The Seeker's Bride centers on Abby, a resourceful thief struggling to support her cancer-stricken sister. Unbeknownst to her, Abby is the reincarnation of Thalassia, a powerful high priestess and Kyros’s long-lost lover. Her life takes a dark turn when she unwittingly steals Kyros’s Abyssal Crystal, a relic that bridges the mortal and divine realms. The theft unleashes supernatural forces, drawing tortured souls and deadly creatures to her. As Abby is thrust into a world she never knew existed, she begins to uncover the truth of her past lives and the tragic love story that once defined her. Torn between rekindling a love that led to her demise and accepting a fate she cannot escape, Abby must decide whether to change her destiny or let history repeat itself.
NovelToon got authorization from Vhan Etrof to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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