Beautiful Accident SakuAtsu

Beautiful Accident SakuAtsu

01: Curiosity


Atsumu's P.O.V.

I woke up from the alarm on my phone. I groan as I pat my side turning off the alarm. Ugh... This is getting more annoying. Without knowing I slowly fall asleep once again.

"Tsumu get yer *** up now, we're going to be late!"

I immediately sat up from my bed and went straight in the bathroom to shower. It didn't take long for me to finish and immediately put on my uniform.

"If ya didn't hurry up, I'll leave ya behind!" Osamu yelled once again.

I immediately run down stairs and saw Osamu waiting for me at the door. After locking the house we started to walk towards the school. Damn... I forgot to eat breakfast and I'm hungry.

"Samu, I'll be stopin  at the near by market to buy some snacks. Do ya want sometin?"

"I'll go with ya."


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. We're running late for morning practice! Ugh... If Samu didn't took long to just choose on what onigiri he'll buy. Now surely we will be scolded again by Kita-san. Well its fine, good thing our parents will be away for a month if not surely I can't attend school and Samu will too.

"What's the reason this time on both of you being late?"

Kita-san said crossing his arms.

"Samu took so much damn time just to choose what onigiri he'll buy!" I said looking at my twin.

"Well.. If yer *** didn't woke up so late, we could've be on time!" Samu replied.

"Shut yer trap! You should've just go without me then!" I replied back annoyed.

As Samu is about to reply, I just walk out from them and started to run laps. I mean all he know is that, I always sleep late because of playing video games, but that's not the case. Every after practice I'll be going straight to my part-time job and will be home around 11pm.

I didn't tell him because I don't want him to waste his allowance on me. Mom and Dad didn't bother to give me some money because 'I can't be like Osamu'. So that's why I started a job at a café. The Café is not that popular but the pay is high even tho only few people know it and the boss is a nice person. No one know, well except for my best friend that I have a part-time job.

As I finish running laps good thing we will just going to play with each other, I didn't bother anyone. I didn't even try to bicker with my twin and try to annoy both him and Suna. I just kept silence and just silently cooperate until morning practice end. Now all I need to do is to change and go straight to class without being chased by those squealing pigs. 

"Are you alright Tsumu?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine Kita-san. Why do you ask?"

"You aren't even yourself the whole practice. You didn't even try to pick a fight with your twin brother. Is something bothering you?"

"Ah... No Kita-san I'm fine, just tired."

I replied with a tired smile as I took all my things and went straight to the class. Thank god I got there without being chased by those squealing pigs. I just walk in silently and sat down at my chair. Patiently waiting for the class to start.


Finally its lunch time. Well I ain't buying anything because I'm saving some money. Good thing I still have some 3 onigiri and a box of milk that I bought this morning. I stood up from my sit, not even tried to have a fight with Samu who is sitting next to me the whole class.

Of course as I walk out of the class I immediately run towards the back of the gym. Another success for not bumping into so fans. I sat under a cherry blossom tree and started to eat my lunch.

Alas.. Good thing I still have time to rest after practice. So I can sleep even just a little amount of time. As I was eating my onigiri I saw the team walking towards me in my peripheral vision. I forgot this is our teams spot every lunch. Sigh.. So much for alone time plus I don't want to interact with anyone today. I immediately ate all my onigiri leaving the box of milk for later and stood up from my position.

I felt my phone vibrate and look at it. Its from my coworker from the café.


Hey Tsumu. I'm just going to tell you

That boss said we can go home early

Later :3


Yes!! I can finally rest longer.


Thanks for informing me Ka-chan °³°

Have a good day.


You too. Make sure to have a lots of rest

ok? See you later Tsumu.


Cya later.

I put my phone in my pocket and started to walk away passing by at my teammates. I didn't bother to look back when Kita-san called me. Because like I said, I don't have any energy for it. Now I need to go to class even if its early. There's no people staying at the room every lunch, so I'll just going to play with my phone to kill some time.


Now that class is over. All I need to do is to attend afternoon practice. A little bit more and I can go home and rest. I've been pushing myself lately. I don't have time to sleep, I sometimes forgot to eat and after work I'll study till 1 in the morning. Alas... Never mind that. I need to change so I can start practicing my sets.

"Hey Tsumu, are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. Why Aran-san?"

"Your not sick or anything right?"

"What are ya talking about Suna?"

"You are not acting like yourself ever since you and Samu got scolded by Kita-san this morning." Suna said with a worried tone.

"Even the team noticed it Atsumu. Is something bothering you?"

"I'm fine nothing is bothering me." I mumbled as I put on my shirt.

"You know we can't understand you if you muffle your words like that." Suna said putting his hand on his waist.

" *sigh* I said I'm fine. No need to worry." I replied as I look at Suna. "Besides. Who are you and what have you done with Suna!" I teased as he just rolled his eyes and walk away.


"We can go home after cleaning the gym." Kita-san announced as all of us started to clean up.

As we are almost done to clean, I immediately change and went home without saying anything nor talking to anyone.

As I arrive, I immediately went to my room and plop down at my bed. Slowly falling asleep.

I woke up for some reasons, idk why I just did. I took my phone out of my pocket and look at the time. Its 6:05pm I sigh. Well, its almost time for work. I stood up and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. It didn't take long for me to finish and wore some black hoodie and dark blue rip jeans.

I took my phone and wallet, putting them in my pocket and walk downstairs. As I'm about to walk to the kitchen I saw Kita-san, Aran-san , Akagi and Suna at the living room. All of us made eye contact. I just ignore them and went in the kitchen, there I saw Samu cooking. I open the fridge and took some pudding and sat near at the counter.

"What are they doing here Samu?"

"I invited them for a sleepover."

"Ok then. Oh I'll be going out Samu, ya don't need to wait for me." I said as i ate the last scoop of pudding. He look at me confuse.

"Why? Where are ya going this late?"

"Somewhere. Don't worry to much, I'll be home around 9."

"I swear if ya got in trouble I won't look for ya"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'll be going now."

I said as I stood up and went to the living room. I took my shoes at the corner and put it on. After that I walk out of the house. The silent night, what a beautiful sight. The stars twinkling as the moon shines bright. A silent surroundings, I love this silence every night.

I walk straight to where the path I usually take every time I'll go to work. It didn't take too long for me to arrive at the café. I saw Akari at the counter. I wave at her and went straight at the employees room to change into my working clothes and started my shift for the night.


As I wipe some tables I heard the door rang, meaning there's a costumer. I look at the door and saw a tall guy with a curly hair wearing black mask, black turtle neck, black coat and a  black rip jeans. More specifically he's wearing all black. I'm not gonna lie he looks hot wearing those.

I saw him walk towards me. Truth be told, his more hot up close. He look at me with his black eyes as if his burning holes at me. I look at him straight in the eyes, tilting my head a little.

"Do you need something sir?" I ask.

"Is your Boss here?" He said with his deep voice. At this point I'm having a gay panic like for fuck sake, he has a fucking deep voice making him 10x more hot! I didn't show him that I'm having a gay panic internally

"Yes He is here. His at his office." I said while pointing the way towards the office. He just give me a nod and went straight to the office. I continue at my job, wiping the tables.

I saw Akari walk beside me, poking my side. I gave her 'what the hell do ya want?' Look and he just smiled at me. Srsly, what's this women want from me.

"What did that hot guy told you?" She ask.

"His just looking for the boss." I said with a shrug.

"What does his voice sounds like?" She ask once again. She looks eager wanting to know.

"Bruh... Stop. Don't ya have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" I said looking at her.

"Well I broke up with my girlfriend 5 months ago. So... Its a boyfriend."

"And your fan girling over someone." I said with a deadpan expression.

"Ain't my fault he looks like a model. Besides I'm fan girling because--"

"Enough with your explanation Akari nee-san. Let your little brother do his job and you'll do yours okay?"

I said as I continue cleaning the table. Yeah, I look at her as my Own older sister and she look at me as her own younger brother. Eventually both of us continue with our work. Closing time will be in 30 minutes and I can go home early. I really want to let my bed consume me.

"Hey Boss is calling for us on his office. C'mon" Akari said. I didn't have time to reply as she dragged me towards the office.

As we went to his office we saw our boss and the tall with a curly hair guy talking with each other.

"Why did you call for us boss?" I ask as both me and Akari standing in front of his desk.

Both of them look at us, boss just smiled at us. Weird.

"Atsumu. I told you multiple times to call me Komori didn't I?" He said still smiling.

"Let me rephrase it. Why did you call for us Komori?" I replied, looking unamused.

"Here." Komori said putting a two thick small envelope at his table. Me and Akari took the envelope and look at it inside. I saw Akari's eyes widening when she saw the money. I look at Komori confuse.

"What is this for Komori? If I'm correct our pay day will be in next two weeks?"

"Its just a bonus for the both of you. You two already work hard." Komori said to us.

"Thank you Komori" me and Akari said in unison.

"Alright, you guys can go home now" Komori said.

We just nodded and went out at the office. We nothing much to clean since we already done it a while ago. I went towards the employees room and change into the clothes I'm wearing earlier. I set aside my uniform neatly at my locker and took my shoulder bag. I put my wallet, phone and the money Komori gave us there. I can't possibly put that at my pocket, not to mention how thick it is.

After that I said bye to Akari and walk at the same path I took earlier. As I'm walking at the ally for a shortcut. I saw a man running and a bunch of guys in black chasing him, turning at the left side of the ally. If I remember, its a dead end in that side. Maybe I should go check if something happens. If I did I might get in trouble, but curiosity is fucking killing me! Ugh.. Whatever.

I follow the way where I saw the guy being chased. As I look at the corner, I saw the guy on his knees begging in front of one of the guy in black. Now I want to know what happened.

"You don't pay the money you borrowed and tried to run from us? What a pathetic idea."

I heard the guy in black said.

"Please, just give me some more time. I'll pay! I just need time." The guy begged.

"We already gave you so much time and you didn't even tried to pay a single cent?"

"Just.. Please"

"We can't do anything. Now, we need to kill you. The boss already order us to kill you." The guy in black said as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at the mans head.

In the blink of the eye. The guy shoot him, now the man who begged him is now laying at his own pool of blood. 'This is a bad idea. I should've not followed.' I thought as I back away a little.


Shit. I saw all the man in black looked at me and started to run towards me. I immediately run away. I ran as fast as I can. Fuck, I should've not followed. Now I don't know if I can make home alive. What will happen if I died in this very spot. Samu will be fine physically but not emotionally of he knows that I died because of my stupidity.

I got cut out of my thoughts as my vision went black.




Camille Carl

Camille Carl

She akari is Girl?



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