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Author Name: Yunxiao

The Last Saintess

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Author Name: Yunxiao

In a world divided into 3 regions, namely the immortal world, the monster world, and the demon world which are hostile to each other.

There is an exception, namely the holy light sect that search, train and protect a saint/saintess who awakened once in every 100 years to seal the savage king of darkness.

They are always neutral about all other problems in the world.

This story tells the journey of the last saintess who ended the problems in the world and became the opener of a new legend.

Everyone, just have fun. If you have any comments, please pat me gently. I hope everyone can enjoy reading the article

NovelToon got authorization from Yunxiao to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

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