Starlight Reverie follows Amara, a young woman with a mysterious past, who discovers she is the Star Keeper—a protector of balance in the universe. After a fierce battle against the Void, a malevolent force seeking to consume all light, she learns that the Void is not merely an enemy but a necessary part of the cosmic balance. With her companions—Cassian, Lira, and Ellian—Amara embarks on a quest to the ancient Star Temple, seeking knowledge to confront the Void without destroying it. As they navigate the temple’s secrets, Amara grapples with her growing powers and the chilling realization that she holds the key to restoring equilibrium. With darkness looming ever closer, the group must uncover the truth about the Void and their own destinies before chaos engulfs their world. In this tale of bravery, friendship, and the struggle between light and dark, Amara must embrace her fate to protect everything she holds dear.
NovelToon got authorization from Sangjun (상준) to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.
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