I left, from the place, I had so many beautiful memories. I could have had privilege, of being their till my death, but seems, like pain, was the only thing, that was written on my fate.
At very last moment, I had this stupid, hope in me, that Taehyung will come back to me. Will, ask for forgiv...
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Updated 78 Episodes
My Ugly Bride
Chapter 76
김소미 (촬영)❤😙
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲I hate you authorshii for this 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲