In the vibrant city of Tokyo Japan, Adiro, a shy and introverted teenager, spends his days immersed in the world of anime. Inspired by the romantic stories he watches, he decides to take a bold step and find a girlfriend. His life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon an ancient amulet with the extraordinary power to bring people's dreams and desires to life.
Harboring deep feelings for Rica, a mysterious and spirited girl who seems to have a deeper connection to the amulet than she initially reveals, Adiro's journey becomes even more complicated. Nervous and unsure how to express his emotions, he finds himself drawn into an unforgettable adventure with Rica. Together, they navigate the complexities of their growing bond while confronting formidable adversaries who seek to exploit the amulet's power for their own sinister purposes.
NovelToon got authorization from NG Network Gaming to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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