The Wolf Prince And His Vampire

The Wolf Prince And His Vampire

The Meeting

This is a love story....
If you are Homophobic please just leave this is not for you
This also has adult content so if you are uncomfortable please just leave as well
*Luke wakes up*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Morning already......?
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Yes now get up we have things to do!
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
You're Boyfriend is down stairs waiting for you to wake up
*Cole opens the curtains*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
He's my best friend not my boyfriend I'm going back to sleep.....
*Luke gets up and closes the curtains looking at his father*
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Don't give me that look....
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Fine fine just let me get dressed
*Cole stands there looking at Luke*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Well get out!
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
I was about to!
*Cole leaves the room closing the door behind him*
*Luke gets changed and walks out his room*
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Sorry My father was trying to get me up but I wouldn't
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Well you should listen to your father the first time he says stuff
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
You're going to be king soon and you can't keep acting childish
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
I am not being childish
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
I just need a queen so I can become king and my father and soon rest....
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Well you mean King?
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
No Queen I can't marry a man it's illegal
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Well you can change that law
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
You're right but my father would flip
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
I have to meet a gang later and have a discussion on my protection
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Maybe I could come and meet some hot guys?
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Yes I guess you could
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
The meeting is at 12:30 am so I have two hours to eat and prepare myself
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
I'll be right be your side!
*Luke smiles and hugs Liam*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
You're the bestest friend I could ever have....
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
awwh Thank you....
*They race down to breakfast*
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
We are trying to have a peaceful morning!
*Hannah stands up and walks over to the two boys*
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Sorry Mrs.Albert
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Sorry Ma we are excited
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
What are you so excited about?
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Luke was talking about the gang he was meeting at lunch and all the cute boys that will be there
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Liam I said I am discussing my protection with them
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
I believe what Liam is saying
*Luke's mind*Why does she only believing him????*
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Sit down!
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Darling calm down!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Liam over there is the chocolate chip pancakes just for you
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
*Everyone sits down and starts eating*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Ma I have a question?
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
What is it Luke?
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Why would I need the protection if we have guards and I know how to fight?
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Luke if something happens to you the whole line of our family will end....I was almost kidnapped when I was your age just so they could step up to the throne
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
I don't want anything happening to you end of conversation!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Ok ok just asking
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
*whispers*Could you pass the syrup?
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Here Liam
*Hannah gives Liam the syrup and smiles happily*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
What species are the gang?
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Are you out of your mind?!?!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
They will try and kill me for my place!
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
No they won't because they have chips in there neck so if they lay a finger on you they die instantly
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
just by pressing a button
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Yep it's connected to your phone
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Darling could you pass me the water that's right next to you?
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
It's right there tho!
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
You have to make me get it
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
It's right there next your hand!
*Cole grabs Hannah and sets her on his lap*
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
It's right infront of you
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Hahahahaha Liam let's go
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
You can bring the food to my room I don't wanna witness anymore of them
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Oh ok
*Cole laughs and kisses Hannah*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
See you two later bye
*Luke runs upstairs to his room with Liam*
*With the gang*
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Yes father?
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
The meeting is today get ready to see Prince Luke!
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
May I see a picture of this "Prince Luke"
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
Yes I'll send it to you but get the gang ready!
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Ok they are ready and so am I!
*Nicolas sends James a picture of Luke*
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
He really needs this much protection???
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
Yes now stop asking stupid questions!
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Sorry Father
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
I will tell the king we are ready at this time
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Ok father I'll get my things into the car
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
Thank you James
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
You're welcome father....
(Back with the Prince)
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
You are irritating!
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
Brother wait!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
Could I hang out with you please I'm alone with no one to hang out with....?
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
You can hang with us!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Fine I guess
*Hannah runs into Luke's room*
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
The Gang is on its way Hon
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Ok Ma
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Cute Vampire boys here I comeeeeee
*Hannah laughs and then leaves*
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
Who's she talking about???
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Luke is meeting some a gang for his new guard
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
They are vampires
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
I wanna go!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
You can't adults only
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
Liam is 16 and he can go!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
You can't go because you are 12
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Plus you will just talk over me
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
some future king won't even bend the rules for his sister!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Look you can come but no talking and you have to stay by me at all times
Lola Albert
Lola Albert
Sounds like a deal!
*They all go downstairs to find the gang arrived*
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Luke get your @ss down here Now!
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
I'm coming if you hold on a second!
*James looks at Luke and starts blushing*
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
*Whispers*James stop it!
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
s-sorry father
(Luke runs down the stairs)
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Are you happy now parents??
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
He's been in such a bad mood today I am so very sorry about his behavior
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
You don't have to apologize my queen
Cole Albert
Cole Albert
Luke say hello to Mr.Roosevelt and his son James
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
Oh please just call me Nick
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Hello I'm Luke prince of the parents that love each other so much it's like their kids are invisible
*James starts laughing*
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Sorry Father I just thought it was-
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Nick would you like to have something to eat or drink?
Nicolas Roosevelt
Nicolas Roosevelt
Oh I would love to have something to eat I haven't ate all morning
Hannah Albert
Hannah Albert
Follow me then
(The parents walk off)
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
So Prince Luke
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
May I talk to you in private?
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Sure let's go to my room
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
You two can go to Lola's room until we are done talking
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Before we go off to talk I have to make sure my Older brother comes in...
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
You have siblings???
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Yes 5 Siblings
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Liam lower your voice my ears can't take a lot of loud noise
Liam Doom
Liam Doom
Jay Roosevelt
Jay Roosevelt
Hello baby brother I hear you talking about me?
*Liam Faints but Jay catches him*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
What you do to him?!?!
Jay Roosevelt
Jay Roosevelt
Just put a little sleeping spell on him....
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
Mr.James could we go talk now?
James Roosevelt
James Roosevelt
Yes your highness
*James and Luke go upstairs to Luke's room*
Luke Albert
Luke Albert
So what did you need to talk about?
*James turns the light off and locks the door*


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