episode 1 : self introduction

"Hello, welcome to the clubbbbb!!!" Bass yelled and lead us to the table.

    I have this belief, every club is dangerous. Especially for a woman, that's why I never have a single thought of step in my foot into any of the club.

   When I saw people dancing and hooking up, I'm shaking my head. It's not like I'm religious  person or what but because of my bros personality I've so many guy friends and I always "accidentally heard" they thought about the woman that they bring to sleep with them.

"Thats why I don't want to go here". I whispered to myself.

"What ." bass asking with one his eyes close. Maybe because of the alcohol.

"I didn't say anything and if the alcohol taste  soooooo bad why did you drink it " I start to scold bass, I yelled with a loud voice.

   The wrong timing incident, I saw all of them looking at me. The music suddenly stop at the same time I start talking to bass. They all heard what I'm talking.

I can't but feel embarrassed, I want to hide myself. My voice to loud, everyone can hear it.

And then i heard someone talking like I don't hear them, basically they look like whispered but not" what's is wrong with that guy. No fun ". They said.

"Why did they talk loudly and pretend to whispere" I said to myself. I'm bit nosy.

I go to the voice and approach them.

" I'm sorry, by the way I'm a girl." After say that I walk away and go to the toilet.


I like to introduce, this is bass. The Guy that I yelled at.



Look sweet right, actually no! He likes to do what he want and always break another girl heart. Why I say like that? Because he is gay.  When a Girls confess, he reject it and one more problem is he's always crying because men keep rejected it him. Why bother to flirting with a straight men.

  anyway, Back to my story..

When I'm on my way to the washroom. Someone tap my shoulder and give me 1 white pill.

"For fun,I give you this for free .you can bring a woman home and your days will be bright tomorrow " he said.

" who are you? A drug dealer". I said reply to the guy that give me that illegal things.

"I'm a good mood,I'm giving you free this precious thing". He said with sly smile. He look high.

" go go, don't disturb her" someone saving my live.

" Her?is he a girl?" He reply to Mike.

Let me introduce you again.He is One of my friend.

This is Mike

He is type of kind person and handsome but the flaws is he keep changing his girlfriends. Honestly I never try to remember all his ex or girlfriend name .



Back to the scene

Not stop at that, He look back at that guy with frown face.

"If you want to hooking up, go to someone else, she's not gay. Go to that one". Mike pointing at bass who busy dancing.

I slap his hand and we're laughing.

He keep reminds that I shouldn't take anything that stranger give it to me. I always remember that.

"Is that you do?when you keep bringing girls into your house". I'm asking him half investigate.

"My moto, in my dictionary. I tell you, if you want to hook up, you should do in a natural way and in a sober state. I'm not going to rape any woman, I know the limit ". He tell me with a proud in his face.

I tease him with disbelief face , and he laughs.

"Oke, I will go there later. Let me do my important business first." I said, as I pointing to the washroom and face look want to poop.

He look at me with disgusting face, "keep that for yourself. Dont bother to tell me." he said with laugh and walk away.


"Aaaaaaaaa," i saw girl screaming when they see me. I thought they have seen any ghost.

"Why." I yelled at them.

I take of my jacket and show them." this my boobs, we have same kind (pointingat my boobs), but you have a lot bigger than mine" I said with laugh.

How can't they didn't recognize their own species. I wear shirt and jacket with unisex Jean's with obvious pink shoes that's made for a woman. My hair is short as a boy but see my face. Didn't i look like a girl?

My old picture, now is more short. I can't stand long hair.

Why this is always happen to me. I've this boyish image because this my natural personality. It's not like I want to change my gender or what.



Anyway My name is min Jung I have more Male friends and my crush is a guy, he is the handsome inspector that I ever seen. He is the one who always have a duty to patrol around my neighbourhood's.

This is the one that I talk about.


... crush is the younger one, my lovely kang haneul oppa. The ajusshi besides him is his uncle. Do min uncle. I got this pic from poster that promote police university. The only pic I have.

Anyway, I live in rooftop and down where I live is a cafe  and the cafe is where I'm working right now. You understand or not.?

Anyway, That's why when they are patrolling i can see them. I'm not a stalker.

Done with the introduction.

   Recently in my neighbourhood's have major murders case and the victim is always pregnant woman.


Close the book.

Third person pov

Nunna ,Where's your picture?

you didn't see it?

no, I've seen all but not yours.


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