hey there cutie!
so today's chapter is about something really dark
so most of human evolution history is missing.... what if we were one experiment to observe evolution those who made our dna sent us here to observe our growth but we went out of control and that experiment failed.... we destroyed every other species we met maybe we knew those hybrids which are so called "imaginary" today, many things changed as time went by.... best example is Jesus being shown white... he was from middle East there's no chance he was white..... is it possible that the gods we know Today were those aliens, are those u.f.o sightings them checking if we are a danger to them.... are they scared? or they treat as a failure and don't want to do anything with us? this universe is huge there are millions of secrets hidden inside, this planet is a mystery in itself what if all that we thought we know is wrong what if the history is more complicated than we think it is, us humans have no one but ourselves to ask these questions and give answers
( random photo to make it a lil interesting)
we don't even know about the many secrets our roots hold so how can we expect to know what this huge universe has hidden inside itself
reality isn't always what it seems, some things are hidden right under our noses so let's change the way we see this world a little and question things because if there isn't a question there won't be an answer and maybe one day we'll question about some things that would bring a huge change in this world
it's possible that we forgot about some amazing powers we have, maybe we are stronger than we think we are, maybe we aren't the smartest, maybe there are some hidden secrets around us waiting to be discovered.....
(another random picture.... please don't get bored)
In the end everything becomes a mystery when we question why it isn't one, when we start seeing it in a different way and it's perfectly ok
you know why I wrote this theory? it's because I want you to see this world with new eyes when you are feeling sad or left out remember you are special, you are a unique mystery and you are here to solve this mystery the person who's opinion really matters aren't the ones who are close to you nor anyone else but you yourself. If you ever feel odd remember that nothing is normal everything is strange and it's perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with it so relax, if you ever feel like you aren't beautiful remember that this beauty and it's standards are always changing if you are happy the way you are nothing matters
always remember that self love is really important, you are always there when people who are close to you are hurt so be there when you are hurt you love them as they are so love yourself as you too you appreciate them no matter how weird or crazy they get so why aren't you expecting yourself
you always said "I love you" from now on try saying "I love me"
(^_^♪) okie guys bye ❤
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when I first saw videos on black hole I was randomly imagining that what if black hole open here and that was damn crazy
Evolution Or Dna Modification Takes Place When A Certain Species Does Something Out Of Theyre Experiences And The DNAs Modify It To Theyre Young Ones Then To This Day And The Secrets Of The Entire Universe Is As Vast As Itslef No Matter How Many People Are Researching No Matter How Many Evolutions We Go Through In Eras Unsolving The Secret Of The World And Universe Will Never Be Accomplish
🍒 Cherry 🍒
I never thought about this but can it be that God was aliens 😱😱😱😱😱