Leimaram is a Waterfall in the State of India,(Manipur).
A tourist came by to see the beautiful calming fall and saw a beautiful lady in white ,dancing alone and the irony was, there was no other tourist that day and only him. So he call out for her and she didn't seem to listen so he went up nearer to her"Hey,Miss Do u know the route to....." He couldn't finish his line to speak cuz when she turned to him and he saw the face was blank(no eyes,no,nose,no lips)He Shouted with an Echo, no sound could be heard of him in the village,and from that day he disappeared.
Find out more in the coming episodes.
NovelToon got authorization from Putrika Wang to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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