In a world where certain people possess the ability to travel through time, a young man (ML) who once used his power to fix his own life is now faced with a much bigger threat. After failing to save his mother, he gives up on time travel, but years later, he’s drawn back when a villain begins hunting time travelers, aiming to stop the future’s dark fate.
Joined by a team of five—each with their own time-traveling abilities—the ML must lead them to fix the broken timeline before millions die. As time fractures, allowing anyone to travel between past and future, the group races to stop the villain, uncovering secrets of the future that could destroy humanity itself.
A thrilling mix of suspense, action, and heart, this is a journey where the past, present, and future collide, and the cost of saving time might be greater than they imagined.
NovelToon got authorization from Sham_ki_Dhoop to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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