Blood Lily #Taekook#
...The night sky was covered by the heavy rain that had been pouring all day. Some would consider that a bad omen, but at this moment, it was just heavy rain. From time to time, the thunders would scare people in the city and could even make one shiver. This was no ordinary thunderstorm. A bad omen indeed....
...The room was poorly lit by the small yellow lights, but one could certainly see the man's silhouette sitting in the brown leather chair behind the big wooden desk. He was staring at the open window, observing the pouring rain. If one were to look closely, it would be possible to see the impatience in his eyes, but he was good at masking his feelings. He had always been. His face was blank. Not a single emotion could be read on his large pale face....
...He looked so calm that when the doors of the office opened loudly, he didn't even flinch. A man in a black suit slowly walked towards the table and bowed to the middle aged man, who was now putting a cigarette between his lips....
..."It is a boy, sir," The young man extended his hand, offering a lighter. "Would you like me to bring him to you, sir?"...
...He waited as the other man took a long drag and then exhaled the smoke, a small smirk appearing in the corner of his mouth....
...The man stood up and walked towards the window, staring outside for a while. He proceeded to sigh and turn his head slightly so the young man could see his face....
..."Perfect, sir."...
...The man seemed to laugh, but it was not loud or clear enough for anyone to hear. The silence made the room even darker and if not for the shift in his attention, no one would have noticed the small child playing with crayons in the corner of the room. He had his focus on the kid for a while and then a smile formed in his face again. It seemed rather endearing....
..."Yes, sir," the young man bowed and turned to leave the room....
...The young child was still immersed in his little drawing. He was not older than 3 years of age, but he already looked much older than he was. Big indeed. The old man still had his attention on the child and for a moment he seemed to want to touch that small head and run his fingers through his thin black hair. Still, he would not dare. The focus was back on the rain pouring outside of the window and he sighed as deeply and loudly as possible....
..."You must not trust anyone in this life, Kim Namjoon. Trust will be the death of you. Do not love broken things, they are the ones that cause the biggest damage," he said softly as he stared outside....
...The child did not pay any attention to his father's mumbling. He was drawing big red and purple circles on a sheet of paper and that seemed much more interesting than the complicated words he was saying. Big colourful circles in such a dark night. It would be comical if it wasn't tragic....
...The thunder roared again and Jungkook was woken from his dreams. He hated thunderstorms. The wind could be heard, while it invaded the room through the cracks in the windows. The whistle was loud enough to make one wake up from one's deep slumber. He tossed and turned, but there was not the slightest possibility that he would fall asleep again....
...The boy in the bed beside his was sleeping soundly and tranquilly. Seokjin was not afraid of storms. In fact he was not afraid of anything. He was his big brother and he definitely acted the part. Jungkook would always be protected by his tall and mighty brother. He stared at his brother for a while before deciding to climb out of his own bed and try to snuggle with Seokjin in his bed....
...He knew his brother would not deny him the affection he desperately needed at this moment, so he did not think twice before lifting the covers and sliding his slim body beside the other one's warm body....
..."Afraid again?" Jin said in a sleepy voice. His eyes still closed....
...Jungkook had woken his brother, but he did not feel bad for it. He knew Seokjin was not going to make him go back to his bed or even get mad, he was nice like that. Not many people got to see this side of him, pure and gentle. Jungkook only felt lucky that he had such a nice person in his life since not many people were like that towards him. Affection was not something he would get from anyone else, apart from Kim Seokjin....
...He shook his head and buried his face in his brother's chest, pulling him closer. Jin shifted his position, making sure both of them were comfortable in the small bed. He would not hug Jungkook back, but Jin did not mind Kook hugging him so close....
...It did not take long before the younger one was fast asleep and Jin stared at him with soft eyes. He was 5 years older than his brother, but in moments like this he felt as if he was Jungkook's father. They did not share blood, but they were family nonetheless. Ever since his mother had abandoned that little person on the doorstep of the Kim family's house, everything changed....
...Jin was only 5 at the time and he did not remember that day, but his earliest memories all have Jungkook in them. The small little kid that was not bright nor had anything good about him, only that stupid smile whenever he saw Seokjin. He would light up like a Christmas tree every time Jin was by his side or just entered the room. He worshiped Kim Seokjin and his brother knew that. It was something he could use to his advantage....
...From an early age, Seokjin had been raised to take over his family business. He was the prince of a very large empire and he knew that. He knew he could not trust people, love or care for anyone. Still he cared for the little Jungkook, the 10 year old that was curled up in his bed hugging him. He liked Jungkook and he knew that kid liked him back. It was a comfortable feeling to have, it felt like home....
...The thunders were still roaring outside but Jungkook was deep in his sleep. He would always sleep very profoundly whenever he hugged Jin. His brother was his safe haven, his rock, the peace and quiet in the middle of the chaos. Jungkook knew he could count on him for whatever he needed. He had lost count of how many people Jin had beaten up because of Jungkook. Whenever someone would beat him at school or pester him because of his past, Jin would make sure that person got what they deserved, a black eye or a bruised lip....
...Jin closed his eyes again and this time they did not open again until the next morning. The storm had passed and Jungkook was still sleeping, clinging onto Seokjin like a leech....
..."Annoying," he said with a faint smile on his lips....
..."Jungkook!" he heard his name as he was pulled out of Dreamland....
...The house was big and the sound echoed through the whole place. Jungkook was still in bed and was woken by the screaming. He opened his eyes slightly and the bright light almost blinded him, the sun was shining on his face. He must have overslept and he knew that would cause him a lot of trouble. He had spent most of the night playing games on his new video game, it was almost dawn when he finally closed his eyes and slept. He quickly got up and put on a t-shirt to make him more presentable. It was an Overwatch shirt, stupid decision. His quick steps got him downstairs in a very short time....
..." Hyung , did you call me?" he asked in a sleepy voice....
...Kim Seokjin was sitting in his office, staring at the young man by the door. He did not look happy. This was not a bad thing, Jin wasn't someone who smiled a lot and most times would make people shiver just by staring at them. Still, Jungkook knew this looked bad. His brother had that look that screamed with killing intent and Kook knew that he was in trouble. Jin looked him up and down, and he could see the twitch on his lips when he saw what the younger one was wearing. Shit....
..."I will sit here and wait for your explanation. My father did not raise a stupid child and I do not have a stupid person as a brother, so I will sit here and let you humour me with your version of the story. If I'm not amused, you will face the consequences," Jin said in a calm tone. Too calm....
...Jungkook shivered slightly and got closer to the big wooden desk, his eyes never leaving the elder. He knew he had messed up and knew exactly what he had done. It was his last year in school and he was on the verge of failing because of his excessive interest in video games. Seokjin most likely had gotten a call from the school to set up a meeting. Those snitches. Their father was never around, so everyone just got used to calling Jin whenever Jungkook got into trouble or needed an adult's signature....
..." Hyung , I promise I will not fail. I will get better grades and I will not play video games anymore."...
..."I am sure you will not. Jung-hwan already took out every single electronic device out of your room. You will not disappoint me, will you, Jeon Jungkook?" Jin stared at him with killing intent in his eyes, but a soft face....
...Jungkook hated when Jin called him like that, "Jeon Jungkook". He would only call him like that when he wanted to make sure Jungkook knew he had to obey. It was his form of humiliation and it always made his heart hurt immensely. Why did he need to remind him that he was not actually his brother?...
..."I will not, sir."...
..."Dismissed," Jin waved his hand towards the door....
...He was humiliated, sad and afraid. Jin had stopped using his hands to make people afraid of him, his words were enough and Kook knew that. His brother could kill a person with only the words that left his plump rose lips. He was a snake and his poison was extremely venomous. Everyone in Busan knew that. Hell, everyone in all of South Korea knew that. Kim Seokjin was famous like that....
...He went back to his room and sat on his chair, twirling a few times before feeling dizzy. His computer and video game were already gone. Jung-hwan hyung must have entered his room when he was talking to Jin. He was stealthy as ****....
...A feeling of dread took over his whole body and he could see him shake with the shivers that went up and down his spine. He was not scared of anything, except making his brother disappointed. Kook always thought so highly of Seokjinie. If he loved him any more, he would have a temple built in his honor. It was the only person he loved. But still, he was sad....
..."Jeon...Jung...Kook..." he murmured to himself....
...He hated that name, hated not being a "Kim" like his brother. But then again, Jimin was not a Kim either. Their family schematics was complicated. Their father had always been a ladies' man, but at some point in his life he met Seokjinies mom. He loved her so much and she was indeed the love of his life. Love was not something you would find in the Kim family, so eventually the love faded and Jin's mom passed away. He was seven at the time and Jungkook was only a two-year-old baby, he does not remember it. Their father was never the same after that, he became distant and cold. Seokjin knew that better than anyone, that was when he started his training to take over the company....
...In the years following his father became even more distant, focusing his entire time on his business and at some point he started spending a lot of time in Daegu. They remembered the nanny that would take care of them, but they did not remember their own father. A few months later, he came back to Busan with a small kid in his arms. He was younger than Seokjin but older than Jungkook. His name was Jimin, Park Jimin....
...His mother was some woman his father had had an affair with while he was still with Seokjin's mother. As soon as that tiny kid set foot in that house, Seokjin changed. He became as cold as his father and he looked more like an adult than a kid. He would slap Jungkook and tell him to not trust or love anyone, things like that were worthless....
...Jimin was a small little kid, he was sweet and quiet. Very shy. Jungkook always tried to be nice to him, to make him feel at home. After a while, he became his hyung too and they even acted like a family. But Kook knew it was only an act. They were not family and both his brothers did not like each other. Jungkook was just an annoying glue keeping them together and he liked to be like that....
..."KOOK, WHERE ARE YOU?" a voice echoed in his room. Jimin was calling him....
...Jungkook got up and walked to the door, snucking his head out of the small opening he made. He looked both sides of the hallway but did not see anyone there, so he got out of his room. He looked around, scared at the thought of seeing Seokjin again. Kook walked down the hallway and snuck into Jimin's room, scaring his brother....
..."Hell! Can't you knock?"...
..."I wasn't supposed to get out of my room."...
..."He's extra nasty these days. Something happened with the business. Father has been gone for too long too," Jimin seemed to be talking to himself....
...Being the middle child was not easy and Jungkook knew that, but it was even harder for a bastard middle child. Jimin would not inherit the business and was rarely considered as family by his father and Seokjin. He had suffered in the hands of his older brother, who would use his venomous tongue to make sure Jimin knew his place in the family. It was brutal to watch, but there was nothing Jungkook could do....
...At some point, he decided he would only spend half of the year in Busan. The rest of the year he would go back to his mother in Daegu and would not even send a message. This was him escaping the sad life of the Kim family. Three brothers not bound by blood, but by obligation. Sad. It would be an awesome TV drama if anyone wanted to write a fucked up story of hate and sadness. Jungkook shook his head trying to chase those thoughts away....
..."He's just working hard, that's all. But where are you going, Daegu again? So soon?"...
..."Yes, I need a break from the craziness. I'll be back, Kookie. Behave, ok?"...
..."Yeah, yeah. No need to act like my mother."...
..."If I were your mother, your face wouldn't be ugly like that," he said with a sly smile on his face....
...Jungkook sat on his bed and watched closely as his brother put his folded shirts in his suitcase. He loved to watch his brothers do anything, it didn't matter what. It was his way of calming his thoughts and having something similar to a normal family, people who did ordinary stuff. Unfortunately, the Kim family was far from ordinary....
...At that time, Kook did not know that this would be the last time he would see his brother for a long time. Years would pass before Jimin stood in front of him again. At that moment, everything was much simpler than now. People were alive, he had his family and things were simple....
...The bag was packed and Jimin bid his farewells to Kook, holding his hand in a soft way. He had his puppy eyes and that made Jungkook laugh out loud....
..."Please, behave. I don't want to come back and hear that that motherfucker did something to you, ok?"...
..."That motherfucker is our brother."...
..."He's no one's brother, not mine nor yours. He's a devilish snake and an asshole. Don't think too highly of him Kookie, he is not the man you think he is," Jimin said with fire in his eyes....
...Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin hated each other immensely, but Kook loved both of them equally. He could not consider a life without either of them and the sheer thought of losing one of his brothers would make him shiver. Jimin noticed the youngest movement and put his hand on his shoulder, reassuring him that everything would be ok. Still, the warning he had given Jungkook was the truest thing he had ever spoken. Seokjin was a snake....
...They both had done horrible things in order to get rid of the other, unspeakable things. Jungkook knew everything they did, but never told anyone about it. Whenever he could, he would take the fall for the things his brothers did. He was loyal like that. Seokjin would find that stupid while Jimin would say that it was sad, Kook called it love. Blind love....
..."I promise to not get into trouble," he lifted his pinky finger in front of Jimin's face....
...That was Jimin's cute gesture. Kook knew that it would yank a smile out of that sour face of his and he was right. Jimin was smiling again and raised his tiny finger, locking it with Jungkook's. It was their little thing, a brotherly gesture. It was their way of expressing their love and care for eachother....
..."Have a safe trip. Maybe stay longer," Jin said in a deep voice....
...Their soft moment was interrupted by Seokjin's words as he leaned on the doorframe of his office, staring at them. Their older brother had a disapproving face, but still had his soft smile on his face. Kook knew that look, it was disdain and he hated it. If one were to look at the scene in front of them, the person could think this was just a jealous brother acting out. Jungkook knew that this was a warning, a big one....
...Jimin rolled his eyes so hard that it was amazing that he could not see his own brain by now and he turned back to Jungkook. He did not bother to dignify Jin with an answer, still he was mad. Very much indeed. Jimin wasn't a person that got mad easily, he was calm and shy. But when it came to Seokjin, anyone could feel the hatred he had towards that man....
..."Kookie, beware of the fox in sheep's clothing. Betrayal runs deep in Kim blood, JEON Jungkook." He emphasized Kook's last name with a higher note....
...Jin had had enough and walked towards his brothers with all hell in his eyes. Jungkook quickly moved in front of Jimin, now standing between his two brothers. He knew he was going to get hurt, physically and emotionally. Jimin was smiling and Jin had his serious face back on. The fight was inevitable....
..."Please hyungs , don't," Jungkook said with a sigh....
...Jin looked at him and for a moment, Kook could see something he had never seen before. Sadness. It was a weird mask and he did not know how to react to it. Jimin must have realized too, because his head was slightly tilted and his brows furrowed. He did not understand it either. Seokjin let out a big sigh and turned away from the two men, walking towards his office again....
..."Are you even human, Kim Seokjin?"...
..."I will not have another argument with you Jimin, I am extremely tired. Leave or stay, it does not matter to me."...
..."It never has. You cannot feel anything, that's the legacy of the Kim family. Sad and depressed people. I will not be like you or your father."...
..."Your father."...
..."A name on a piece of paper means nothing. I do not have a father and I would like to keep it that way"...
..."Wouldn't we all?" Jin said with his back to his brothers....
...Those words took both Jimin and Jungkook by surprise. Jin had never spoken ill of the old man, never said a bad word about him. Hell, he praised him to an unnatural extent. How come he was saying that he wished he was not his son? It did not make any sense and Jimin was clearly bothered by such a comment. Did they finally find something in common?...
...Jungkook was shocked and could not hold back the small tears that began to form in the corner of his eyes. He sniffled slightly, but both his brothers could hear him and turned their attention to the youngest. Jungkook finally understood the expression on Seokjin's face, indeed it was sadness. His brother had finally broken into a thousand pieces that were being held together by whatever glue he had and now they were all scattered. Something had happened....
..."Kookie are you okay?" Jimin asked in a soft tone....
...Seokjin slowly walked back to the two men and was now standing on his side. Jungkook could no longer bear the fighting of his brothers, he had had enough of it. It was sad and tiresome. Before any of them could do anything, he had hugged them together forcing the three faces to collide....
...Grunts could be heard and his brothers tried to break loose, however Kook was not that skinny young boy he had once been anymore. He had grown up into a well built young man and his strength was much bigger than Jimin's or Jin's, he was going to use that in his favor. The tears streamed down his face and made both of his brothers stop struggling against his grasp. They both sighed and stopped....
..."I don't know why we ended up together, but I do not want to lose either of you. I forgave all the mistakes you both ever made, I suffered for both of you and I even got hurt because of you. For once, stop. It's been years and it is enough," he said as he loosened the grasp on both and they escaped his forced hug....
...Jimin was staring at Jungkook, eyes red. Seokjin would not dare to cry in front of a living person, but his face was contorted. The silence was murderous and loud, but no one dared to break it....
..."I am sorry Kookie. I promise I won't make you sad again," Jimin finally spoke while holding his brother....
..."I am sorry, Jungkook," Jin spoke from afar, but honestly....
...Their conversation did not last long after that, in fact it wasn't even a conversation. Jimin and Jungkook exchanged nice and warm words towards each other as Seokjin watched both of them like a hawk. Jimin finally grabbed his suitcase and left, shutting the door behind him with a gentle tugg. Always the calm person....
...Seokjin was still staring at Kook, his eyes calm. He truly seemed like he wanted to talk, like he desperately needed so. But we were talking about Kim Seokjin, he did not let anyone in. He sighed once more and left Jungkook alone in the living room, heading inside his office and closing the door. Kook was alone again. Sometimes the mansion could feel awfully small and packed, but at times like these, it would feel enormous and lonely....
...He was not going to swallow this and go back to his room like nothing had happened. Seokjin needed him and he knew it. He would probably hear something nasty and then he would go back to his room, feeling sad. But he had to try. He walked up to the sliding doors and hesitated for a second. Did he truly want to enrage his brother? Feelings and Kim Seokjin did not mix well and Kook knew that. **** it....
...He slid the door open and walked inside. Jin was sitting in his chair and raised his head to look at Jungkook. Something was extremely wrong. Jin had tears in his eyes. What the **** was going on? Kook ran to his brother, ignoring the normal protocol to stay away at all times....
...Once he was in front of Jin, he fell to his knees and hugged his brother close. Jin sobbed. It was the first time in his life he had seen Seokjin cry. It was the saddest thing he had ever seen, a frozen man crying was a unique sight. It was scary. More than sad, Jungkook felt his heart tighten as he did not understand the magnitude of his brother's actions. Jungkook could no longer hold back the tears and cried with his face buried in Seokjin's broad shoulder. The brothers were the closest they had ever been in years, but they were the saddest they had ever been....
..."Let go of me, Jungkook," Jin said between sobs....
...He was scared of what Jin might do to him later, but right now it did not matter. Jungkook wanted to be there for his brother, wanted to support him and tell him that everything would be okay. He would not let go, not right now. Something big had happened or was going to happen, but he did not know what. At that time, Jungkook could only hope that everything would be okay. Years later, he would eventually learn why Jin had cried that day....
..."I won't let you go. Ever. Don't try to push me away, I will not budge," Jungkook said, taking his face out of his brother's shoulder....
...Jungkook was now staring back at Jin who had his face buried in his palms. It was heartbreaking to watch. He rubbed his fingers on his brother's cheek, like he used to do when Kook was younger. It would always calm him down, so he thought that it would calm Seokjin too. It indeed calmed him, but it also made him change his expression. He grabbed Jungkook's hand with all the power that he had. It hurt, but Kook did not say a thing. He took hold of one of his fingers and slowly bent it backwards....
..."Now, you listen to me Jeon Jungkook. Don't you ever feel sorry for me. Don't you dare think I am weak like you two." He bent his brother's finger even more. "Because I am not and I will not be treated like I am. You are different from me and Jimin, but you will eventually understand why I did every single thing I did. When that day comes, you will not forgive me. I do not or will not need your forgiveness. You will forget about me and leave. Do you understand?" Jin bent Jungkook's finger even more....
...He was scared out of his mind. Jungkook had never seen that face or heard that voice on his brother in his life. He felt as if he was talking to a demon and not the Kim Seokjin he had grown up with, this was not his brother. He did not know this person. Jungkook could not muster the courage to answer what Jin had asked. He was too afraid of the person in front of him....
...His finger was broken and he was now curled up on the floor screaming and holding his finger. Seokjin got up from his chair and was staring at his baby brother, who was bawling on the floor of his office. His expression was even darker than before. This was the scariest moment of Jungkook's life, the day he saw Seokjin's true face. He finally saw the fox Jimin was talking about....
..."The pain you feel right now, will stay with you for the rest of your life and you will not forget that I was the one that made you feel like that. I hope you will remember that," Jin said in a cold tone....
...He grabbed his phone and seemed to call someone, a few moments later Jung-hwan took Jungkook out of the office and drove him to the E.R. Jin knew exactly how to break a finger, he had done it before. Kook had seen him do it to people who bothered Jungkook at school and he was always very calm about it, like it was something ridiculous or natural to him. Indeed it was, he had even done it to his brother. Still, Jungkook was a pathetic ****. He eventually forgave Seokjin, even though his finger remained crooked for the rest of his life....
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