ch.155: Mountains High and Roads Unending; Narrow Paths Blocked
162 Ch.156: Mountains High and Roads Unending; Narrow Paths Blocked 2
163 Ch.157: Mountains High and Roads Unending; Narrow Paths Blocked 3
164 Ch.158: Buried Together Alive; No Resting in Peace in the Earth
165 Ch.159: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick
166 Ch.160: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick 2
167 Ch.161: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick 3
168 Ch.162: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick 4
169 Ch.163: Riddle of the Mysterious Guoshi Confounding Minds
170 Ch.164: Riddle of the Mysterious Guoshi Confounding Minds 2
171 Ch.165: Saint Born Under the Ominous Star
172 Ch.166: Saint Born Under the Ominous Star 2
173 Ch.167: Jealous Ghost King; Three Questions on Where the Friendship Lies
174 Ch.168: Ghost Fire Top; The Unlocking Incantation
175 Ch.169: Ghost Fire Top; The Unlocking Incantation 2
176 Ch.170: Resentful Female Ghost; Flames of Jealousy Burn the Affection
177 Ch.171: The Last Princess; Throat Slit Before Palace Gates
178 Ch.172: Ride the Black Ox; Flying Hooves Mount the Kiln
179 Ch.173: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Hidden
180 Ch.174: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Hidden 2
181 Ch.175: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed
182 Ch.176: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 2
183 Ch.177: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 3
184 Ch.178: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 4
185 Ch.179: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 5
186 Ch.180: From the Sealed Kiln One Supreme Shall Emerge
187 Ch.181: Lantern Night; Penny for a Wandering Soul (BOOK 4)
188 Ch.182: Hero Defeated by a Penny
189 Ch.183: Hero Defeated by a Penny 2
190 Ch.184: Blocking the Mountain Path; Crown Prince Fails in Robbery
191 Ch.185: Thirty-Three Heavenly Officials Fight Over Auspicious Land
192 Ch.186: Thirty-Three Heavenly Officials Fight Over Auspicious Land 2
193 Ch.187: Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince
194 Ch.188: Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince 2
195 Ch.189: Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince 3
196 Ch.190: Heart Pierced By a Hundred Swords; Savage Ghost Takes Form
197 Ch.191: No Grief No Joy; White Cloth Brings Calamity to this World
198 Ch.192: White-Clothed Ghost Appoints Black Warrior as General
199 Ch.193: White-Clothed Ghost Appoints Black Warrior as General 2
200 Ch.194: Nameless Ghost Offering a Nameless Flower
201 Ch.195: Nameless Ghost Offering a Nameless Flower 2
202 Ch.196: Man in Abyss Receives a Bamboo Hat in the Rain
203 Ch.197: Man in Abyss Receives a Bamboo Hat in the Rain 2
204 Ch.198: Man in Abyss Receives a Bamboo Hat in the Rain 3
206 Ch.200: Dominate Heaven and Earth; Divine Being Breaks Through the Kiln 2
207 Ch.201: Dominate Heaven and Earth; Divine Being Breaks Through the Kiln 3
208 Ch.202: Taking the Helm; Four Martial Gods Transform into a Sword
209 Ch.203: White Emperor Comments on the Mysterious Guoshi
210 Ch.204: Search for Five Hundred; Abrupt Meeting with an Old Friend
211 Ch.205: Search for Five Hundred; Abrupt Meeting with an Old Friend 2
212 Ch.206: Two Simple Lines; Ghost King Excites the Battle Spirit
213 Ch.207: Seeking Affection; Ghost King Fakes Displeasure
214 Ch.208: Ghost Enters the Mirror; Nowhere to Hide
215 Ch.209: Chaos in the Heavenly Court; Nefarious Wave Shakes the Heavens
216 Ch.210: Chaos in the Heavenly Court; Nefarious Wave Shakes the Heavens 2
217 Ch.211: Forks in the Road; Spirits Alarm the Underground of the Heavenly Capital
218 Ch.212: Unable to be Perfect; A Heart Filled with Regrets
219 Ch.213: Breaking the Standstill; A Well-Timed Gift
220 Ch.214: Breaking the Standstill; A Well-Timed Gift 2
221 Ch.215: The Path Shan’t Go Astray But the Mandates Are All the Same
222 Ch.216: Hard to Put On; Harder to Take Off
223 Ch.217: Hundred Years of Pain; Thousand Years of Suffering
224 Ch.218: Hundred Years of Pain; Thousand Years of Suffering 2
225 Ch.219: Hundred Years of Pain; Thousand Years of Suffering 3
226 Ch.220: The White Emperor Sets Life and Death Riddles in Secret
227 Ch.221: Meet the Ghost King; Hiding in the Palace of Crown Prince
228 Ch.222: Meet the Ghost King; Hiding in the Palace of Crown Prince 2
229 Ch.223: Coiling and Encircling; Silver Butterflies and Blessings Lanterns Shield
230 Ch.224: Turning World Upside Down; Battle Fiery Demonic Fortress in the Sky
231 Ch.225: Turning World Upside Down; Battle Fiery Demonic Fortress in the Sky 2
232 Ch.226: Burning Flames of Karma; Demonic God Descends Upon Royal Capital
233 Ch.227: Burning Flames of Karma; Demonic God Descends Upon Royal Capital 2
234 Ch.228: Burning Flames of Karma; Demonic God Descends Upon Royal Capital 3
235 Ch.229: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart
236 Ch.230: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart 2
237 Ch.231: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart 3
238 Ch.232: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart 4
239 Ch.233: Cliffs Hundred Yards High; Thousand Bends over Lava Falls
240 Ch.234: Cliffs Hundred Yards High; Thousand Bends over Lava Falls 2
241 Ch.235: The Heaven-Crossing Bridge; Three Idiots Return to Olden Times
242 Ch.236: Bloody Sought Flower; Vicious Battle Against White No-Face
243 Ch.237: Bloody Sought Flower; Vicious Battle Against White No-Face 2
244 Ch.238: Bloody Sought Flower; Vicious Battle Against White No-Face 3
245 Ch.240: Humming Smile as Red Robes Fade
246 Ch.241: Humming Smile as Red Robes Fade 2
247 Ch.242: Atop Mount Taicang; Thousands of Kinds of Dust Settle
248 Ch.243: How My Lord Aches for the Flower; How I Ache for My Lord
249 Ch.244: By the Heaven Official’s Blessing No Paths are Bound
250 Extra - Chapter 245
251 Extra - Chapter 246
252 Extra - Chapter 247
253 Extra - Chapter 248
254 Extra - Chapter 249
255 Extra - Chapter 250
256 Extra - Chapter 251
257 Extra - Chapter 252
258 New Novel Translation
259 Drawingsssssss

Updated 259 Episodes

Ch.1: ~Prologue~
Continuation of Ch.1:
Ch.4: Three Clowns; Night Discussion on the Palace of Gigantic Masculinity
Ch.5: Three Clowns; Night Discussion on the Palace of Gigantic Masculinity 2
Ch.6: Ghost Takes a Bride; Crown Prince Mounts the Bridal Sedan
Ch.7: Ghost Takes a Bride; Crown Prince Mounts the Bridal Sedan
Ch.8: Ghost Takes a Bride; Crown Prince Mounts the Bridal Sedan
Ch.9: Mountain-Locked Ancient Temple; Forest of Hanging Corpses
Ch.10: Mountain-Locked Ancient Temple; Forest of Hanging Corpses 2
Ch.11: Mountain-Locked Ancient Temple; Forest of Hanging Corpses 3
Ch.12: Red-Clad Ghost; Burning of the Martial and Civil Temples
Ch.13: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin
Ch.14: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin 2
Ch.15: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin 3
Ch.16: Maple-Red Clothes; Snow-White Skin 4
Ch.17: Puqi Shrine Talks the Guile Tales of the Half Moon Pass
Ch.18: Puqi Shrine Talks the Guile Tales of the Half Moon Pass 2
Ch.19: Puqi Shrine Talks the Guile Tales of the Half Moon Pass 3
Ch.20: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms
Not an update
Ch.21: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms 2
Ch.22: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms 3
Not updated
New year
Ch.23: Shortened Distance; Adrift in Sandstorms 4
Ch.24: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit
Ch.25: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 2
Ch.26: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 3
Ch.27: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 4
Ch.28: Dallying HuaLian; Night-Fall in Sinner’s Pit 5
Ch.29: Wind Master in White; Bellowing Sandstorms from Nothing
Ch.30: Poking the Ghost King; Crown Prince Seeks Truth
Ch.31: Poking the Ghost King; Crown Prince Seeks Truth 2
Ch.32: In the Great Martial Hall; Crown Prince Meets Crown Prince
Ch.33: In the Great Martial Hall; Crown Prince Meets Crown Prince 3
Ch.34: In the Great Martial Hall; Crown Prince Meets Crown Prince 3
Ch.35: Enter the Ghost City! Rendezvous with the Ghost King
Ch.36: Admiring the Flower through Red Clouds; A Heart full of Sympathy
Ch.37: Admiring the Flower through Red Clouds; A Heart Full of Sympathy 2
Ch.38: Admiring the Flower through Red Clouds; A Heart Full of Sympathy 3
Ch.39: At the Paradise Manor; Questions of Xianle
Ch.40: At the Paradise Manor; Questions of Xianle 2
Ch.41: At the Paradise Manor; Questions of Xianle 3
Ch.42: Borrowing the Underpath; Night Crawl in Paradise Manor
Ch.43: Borrowing the Underpath; Night Crawl in Paradise Manor 2
Ch.44: Paradise to Ashes; The Second Coming of Fangxin
Ch.45: The Black-Hearted Guoshi; Gilded Banquet Awash in Blood
Ch.46: Enraged Nan Yang; Fist Fight with Xuan Zheng
Ch.47: Raiding a Heavenly Palace; Three Lines to Scare All Gods
Ch.48: Adroit Dice for the Safety of Only One
Ch.49: Adroit Dice for the Safety of Only One 2
Ch.50: Adroit Dice for the Safety of Only One 3
Ch.51: Truth or Deception; Difficult to Discern
Ch.52: Truth or Deception; Difficult to Discern 2
Ch.53: Truth or Deception; Difficult to Discern 3
Ch.54: In the Cannibal Lair; Ghost King Faces Heavenly Officials
Ch.55: In the Cannibal Lair; Ghost King Faces Heavenly Officials 2
Ch.56: In Search of the Past; Retracing Steps to Mount Taicang
Ch.57: In Search of the Past; Retracing Steps to Mount Taicang 2
Ch.58: On the Martial Deity Avenue; An Awe-Inspiring First Impression (BOOK 2)
Ch.59: On the Martial Deity Avenue; An Awe-Inspiring First Impression 2
Ch.60: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire
Ch.61: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 2
Ch.62: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 3
Ch.63: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 4
Ch.64: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 5
Ch.65: Lost Red Pearl; Inadvertent Eyes Red with Desire 6
Ch.66: To Ascend is Human; to Fall is Also Human
Ch.67: To Ascend is Human; to Fall is Also Human 2
Ch.68: To Ascend is Human; to Fall is Also Human 3
Ch.69: Fishing for Offerings; Boor Meets Crown Prince
Ch.70: Fallen Golden Statue; Boor Buries Suffering Son
Ch.71: God of Heaven Interferes in Mortal Matters
Ch.72: To Meet You in the Mortal Realm; To Find Flowers Beneath the Rain
Ch.73: To Meet You in the Mortal Realm; To Find Flowers Beneath the Rain 2
Ch.74: Praying for Rain; The Rain Master Lends the Rain Hat
Ch.75: Closing the Capital Gates; Survival of Yong’an Barred
Ch.76: Closing the Capital Gates; Survival of Yong’an Barred 2
Ch.77: Xianle in Chaos; Crown Prince Returns to the Mortal Realm
Ch.78: Quell Yong’an; Crown Prince Enters the Battlefield
Ch.79: Upon Beizi Hill; Crown Prince Falls into the Devil’s Nest
Ch.80: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire
Ch.81: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire 2
Ch.82: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire 3
Ch.83: Land of the Tender; Body of Gold Hard-Pressed Against Desire 4
Ch.84: From the Earth of Buyou Forest, Human Face Disease Breaks Out
Ch.85: From the Earth of Buyou Forest, Human Face Disease Emerges 2
Ch.86: From the Earth of Buyou Forest, Human Face Disease Emerges 3
Ch.87: Gilded Figure; Exertion to Block Celestial Ruin
Ch.88: Vow to Never Forget, Never!
Ch.89: The Mid-Autumn Festival; Battling Lanterns on Moon Watch Eve (BOOK 3)
Ch.90: The Mid-Autumn Festival; Battling Lanterns on Moon Watch Eve 2
Ch.91: Temple of a Thousand Lights Endlessly Illuminating the Lingering Night
Ch.92: Temple of a Thousand Lights Endlessly Illuminating the Lingering Night 2
Ch.93: Pregnant with Evil; A New Wave Disturbs Peace
Ch.94: Pregnant with Evil; A New Wave Disturbs Peace 2
Ch.95: Mind in Disarray but Say Not the Tender Heart Is Too
Ch.96: Mind in Disarray but Say Not the Tender Heart Is Too 2
Ch.97: To Compose in Nuit Blanche; Fragrance Added by Red Sleeves74
Ch.98: Bizarre Game Plan; Doors Open to the Fetus Ghost Thief
Ch.99: Bizarre Game Plan; Doors Open to the Fetus Ghost Thief 2
Ch.100: Mad Confrontation; Laughter of Ridicule Without Closure
Ch.101: Fight for Commendation; E'ming Battles Ruoye
Ch.102: Sage Stew of the Crown Prince to Welcome Unexpected Guests
Ch.103: Venerable of Empty Words; Mourning at the Feast
Ch.104: Venerable of Empty Words; Mourning at the Feast 2
Ch.105: Three Gods One Ghost; Reverend Nowhere in Sight
Ch.106: Three Gods One Ghost; Reverend Nowhere in Sight 2
Ch.107: Gods and Ghost Hear the Tale of the Blood-Soaked Fire Social
Ch.108: In the Temple of Wind and Water; Night Chatter to Discern Truth
Ch.109: In the Temple of Wind and Water; Night Chatter to Discern Truth 2
Ch.110: Fight the Reverend; Crown Prince Takes Wind Master’s Place
Ch.111: Fight the Reverend; Crown Prince Takes Wind Master’s Place 2
Ch.112: Doors Open to Greet the Ghost; Drawn Earth a Prison
Ch.113: Teasing Words to Befuddle Me and Also My Lord
Ch.114: Teasing Words to Befuddle Me and Also My Lord 2
Ch.115: Traversing Through Tunnels; Sword Penetrating from Above
Ch.116: Eve to the Last Day of Autumn; An Unscrupulous Substitution
Ch.117: Gods Appointing Gods Lesser Than Ghosts Devouring Ghosts
Ch.118: Pass the Heavenly Calamity; Waves Surge in the East Sea
Ch.119: Ships in the Lair of Demons Shall Sink
Ch. 120: Combined Spirit; Coffin Boat Enters the Demon Sea
Ch.121: Combined Spirit; Coffin Boat Enters the Demon Sea 2
Ch.122: The Nether Water Manor; Black Robes White Bones
Ch.123: The Nether Water Manor; Black Robes White Bones 2
Ch.124: Unravel the Dead Knot; Water Master Battles Demon Xuan
Ch.125: Unravel the Dead Knot; Water Master Battles Demon Xuan 2
Ch.126: Subject Ache of Separation; Restless Heart Strays the Path of Ink
Ch.127: Mount Tong'lu Reopens; All Ghosts Aroused
Ch.128: Blinded by the Heart; Brocade Immortal Forged by Blood
Ch.129: Blinded by the Heart; Brocade Immortal Forged by Blood 2
Ch. 130: Separating Colours; Textile House Wide Open
Ch.131: Separating Colours; Textile House Wide Open 2
Ch.132: The Ninety-Ninth Ghost Robe Hiding in Danger
Ch.133: Seen Through the Ghost King; Play the Ghost King
Ch.134: Seen Through the Ghost King; Play the Ghost King 2
Ch.135: My Puqi Shrine Will Collapse Supremely
Ch.136: My Puqi Shrine Will Collapse Supremely 2
Ch.137: Upon Barren Hills; Rioting the Black Hearted Inn
Ch.138: Upon Barren Hills; Rioting the Black Hearted Inn 2
Ch.139: Upon Barren Hills; Rioting the Black Hearted Inn 3
Ch.140: Sharp Tongues and Pointed Teeth; Winds Swallowed and Arrows Shredded
Ch.141: I Choose the Path I Walk
Ch.142: I Choose the Path I Walk 2
Ch.143: Gates Open at Mount Tong'lu; the Assembly of Millions of Ghosts
Ch.144: Gates Open at Mount Tong'lu; the Assembly of Millions of Ghosts 2
Ch.145: Gates Open at Mount Tong'lu; the Assembly of Millions of Ghosts 3
Ch.146: Ambivalent Regrets; General Ming Snaps the Hateful Sword
Ch.147: Ambivalent Regrets; General Ming Snaps the Hateful Sword 2
Ch.148: Ambivalent Regrets; General Ming Snaps the Hateful Sword 3
Ch.149: Panic Left and Right; East or West Undecided
Ch.150: Panic Left and Right; East or West Undecided 2
Ch.151: Panic Left and Right; East or West Undecided 3
Ch.152: Four Heavenly Kings Hidden on Darkened Walls
Ch.153: Why Not Xuli; Why Not Jing Wen
Ch.154: Why Not Xuli; Why Not Jing Wen 2
Ch.155: Mountains High and Roads Unending; Narrow Paths Blocked
Ch.156: Mountains High and Roads Unending; Narrow Paths Blocked 2
Ch.157: Mountains High and Roads Unending; Narrow Paths Blocked 3
Ch.158: Buried Together Alive; No Resting in Peace in the Earth
Ch.159: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick
Ch.160: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick 2
Ch.161: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick 3
Ch.162: This Jade Refuses to be a Thrown-Away Brick 4
Ch.163: Riddle of the Mysterious Guoshi Confounding Minds
Ch.164: Riddle of the Mysterious Guoshi Confounding Minds 2
Ch.165: Saint Born Under the Ominous Star
Ch.166: Saint Born Under the Ominous Star 2
Ch.167: Jealous Ghost King; Three Questions on Where the Friendship Lies
Ch.168: Ghost Fire Top; The Unlocking Incantation
Ch.169: Ghost Fire Top; The Unlocking Incantation 2
Ch.170: Resentful Female Ghost; Flames of Jealousy Burn the Affection
Ch.171: The Last Princess; Throat Slit Before Palace Gates
Ch.172: Ride the Black Ox; Flying Hooves Mount the Kiln
Ch.173: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Hidden
Ch.174: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Hidden 2
Ch.175: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed
Ch.176: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 2
Ch.177: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 3
Ch.178: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 4
Ch.179: Cave of Ten Thousand Gods; Faces of Ten Thousand Gods Revealed 5
Ch.180: From the Sealed Kiln One Supreme Shall Emerge
Ch.181: Lantern Night; Penny for a Wandering Soul (BOOK 4)
Ch.182: Hero Defeated by a Penny
Ch.183: Hero Defeated by a Penny 2
Ch.184: Blocking the Mountain Path; Crown Prince Fails in Robbery
Ch.185: Thirty-Three Heavenly Officials Fight Over Auspicious Land
Ch.186: Thirty-Three Heavenly Officials Fight Over Auspicious Land 2
Ch.187: Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince
Ch.188: Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince 2
Ch.189: Cold White Ghost; Warm Words Confounding the Crown Prince 3
Ch.190: Heart Pierced By a Hundred Swords; Savage Ghost Takes Form
Ch.191: No Grief No Joy; White Cloth Brings Calamity to this World
Ch.192: White-Clothed Ghost Appoints Black Warrior as General
Ch.193: White-Clothed Ghost Appoints Black Warrior as General 2
Ch.194: Nameless Ghost Offering a Nameless Flower
Ch.195: Nameless Ghost Offering a Nameless Flower 2
Ch.196: Man in Abyss Receives a Bamboo Hat in the Rain
Ch.197: Man in Abyss Receives a Bamboo Hat in the Rain 2
Ch.198: Man in Abyss Receives a Bamboo Hat in the Rain 3
Ch.200: Dominate Heaven and Earth; Divine Being Breaks Through the Kiln 2
Ch.201: Dominate Heaven and Earth; Divine Being Breaks Through the Kiln 3
Ch.202: Taking the Helm; Four Martial Gods Transform into a Sword
Ch.203: White Emperor Comments on the Mysterious Guoshi
Ch.204: Search for Five Hundred; Abrupt Meeting with an Old Friend
Ch.205: Search for Five Hundred; Abrupt Meeting with an Old Friend 2
Ch.206: Two Simple Lines; Ghost King Excites the Battle Spirit
Ch.207: Seeking Affection; Ghost King Fakes Displeasure
Ch.208: Ghost Enters the Mirror; Nowhere to Hide
Ch.209: Chaos in the Heavenly Court; Nefarious Wave Shakes the Heavens
Ch.210: Chaos in the Heavenly Court; Nefarious Wave Shakes the Heavens 2
Ch.211: Forks in the Road; Spirits Alarm the Underground of the Heavenly Capital
Ch.212: Unable to be Perfect; A Heart Filled with Regrets
Ch.213: Breaking the Standstill; A Well-Timed Gift
Ch.214: Breaking the Standstill; A Well-Timed Gift 2
Ch.215: The Path Shan’t Go Astray But the Mandates Are All the Same
Ch.216: Hard to Put On; Harder to Take Off
Ch.217: Hundred Years of Pain; Thousand Years of Suffering
Ch.218: Hundred Years of Pain; Thousand Years of Suffering 2
Ch.219: Hundred Years of Pain; Thousand Years of Suffering 3
Ch.220: The White Emperor Sets Life and Death Riddles in Secret
Ch.221: Meet the Ghost King; Hiding in the Palace of Crown Prince
Ch.222: Meet the Ghost King; Hiding in the Palace of Crown Prince 2
Ch.223: Coiling and Encircling; Silver Butterflies and Blessings Lanterns Shield
Ch.224: Turning World Upside Down; Battle Fiery Demonic Fortress in the Sky
Ch.225: Turning World Upside Down; Battle Fiery Demonic Fortress in the Sky 2
Ch.226: Burning Flames of Karma; Demonic God Descends Upon Royal Capital
Ch.227: Burning Flames of Karma; Demonic God Descends Upon Royal Capital 2
Ch.228: Burning Flames of Karma; Demonic God Descends Upon Royal Capital 3
Ch.229: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart
Ch.230: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart 2
Ch.231: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart 3
Ch.232: Adroit Dice; Snake Eyes Rolled Alarming the Heart 4
Ch.233: Cliffs Hundred Yards High; Thousand Bends over Lava Falls
Ch.234: Cliffs Hundred Yards High; Thousand Bends over Lava Falls 2
Ch.235: The Heaven-Crossing Bridge; Three Idiots Return to Olden Times
Ch.236: Bloody Sought Flower; Vicious Battle Against White No-Face
Ch.237: Bloody Sought Flower; Vicious Battle Against White No-Face 2
Ch.238: Bloody Sought Flower; Vicious Battle Against White No-Face 3
Ch.240: Humming Smile as Red Robes Fade
Ch.241: Humming Smile as Red Robes Fade 2
Ch.242: Atop Mount Taicang; Thousands of Kinds of Dust Settle
Ch.243: How My Lord Aches for the Flower; How I Ache for My Lord
Ch.244: By the Heaven Official’s Blessing No Paths are Bound
Extra - Chapter 245
Extra - Chapter 246
Extra - Chapter 247
Extra - Chapter 248
Extra - Chapter 249
Extra - Chapter 250
Extra - Chapter 251
Extra - Chapter 252
New Novel Translation


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