name: Emily (fl)
personality: extrovert (top)
age: 29 (right now)
was:24 (when the incident happened..)
status: single
s@xeaiul: lesbian
secret about her: she is heart broken
name: flok
personality: extrovert (bottom)
status: single but as crush on Emily
s@xeaiul: lesbian
secret: will be top in the future
name: Alex
personality: introvert
status: single but as a crush on fc
s@xeaiul: lesbian
name: nat(our mc)
personality: extrovert & introvert
status: single, doesn't have any crush
s@xeaiul: lesbian
secret: she is the one who Emily fell in love with
author/god of this universe
hello everyone this is ur author and I'm starting this new story is because there was very less gl story so why not I write one?
author/god of this universe
and wish my brain luck btw cause I'll be writing 3 chat stories now
it's fc not mc