It was a monday, i was trying to cross the road directly to the college when i caught someone's attention. A tall guy who is wearing a green shirt, messy hair, i can only see his side view and i caught my attention towards him. He is talking to someone in a group of people and i was crossing the road with my friends...
"Wow, who is that guy? He looks good"
That was my thought at that time.... I found him attractive that i kept looking at him even after crossing the road. He turned his head quickly,i saw his face. I was shocked to see his face that i turned back my head and walked fast.
"That guy, isn't that him? Its him.... He is here already?"
Yeah, i know him... He was the guy whogate" a crush on me. My friend Ashley who is addicted to Snapchat took a snap of us together and send it to him. He was her online friend and he saw my photo and got a crush on me. He asked her about my details and told her that he got a crush on me and want to get to know about me. She told him my name and details about do i have a boyfriend or something and the course iam studying (Ba psycholog). He told her that he is going to come to our college soon, coincidentally he is taking an admission in our college. So he would like to talk to me in person.... That's why he never approached me on instagram or something. Til now i have only seen him on instagram. I didn't knew that he would come this early. I was excited and shocked at the same time. I can't say that i was interested... It was more like shocking.
"I think it's him, what if he isn't? Am i mistaken? But i dont think so"
I ran into the college to ask Ashley whether it was him or not.
"Hey, i saw a guy outside our college... He looked like that guy"
I asked her quickly without even breathing properly, iam still sweating from running
"Which guy?"
She asked without even looking at me, staring at her phone
"Him, that guy who said he have a crush on me... Your Snapchat friend"
Is she stupid or what? She dont even remember that? I dont know why i was so anxious and excited.... I was eager to hear it from her that it was him. I was 99% sure that it was him... That 1% i was confused. What if mind is playing with me?
"Alby? Are you talking him?"
"Yeah, alby.... I think i saw him infront of our college, ask him if it was him"
"Are you sure it was him? Wait a minute, let me ask him... What was he wearing? Do you remember?"
She asked me while texting him
"Green... He was wearing a green tshirt. I looked him thinking who is this handsome guy and when i saw his face i was shocked...."
She laughed at me and teased me.
"Maybe it's really him.... He told me other day that he will be coming here soon.... So, did you like him?"
She asked me teasingly
I blushed a little and said
"H-he is handsome, i-i dont even know his character i... I..."
I was so flustered that i dont even know what to say
"J-just tell me if it was him or not... Dont ask me foolish questios"
I tried to change the topic
"Yeah yeah, he says it was him"
She said that while smiling
"Really it was him? Did he saw me?"
He saw me? But i turned quickly, why am i feeling so good?
"No he didn't, but he said it was him... He is wearing a green shirt and today is his first day at college"
"Oh i see"
A little bit disappointment because he didn't saw me but its finee....
"Oh yeah, he said we can meet one day after submitting all the certificates"
Heheh, i let out a blushing laugh. I was feeling very happy because my horoscope told me that i will meet my soulmate/someone special in life in the starting of next week which starts from monday....
And the day i meet him was also the day it mentioned, so i was surprised and happy....
I didn't think about him that much that day....
The next day🐦⬛🐦⬛
I came to college like normal. I totally forgot about him, just thinking about random things....
After my morning class i was coming out from my department with my friend ashley. We were holding hands while walking and suddenly she said
"Isn't that him? Alby? Hey Adrina it's him"
While smiling
"W-what? W-where?"
I was shocked and flustered... It was sudden, iam not prepared at all. I dont even know what to do. My hands are literally shaking, my heart is beating crazily.... My head is soinning, my hand is sweating...
"W-where is he? O-oh no i s-saw"
I saw him.... He looks like a local boy. Like a street boy who dont even take a bath. Iam not insulting him but that was how he looked like. I know i am not perfect and beautiful, but that was how i thought about him.
He didn't see me, it was me who saw him first and when he saw me he suddenly stop walking and slow down as he was also shocked to see me.
He also didnt expected to meet me. Maybe he was also shocked. My friend ashley hold my hand and took me towards him. My heart was beating crazily and i was trembling. He also walked towards us.
He said while smiling.... He can't take off his smiling, he was always smiling like he was shy. I think he is shy, the way he can't even look at me and still smiling.
I also said hi, i almost cracked my voice... I hope he wont see my body trembling.... What should i do? I dont know what to do. I cant look at his face either, i think iam also quite shy
"Lets go Adrina"
Put her hand on my shoulder and dragged me from there....
Yeah it was no one but one of my roommate hygina. I know its a weird name but she was named by her parents.
I was dragged quickly which helped me calm and feel at ease...
Ashley and alby was talking to each other....
After finishing our classes we are going to our rooms. Ashley is from other pg,which is near college and i have to a little far from college.
"Lets go, iam so tire"
I said while dragging my legs to walk like an old women
"Don't you wanna meet alby and talk to him?
"I... Iam, we have time... Later... I will talk to him later"
Why am i flustered? I dont have experience talking with boys... That's why i was flustered and anxious.
"Yeah yeah.... Let's go"
We were going out from the college through 3rd gate. Ashley and i are two introverts.... We fear people and don't know what to do infront of strangers.
"Let's drink something"
She said
"Lets drink shake, i know a great shop and it is very good.... The quantity is also good... You will love it. Lets go there its not far from here.
I told her about the shop 'Juicy cafe'
"then let's go there... Lead the way"
I lead the way and we got infront of the shop, we stopped walking
"There are so many people🥲"
She said
"What should we do? It's filled, there are no chairs left for us to sit...."
The shop was filled with other students
"These guys finished drinking, what the f*ck are they doing? Can't they just go if they are finished? "
Ashley is frustrated, i can understand it from the tone of her words.
I laughed
"You are right, can't they just f*ck off if they are finished? So annoying, i can't just walk into that crowd... Iam scared of people"
Iam an introvert, i fear small crowd like that....
"Me too.... Damn godd.... Iam about to curse these guys.... Why are they still here? Let me tell you something Adrina, today we will only drink the shake from this shop.... We will wait till they leave. "
Ashley is very angry and determined.... She dont wanna give up on that shop i think....
"Yeah, we are gonna stay here forever til they leave...."
I was also waiting for them to leave, so we stood far from the shop facing them...
"What if alby come now? His orientation class is finished..... I think he will be coming through 3rd gate"
She said in a shocking way which shows that she is also nervous
"Dont say that please😭😭..... Nooo, i dont wanna talk to him. Please dont come here"
Iam not ready yet, yeah... I need time
We are still waiting for them to leave. These guys have already finished drinking and they are just chatting there.... We are about to kill them
"Look, alby is coming"
She said in a surprising tone, which made me jump.... I turn back and saw him. I turn my head quickly as i saw his face pretending that i didnt saw him.
But ashley was still looking at him because they are friends, even though they have not meet in real life. They are still good friends.
There was 2 other guys with him.... The moment he saw me, he slowed his walking and stood in a shock. She smiled and walking slowly. His friends are looking at us and him teasingly.
I got nervous and i dont know what to do. He walked towards us and stood near ashley.... Ashley id standing in the middle of us. I can't even look at him properly because iam shy.
She said while laughing. I dont know why but she can't control her laughing
He said back while smiling
"So this is alby and this is adrina"
She introduced us. I looked at his face and smiled. His face looks shy and smiling, he smiled back at me.
"Talk something guys😂"
Ashley is trying to break the awkward
For a while they talked some things and i am feeling bored. Suddenly their attention came to me.
"You should talk to her, why are you not saying anything?"
Ashley asked him, while laughing.
"What should i ask? Hmmm what is your name?"
He asked while laughing, he is also feeling awkward and dont know what to say.... Iam also feeling shy
I also laughed
"What is your name brother?"
Since he is older than me i should call him brother.... We are not that close so it sound rude to call him by his name
"She is calling me brother"
He whispered to ashley.... I saw that, he is cute. The way he complained that is so cute.... His face is small but cute. His sound also feels cute....
I smiled. It was really awkward between us because both of us. Ashley tried her best to break the silence but she couldn't because she was also feeling awkward 🥲...
I was thinking why he didnt asked for my instagram? Does he dont want my account? He dont wanna text me? He wanna get to know me by talking each other? But iam not good at talking to people. Especially when it comes to boys.
"Is the guy on her instagram highlight is her brother?"
He asked ashley and she asked me the same question
"Yeah its my brother"
How does he know about that? He dont even follow me.... He saw my account before? You acting all shy, you stalker🤭....