"Aunty, why are you here?"

"Where is your boss?....." Miya pushed tae to the other side and keep searching for jin......

"Aunty other's were watching us please don't yell......"

"Then call Mr Kim...."

Tae ran towards the kitchen hurriedly........

"Hyung save me, mia aunty is here....." Tae dragged jin out of the kitchen.....

"What?....but why did she?....." Jin faked a smile when he saw mia standing near the counter........

"Mr kim.....nice to meet you....." miya smiled widely.....Jin sat on the chair and also miya sat oposite to jin.....Tae is anxiously staring at them.......He is digging his skin with his nail and also biting his nail anxiously cause miya looks more happy......He know if she is happy then there is a sad thing waiting for him......

"Mr kim, you are in jeon family right?"

Jin nodded his head

"I just seen this advertisement in this site......" Miya showed her phone to jin......tae peeped in it......He couldn't read what's in it but one name got his eyes........

'Jungkook?....that's hyung's cousin right?......hyung always told about him......' tae thought for a second.....

"Yes jungkook is searching for a maid....do you want to attend that interview?....." jin asked and passed that phone to her......

"Noo not me, for this bitch..." miya pointed at tae who stood with wide eyes......

"But he____" miya cut jin's words

"Please Mr kim, please tell your cousin to appoint him as his maid....we need more money to survive our day to day life.......you know we are poor peoples.....will you did this for your taehyung?...." Miya started fake cry.....First she don't have any interest when she saw the advertise but she startled to see the amount of salary......She is hungry for money......She thought if tae work there then she and her daughters live happily with his salary..........

Tae's parents didn't died, they left him to his aunt and went to abroad....They are living a high class life there without knowing how their kid living in the small house as a slave to his aunt and her daughters......They send money for taehyung in every month to Mia's account......They didn't enquire to mia how his son doing, cause they hate him because he can carry child........Tae know his parents send money for him but he didn't asked that money or how his parents living there, cause he know they will be living happily.......

Jin's heart melt when he heard the last sentence......Yes he is care for tae and do anything to make him happy.........

"But i don't wan______" tae stopped when two eagle eyes stared him.......

"Do you forget what i told you in the morning?....." miya asked by clenching his fist......She can't attack him now, so she controlled her anger......

Tae shook his head, jin know what miya just reminded to him....

'I think this the good way to save my tae.....but i'm affraid if jungkook hurt him.....' jin's thoughts blocked......

"Mr kim do you?....."

"Sure...don't worry he is hired for that job it's my promise.....He can join there in the mansion on tomorrow".......Miya smiled innocently and walked out of the cafe after bowing her head and a lot of thankuuusss........

'I'm going to earn more money through that bitch.......'






From that incident tae didn't get time to talk with jin and jin too couldn't ask him because of huge customers in cafe.....

"Taetae are you mad at me?....." Jin asked when they get a rest time......

"No hyung i know you don't have any intention to hurt me.....but my aunty, she need only money........" He is not crying abut it hurt him.....He is not a person to cry easily.....Jin hugged him......

"Jungkook is a good person taetae.....i will make sure that no one will hurt you there....that's my promise....."

"Thank you hyung...."

Tae felt a bit relief.....He decided to tell this to his jiminie......Tae called him through jin's phone cahse he don't have any phone......

"Jiminie, it's me taetae"

^^^"Taetae, how are you.... i missed you....are you coming here.....i made your favourite strawberry cake.....But yoonie said it's not good"^^^

Jimin is whining through the phone.....

"Jiminie, let me talk.....i have an important thing to tell...."

^^^"What's that much important?...."^^^

"I'm quitting from jin hyung's cafe...."

^^^"What?....did your aunty told you to stop?.....wait i told you to left that damn house and stay with me....."^^^

"Ohhh jiminie let me conclude...."


"Jin hyung arranged a new job in jeon mansion....as a maid"

^^^"What? a maid?..."^^^

"Jungkook hyung's maid.....salary is double than now and if i didn't accept this job, my aunty will sell me to some horny bitches and she earn money through that...."

^^^"Taetae i wish that witch die soon...."^^^

"It's okay jiminie...."

^^^"Wait....you said jungkook's maid right?...."^^^

"Yeah...what's wrong?..."

^^^"Oh my god taetae you are going to a hell.....your aunty is better than when compared to jungkook......"^^^

"Why jiminie?...." Tae became anxious......

^^^"Taetae he is a cold hearted man....yoonie and i know him....He don't know how to smile and behave to others even to his parents.....He will slap his maids when they talk back to his decisions.....I only saw him smile when ever jin hyung is near him....He is so mean taetae...."^^^

"But jiminie....i can't reject this job...."

^^^"That bitch will kill my poor taetae...."^^^

"Yooo jiminie, i called you to console me....you are making me more anxious....."

^^^"Hahahah....taetae Don't worry your jiminie is right here.....i will save you from anything....and don't forget your yoonie hyung...."^^^

"I labb you jiminie"

^^^"Lubb you too taetae..."^^^

Both ended the call after giving kisses through the phone........Tae's shift is over so he bid good bye to his co workers and jin and went to his house.......on the way to house he is keep thinking about the job......







Jungkook's pov

Aishh.....i'm exhausted with this useless workers......no one don't know to work properly........How could i launch my new product in a week with these people.......I'm in my office, it's already 10 at night.......

* Knock knock *

Now who the hell is this.......someone is knocking the door.......

"Yaa...come in...."

"Hey mahn...."

"Hobi, where the hell is you in these days......" i yelled cause he was absent for almost 3 days without telling me.......

"Hey cool kook, i'm searching for the model for our new product.....at last i met him the most beautiful handsome man....." Hobi seated in front of me.....


"His name is Mr lee....."

"I want to see his picture.....i want to see how is your selection.....cause you took almost 3 days for this....."

"Yoo mahn....he is really beautiful....i will never show you the picture cause tomorrow he is coming to your mansion on sharp 10......."

"For what?...."

"Don't know.....I think he have a crush on you...."


"Yeahh....first he didn't agree with this contract but he changed in a span of time when i showed our company product and our CEO....His two beautiful eyes stucked on your photo for a minute and immediately accepted and told he want to meet you personally....."

"Then tell him to meet me in the company office......"

"Your are late bro....i already send your mansion address........."

"Shit.....i'm not gay.....if he flirt with me.....then you are dead......." I'am not homophobic but i hate when someone flirt with me........

"Hey mahn....you don't know how beautiful he is.....I doubt that you would flirt with him....."

"You will gonna die if you don't get out of here before i count 3...."

"Hey cool....you better drink some banana milk........"

I'm about to catch him but he ran out of the office....yes i love banana milk.....what will i do when the workers heard that.....shit this hobi........

After a minute my phone rang and felt relaxation to see the caller ID......

"Jin hyung...."

^^^"Hey jungkookie, how is your day?^^^

"Fine hyung....."

^^^"Did you got the maid?....."^^^

"No hyung, someone called me, i told them to meet me in office tomorrow...."

^^^"Then cancel that all....i have a boy for that job..."^^^

"A boy?..."

^^^"Yeahh...a beautiful boy....he can know how to cook...."^^^

"But hyung?..."

^^^"No but Jungkookie i told him to meet you in the morning at 10 in the mansion....."^^^

"But hyung i have another appointment that time...."

^^^"It's ok he can wait....but one thing Jungkook, if you hurt him then i will never gonna talk to you anymore...."^^^


^^^"He's an angel jungkook never hurt him....he is like my younger brother......If i heard that your hands lay on him, then your hyung will never talk to you....."^^^

"Hyung?.....i promise i never hurt him.....don't leave me...."

^^^"Gook night kook....and his name is Taehyung...."^^^

"Okay hyung good night...."

Call ended soon and i got confused cause who is that stupid person who influenced my jin hyung more.....He never called me 'jungkook, so it's very serious matter......But i couldn't control my anger when someone cross my words.....I want jin hyung, so i have to control my hands from slapping him.....let's see.....







Next morning i woke early cause two persons were coming to meet me.....one is my maid and our company model so i did exercises in my gym which is in my mansion underground.......I early did my morning routine and changed to my suit......At that time my breakfast came to my room......i guess it's Mrs jeon who send food for me......Usually i didn't eat food made by her or her maids, cause i hate her......Sometimes she prepare for me and i reject to eat that but now i'm really hungry cause yesterday's food was not much good.....i missed homely food just on day.....

I ate the food, it's not made by her i'm sure it's her maid cause i know the taste of her food.....After breakfast i waited in my office which is in the mansion......

Taehyung's Pov

Omoo i'm late....it's already 9:45.....I'm running towards the cafe......jiminie told he will drop me in the mansion.....now he is waiting for me in the cafe.......

"Jiminie....." I yelled when i saw him infront of the cafe talking to jin hyung.......

"Taetae you are late...Yoinie told he will come with me for shopping at 10.....i'm gonna miss that because of you......" jiminie whined like a baby......

"Sorry jiminie.....now i'm here let's go....."

"Then go fast guys......" jin hyung smiled.....

"Hyung bye...."

"Bye taetae, fighting!!...."


After a ten minute drive we reached there......

"Taetae if that punk hurt you, tell me i will kick his ***.... okay?....." Jiminie told by cupping my cheeks.......

"Sure jiminie....." We hugged for a minute.....yes exactly for a minute....Jiminie is always worried about me........then i came out of the car and bid my good bye to jiminie......When i came to the gate i startled to heard a car sound which is banging behind me......I moved immediately and looked who is that stupid person inside the car.....Then i realised that's Model Lee......

Omo really handsome and beautiful he is!!!!.......why he here?....may be some business matters......

"Hey who are you?....."

Ohh i was about to go in but the gate keeper stopped me.....he looks scary.....

"I'm____jin hyung____...." i don't know what to say cause he is that much scary......

"Get out of here, it's not for trespassers....." he yelled at me.....i looked at him with a pout......I was about to go out but someone called me....A beautiful lady......She is wearing expensive dresses and ornaments......She came near me.....

"You are taehyung right?...."

I only nodded my head......

"Ohh dear are you scared?.....jin told me that you will be here in 10 minutes.....i was waiting for you since the time....."

She pinched lightly in my cheeks.....It's a little bit relaxation to see her smile.....

"I'm Mrs Jeon Yuna.....Jungkook's mother......"

"I'm Kim Taehyung....jin hyung told me_____"

"Shh...i know dear.....You are really beautiful.....come he may be waiting for you....." I walked beside her.....She is so nice to me.....She stoped infront of the gate keeper.....I hide behind her cause when ever i saw him i felt uncomfortable.......

"He is here to see jungkook....never block his way when ever he came here....." she ordered to him and instead he nodded his head and bowed his head politely.......Then she looked at my scary face and winked her eyes with a smile to cool me.....I smiled back and followed her to the mansion.......

My mouth went agape when i saw the mansion......wow it's really huge and beautiful.......Mrs jeon told me to wait in the living room......i saw Mr Lee also waiting there......I saw one of the maid keep looking at me.....I ignored her and looked other side......

Jungkook's pov

I was checking my mails while waiting for them......After sometime one of the maid knock my door......

"Sir two peoples were here to see you..."

"How they look like...."


"Tell me..."

"Sir one ia ugly and other is really beautiful and cute which looks like an angel, his small eyes, plum rose lips, white skin_____"

She stopped because of my death glare.....

"Send him here...."

"Which one sir?...."

"Second one..."

"The angel?...."

She immediately bowed her head and closed the door cause i punched on the table annoyingly......Did hobi is right?.....Is he really look beautiful.......

After a minute i heard someone knocking the door and asking to come in.....His voice is little bit hard but soft.....I allowed him to come in......


Shit i said a little but loud?......why?....shit jungkook......yes he is beautiful but i don't have supposed to said loudly......Hobi you are geart......Is he real?.....he looks like an angel.......Aarrghhh...why i talking like a gay.....i'm straight.......Why he keep looking at me?.....did something stuck in my face?......May be he is thinking how hansome i'am.......I signalled my arm towards him to sat on the chair......He sat there with a curious eyes.....did he scared?.....but i'm not scary.......I don't know that models have this much cute and beautiful face.....He is rich right?....but why he wearing these cheap dresses?......whatever.....

"I'm jeon jungkook, nice to meet you....." I extended my hand for a handshake.....He placed his tiny hands on me......His hands were soft and spongy.....It's shaking......I think he scared of me......May be he heard how is my attitude towards all......

"I'm__ Kim____Kim Taehyung..." why he shuttering?.....Wait did he said taehyung?.....

"Wait.....what?......don't you Mr Lee?....."

He shook his head while looking on the floor........I jumped from my seat angrily...He also got up and moved backward......I was about to slap him but i stopped cause he sat on the floor while placing his hand over his head.....he is scared.......I couldn't slap him cause i don't want to leave jin hyung and his innocent beautiful face didn't let me to do it.....

I punched on the table.....

Third person pov

"Get up..." jungkook yelled at tae, he immediately got up from the floor......

"Wait there..." He ordered him to sat on the couch in the office which is placed on the side.....He did what jungkook told like a good boy without looking the other.........Jungkook called the maid and told her to send that ugly man to his office......

"Hey Jungkook...." He came without knocking the door which cause jungkook to get more angry......Mr lee sat on the chair and adjusted his dress......

"Don't you have any manners?....You have to knock the door first....."

"Ohhh sorry kook....."

"Kook?..." Jungkook heard giggling sounds from the couch.....When jungkook looked at tae he immediately looked somewhere with a serious look......

"Yeah.....i'm here to see you kook....you are really handsome...."

"I have to do first something more important.....let's discuss the terms and conditions of our contract in the company......" Jungkook told while looking at tae who is looking at jungkook with curiously with a cute pout......

"Okay, i will wait there for you kook...." He said seductively and about to extend his hand towards jungkook for a handshake but jungkook ignored him and walked towards the couch and took tae's wrist a little harshly.....Jungkook dragged him out of the office ignoring the other......











mrinal Sudharshan

mrinal Sudharshan

mr lee is getting roasted on the grill 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂





hmm... wonder which one is which one 🤔





sus you want jin hyung?



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