A man in dark clothes ran through through the forest with a speed which can only be considered inhuman. It was night but his vision was clear. He stopped and took a deep breath. A smirk made its way on his lips when he caught a whiff of his prey's scent.
''You can't hide from me!'' The man yelled. His voice echoing through the dark forest.
He heard a rustling sound behind him causing him to swiftly turn around with a maniacal grin on his lips only for a bullet to pierce right through his forehead. His eyes widened as he fell on the dirty ground motionless. The blood spilled against the dry leaves on the ground pooling around his head. The dead man layed on the ground with his eyes and mouth widen open as his lifeless eyes stared at a direction.
The man won't stay dead for long, unless...his body is completely destroyed.
A man jumped from the tree he was hiding in. Taking one of the dagger he had strapped on his ankles he stalked towards his kill and crouched down to dead man's level. He stabbed the sharp silver dagger on the man's chest dragging it down and pulling the man's heart out in the process effortlessly without a change in his blank expression.
''Easy prey...'' The man smirked. He pulled off the black mask covering half of his face revealing a ridiculously handsome face. His black long bangs covered his brows, almost hiding his dark eyes.
His predatory eyes stared at the dead man, a vampire. He took a lighter from the pocket of his long black coat. He lightened it, his almost black eyes reflecting the small fire. A light wind blew causing the small heat to struggle for his survival. The man didn't flinch nor did his face showed any expression of pain when the heat touched his skin.
The fire never bothered him.
Throwing the lighter at the vampire's body he watched it burn with a bored expression on his face. He cleaned his bloodied dagger with a cloth and threw the cloth in the fire and put the dagger back in its place.
His dark iris glowed with speckles of gold in them as he stared at the fire. He blinked his eyes and looked away from the fire and when he opened them again it was back to his original colour, black, like an abyss.
He went from the scene like nothing happened with his hands in the coat pocket and humming a sweet tune under his breath as he walked away from there into the dark night.
He entered a bar named 'Midnight Palace', which was a bar known mostly for supernatural beings but everyone was welcome there as long as they don't bring trouble along. The handsome man sat on a chair and pulled out his phone scrolling through the news feeds, one of his hand supporting his chin as leaned on the counter. His face void of any expressions.
''Tae bear!'' A brown haired man called making him snap his head towards the voice.
''Hey hyung.'' Taehyung greeted back as a boxy smile made its way on his lips and he put his phone down focusing on the man in front of him.
''My baby has all grown up! I can't believe it!'' Taehyung rolled his eyes at the brown head who suddenly hugged him cradling his head in his arms.
''Hyung, stop being dramatic. Its only been a week.'' The brown head pouted at the younger.
''Why do you always call me hyung and not dad? I practically raised you!'' Taehyung chuckled at the elder.
''Don't you think you look too young for me to call you dad?'' Taehyung asked with a raised brow.
''Thats because I am a vampire! And Vampire age slowly... '' The man said throwing his hands in the air.
''If you find me a mom maybe I wil start calling you dad?'' Taehyung said with a soft smile.
The vampire whose name is Jackson looked at Taehyung with a small smile. ''Then...I will have to wait for a while. I haven't found my mate yet. But for some reason I have a feeling that I will find them soon.'' He said enthusiastically. He seemed very excited to meet his mate whom he haven't found in all those years.
''I can't wait to see my future mom!'' Taehyung said with a smirk. Jackson just ruffled his hair making Taehyung growl at him playfully.
''What about you? Did you find anything?''
''Nah... Only a vampire who was killing kids for young blood. He was a easy prey. Burned him.'' Taehyung said nonchalantly like he wasn't taking about how he killed someone. Jackson smiled proudly at his son.
Kim Taehyung lost his parents at young age of six. He was raised by Jackson who was a vampire. Jackson loves kids and seeing the adorable 6 year old with teary eyes in the middle of night alone in the forest made his heart clench. He took Taehyung home with him and later found out that his family was slaughtered by some Vampires.
Taehyung's mother was a half witch and his father was a pureblood. His mother being a witch didn't help the situation. The humans somehow found it and after the vampires left, the human burned his house down along with him and his family who were killed. The 6 year old could only hide in the closet and he somehow survived the fire without a scratch. But he was the only one left. And the young boys heart was filled hate and the need to avenge his family.
Taehyung was raised by Jackson, who was a pureblood himself. Jackson owned a bar. He was filthy rich and he never missed the chance to spoil the boy whom he adores to the core. Taehyung decided to become a hunter which jackson supported. He know the younger wanted to find the vampire who killed his family.
He still don't know why his family was targeted. He had his guesses. The main reason must be because he was an hybrid. Other species being together was considered forbidden. Especially by the purebloods.
He will find the one who killed his family, oneday. He was still searching for that man. Taehyung doesn't remember much but the man had a tattoo on his wrist. The royal family's seal. He never forget that even if his memories were blurry.
Him being a hybrid had its perks. He was a well known hunter but he didn't work for council or anyone else. And he didn't hate Vampires...how can he? When he was raised by a vampire. But he surely kills the bad ones, without batting an eye. He can be kind and merciless at the same time. Taehyung won't say he is bad man nor would he call himself a good one. He would say he was neither.
''Will you be leaving again?'' Jackson asked as he hugged the taller male.
''Hmm...don't worry hyung, I will come back for dinner tonight and after I won't be going hunting for a week.'' Taehyung said making a big smile appear on the elder's face.
Taehyung was sitting on the top of a tree, waiting, for his prey. He had targeted the man since a week. He used to work in the council of vampires but retired for some reason. The older vampire must know something about his parents' murder. His father was a pure blood, the council won't overlook a pure blood's death, especially someone who worked under the royal family, yet there was no action from their side.
Taehyung gritted his teeth at the thought. He only knows that his father worked for the royal family, that piece of information was acquired by jackson. Other than that he knows nothing. And he can't inquire about his mother without letting the witches know about his existence. They would probably come after him since he is a vampire-witch hybrid, the worst they would do is try to protect him, that he didn't want. If the vampire council know he was a hybrid they will execute him without a trial. Hybrids are considered as a threat, especially by the purebloods of royal family who are top in the hierarchy.
The powers a hybrid can possess are unknown and the purebloods thinks that their superiority will be threatened by a hybrid.
Taehyung sighed, if only this people weren't so power hungry.
Taehyung touched his gun settled in the holster attached to his belt. He pushed back his hair from forehead revealing his perfect face to the moonlight. He put a black headband on his forehead keeping the hair from falling on his eyes.
His ears perked when he heard the crenching sound of the dry leaves, sound of someone's footsteps running towards his way. He gaze settled on where the sound was coming from. He breath hitched when his eyes landed on the most beautiful being he had ever seen.
Taehyung forget to breath after seeing the beauty infront of him. But the beauty was not alone it seems. He watched with narrowed eyes as someone chased after the boy whom taehyung could only describe as an ethereal beauty.
''Mis-mister...please leave me!'' Not just he was pretty even his voice was angelic. Taehyung would have loved to hear more of the sweet voice if not for the panic and fear in it. For some reason his heart clenched seeing the boy's teary eyes who's face resembles of a bunny.
''Oh...sorry darling, I can't do that. If I sell you to the slave market I am sure I will get a high price. Not to mention a vampire slave! Human will die to get a beauty like you as a slave.'' The man who was following the bunny boy said with a dirty smirk. Pearl shaped tears dribbled down the adorable boy's doe eyes to his chubby cheeks.
Taehyung blood boiled at the name of slave market. He hated that place. If he could, he would have burned that place to ashes and saved the people from there but it was run under the human council. He can't do it unless he want a bounty on his head.
Taehyung noticed everything about the boy, from his eyes to the mole under his lower lip. And that tiny waist peeking from underneath the boy's clothes which rided upward and those thick thighs claded in white pants which hugged his skin snugly and his cute round bu- Ok, he is noticing way too much things and he needs to stop!
Taehyung noticed everything except for the most important thing. His eye colour.
A Vampire, no a pureblooded vampire.
The eye colour was darker. If he was a pureblood he must be powerful. Then why isn't the bunny fighting back?
''B-but thats wrong...'' The bunny faced beauty said with a frown on his baby face. Hearing this the man laughed out aloud.
''One, you are dumb or you are too innocent for saying that kid, in this world there is more wrong than right.
And I am sorry but I need money so I have to sell you.'' the man said with a sickening smile. He moved towards the bunny who stepped backwards. He turned around, ready to run away from there but fell flat on his face. His hands scraped on the small rocks on the ground breaking the smooth skin, little specks of blood visible on his palm which healed in seconds. But he still felt the pain, his eyes become even more teary if possible.
He lower lip trembled and he started to cry like a baby.
''P-please...don't h-hurt m-me..'' The bunny stuttered out between his cry.
The man smirked,''You surely are a beautiful creature. I wou-'' Before he could touch the bunny he was thrown against a tree causing him to loss his consciousness immediately.
''For a vampire you sure are weak and a crybaby.'' The bunny looked through his wet lashes. His jaw dropped when saw a gorgeous man infront of him. His blinked his doe eyes multiple times. His lips parted in awe.
''Y-you are s-so handsome!'' The bunny exclaimed in awe. His bambi eyes looking at Taehyung in wonder, totally distracted from the situation he was in just a moment ago.
If Taehyung was expecting something, it was definitely not this.
''...'' He was speechless.
Taehyung was flustered at the comment but maintained his expressionless face nonetheless. He stared at the bunny with a poker face but inside he was a mess.
''Who are you?'' The bunny shivered at the deep authoritative voice.
''I a-am Jungkook. What's your name mister?'' Jungkook asked as he sniffed his nose scrunching cutely.
''Taehyung, Kim Taehyung'' Taehyung said hesitantly.
Taehyung was not sure if he seeing things or.....why else would there be flowers and glitters about the vampire kid? And those doe eyes.... They are freaking sparkling!
Taehyung think he saw a mini galaxy in them? Yeah...he was definitely seeing things.
''How old are you mister? I am 20!'' Jungkook said introdicing himself and looked at the handsome male curiously wanting to know more about the one who saved him. Talking about that, Jungkook's moved towards the unconscious man with scared eyes.
''Stop calling me mister.'' Taehyung said instead of answering. It irked him, the boy calling him mister. He was only 25, he still young. The boy was older than taehyung thought initially.
Jungkook snapped his eyes back to taehyung and pouted when the other male didn't answer his question. But his expression changed into an excited one in a split second.
''Are you older than me? Can I call you Hyung? Or taehyungie?'' The bunny faced adorable vampire suddenly asked, excitedly. He was very bubbly person and for someone who was crying his eyes out he was very cheery.
Well, taehyung was again speechless.
''No.'' He said sternly making the bunny look at him with a pout and puppy eyes.
It should be fucking illegal to be this cute! Taehyung's inner voice screamed but outside he looked unaffected.
Be calm, be cool. He said to himself.
Again, taehyung was seeing things or why would he see bunny ears on the vampire? And they were plopped down in disappointment. Was there a tail too?
Taehyung discreetly looked at the bunny's butt.
Yeah he was totally seeing things!
And damn, The adorable vampire has bubbly butt! He couldn't see them probably befo- Taehyung mentally smacked himself to not get side tracked.
''Why....'' The young vampire whined like a baby.
''I don't even know you.'' The hunter simply replied with his usually blank face.
''But you saved me? Please~ can I call you taehyungie? Hmm?'' Jungkook made his pout bigger. Taehyung tried to avoid the ridiculously shiny eyes which were attacking him with their stary light.
But who was he kidding...
''Fine. Do whatever you want.'' Taehyung grumbled half heartedly making jungkook cheer a 'Yay' and clap his hands while giggling.
Taehyung at that moment didn't realise what he have brought upon himself.
And lets not talk about the fact that he missed the man who was his target.
''Taehyungie, taehyungie! Is this your house?'' Jungkook asked excitedly as he bounced on his heels as he stood behind Taehyung as the taller male punched in the password to open the door.
Don't ask Taehyung how he ended up with the adorable vampire following him to his house because he himself have no idea how it came to this?
And why is this baby vamp keep following after him like a baby chick? Sure it was adorable --not that Taehyung will admit it-- seeing the cute Vampire look at him with those starry eyes filled with mini galaxy.
But hey, Taehyung was a hunter and the young boy was a vampire. If anything he should be worried and cautious around him. But the bunny seemed to feel none of them.
Taehyung turned around to look at the overly excited bunny who was still bounced on his heels --he surely can't stay in one place, calmly.
Taehyung sighed. ''May I know why you are following me when i clearly told you to stay away from me and my sight?'' Taehyung asked tried his best to look intimidating when in reality he was trying his best not to squeeze those chubby cheeks and coo at him.
Jungkook stopped bouncing and bit his lips, chewing on them continuously making them redder than they already were. Taehyung eyes flickered on the soft looking lips distractedly. He mentally shook his head to gain his control.
''I-i...'' Jungkook stuttered terribly and tried to say something but he didn't know why he followed the hunter in first place. He felt safe with him, maybe because he saved him from that bad mister but he wanted to stay close to the elder. He don't why but his instincts telling him to stay close to the older male.
''Go back to your house. Your parents will be worried. Now go, shoo...'' Taehyung shooed the baby vamp who looked so offended at being treated like a kid. He was 20 years old! He was an adult! Jungkook huffed at older, puffing his cheeks out like an angry bunny.
''Don't treat me like a kid! I am a big boy!'' He puffed out his chest proudly, standing on his toes to meet the elder's height but barely reached till his shoulder. Taehyung's lips twitched upwards as he stared down at the cute being with amusing eyes.
''-and...i-i...can't go back h-home.'' Jungkook voice suddenly turned sad and he started to sniffle making the older alarmed at the incoming cry session of the baby Vamp. Taehyung frowned hearing the younger male's words.
''Why? Why can't you go back?'' He questioned. He saw the younger's lips wobble as he stared at his feet. Taehyung stepped forward but didn't make any move to touch the young vampire.
''E-eomma told m-me to run away...'' A sob left those pretty lips but Taehyung didn't interrupt the bunny, he waited patiently for the younger to continue.
''B-bad people s-suddenly entered our home *hic* Eomma t-told me to ran a-away and to not come b-back...I was *hic* scared. I ran a-away but i w-wanted eomma to come w-with me so i went back *hic* but e-eomma was not t-there. I tried to s-search for him but i couldn't f-find him. Then-n that bad mister tried *hic* to c-catch me and I ran away a-again.'' Jungkook said hiccuping between his words. The bunny was crying as he struggled to talk.
Taehyung looked troubled as he didn't know how to calm the bunny. He crouched to the younger's height so he could meet his eyes. His heart broke seeing the swollen and red teary eyes. Yet the bunny didn't stop crying. Taehyung patted his head, brushing the bangs away from his forehead which covered his ruby eyes.
''There, there... Don't cry bunny. I think your eomma is alright. You don't want to make your eomma upset by crying, right?'' Taehyung caressed the younger's wet cheeks.
He felt the sparks lighting from where his skin came in contact with the Vampire's skin, a spark like sensation ran through from fingers to his heart, making it beat erratically in his chest. His heart beat rose even more that taehyung thought its gonna burst when the vampire leaned towards his touch and looked at him with that innocent bambi eyes of his.
And Taehyung felt the cupid's arrow hit him right on his heart along with the realization.
Bloody hell...this baby vampire is his mate!
Taehyung stared at the baby vamp with an emotion which can only be described as...strange.
The boy was his mate. No wonder why his heart did those somersaults earlier. It kinda explains the sparkling eyes and flowery background that the younger had around him.
Taehyung would call it 'Mate effect'. He felt stupid that he didn't realize it sooner, he felt kinda dumb to realise it only now. He should have guessed it from the way he was ridiculously attracted to the younger boy.
Jungkook stared at the older male with wide eyes. It felt like an electric spark just went through his body when the older touched him. The younger felt like his heart was suddenly full. He found something he was searching for unconsciously. But he didn't know how to name this feeling. Why he felt so safe and secure with a complete stranger.
His eomma had told him about stranger danger. He always listens to his eomma but yet here he was in a total stranger's house. But jungkook felt anything but scared.
''You...'' He heard the older whisper. Jungkook tilted his head to the side in confusion. ''Me?'' He asked leaning his face towards the older.
Taehyung retreated his hand which was caressesing the boy's soft wet cheek.
''Nothing.'' He muttered and entered the house. The young vampire following close behind him like a baby chick following after his mother.
Taehyung entered his room with a sigh. He felt something or someone bump on his back. He turned around to see the vampire look at him with wide doe eyes as he rubbed his forehead. Taehyung raised his brow at the younger.
''What are you doing inside my room?'' Taehyung asked even if he know the younger didn't know it was his room and was following him because he had no idea about what to do and where to go.
Jungkook looked around clueless and looked at the older with innocent eyes.
''I don't know... I was following you taehyungie.'' He tilted his head to the side. Taehyung took a breath, he was trying to be intimidating but how can he when the bunny boy won't stop being adorable. And what did he just call him?
Taehyungie? H-he is so adorable! Taehyung had to mentally slap his cheeks several times to get a grip. He cleared his throat and looked down at the younger boy with an emotionless face.
''Look, if you are going stay in this house you gotta follow 3 rules. 1, Don't enter my room. 2, Don't ever enter my room. 3, Don't ever enter my room without my permission. If you fail to follow this rules you can't stay here anymore.'' Taehyung said with a deep voice as he stepped closer to the younger who took two steps back. Taehyung didn't like that, so he stepped closer.
''T-they all are a same rule though?'' Jungkook questioned even though he felt nervous of their closeness. His hands clenching his sweater paws close to his chest.
''Yes, they are and please do follow the rule.'' Taehyung whispered against the vampire's ears who blushed and nodded his head furiously feeling that he won't be able to say anything if opened his mouth.
''Good, go wait in the living room. I will come in a second.'' Taehyung said and turned around without waiting for jungkook's reply who stood there watching the older's broad shoulder.
Taehyung took off his coat dropping it to the floor. He took off the guns and knifes strapped on his body and placed them on the glass table in his room. He moved his gaze towards the younger who was still standing at the same place making taehyung raise his brow at him questioningly. He saw jungkook looking at the knifes and guns with wide eyes and parted lips.
''What?'' He asked as the baby vamp who still refused to move from his place. He followed his gaze and looked at his guns and knifes. ''Scared?'' He questioned wanting to know what the younger was thinking.
Jungkook jolted from his thoughts and hugged his hands closer to his chest furiously nodding his head, ''N-no.'' The bunny flushed when he realized that his action was opposite of his words.
''No... I am not sca-scared!'' The baby vamp squeaked out as he shook his head this time and run from the room with flushed cheeks.
Taehyung's lips twitched into a small smile at the younger's cuteness. He closed the door and took of his long coat from the floor dumping it in the hamper. Taking a towel he made his way towards his bathroom to take a shower.
He thought of letting the bunny take a bath as he was quite dirty after his fall.
Jungkook sat on the couch in the living room while he stared at the older move through kitchen as he prepared drinks for them. A warm glass of milk for jungkook and a cup of coffee for himself.
After his bath taehyung had showed the younger the guest room beside his room. He gave some of his clothes to the younger and asked him to take a bath.
Taehyung had mentally cooed at jungkook who was drowning in his clothes which was too big for his small frame. Taehyung swear the bunny faced vampire looked so adorable in his clothes.
Taehyung being a good host he is, asked if the younger wanted anything to drink and he was speechless when jungkook demanded that he wanted banana milk. Unfortunately, taehyung didn't had the banana milk in his humble abode so he had offered just the milk instead.
Taehyung lived in a small modern cabin in the woods. The cabin consists of two master bedrooms and a living room adjoined with a small kitchen.
Jackson had gifted it to taehyung on his 18th birthday as the younger wanted to move out and live alone. Jackson did throw a tantrum and cried when taehyung moved out.
He had only calmed down after taehyung promised to visit him frequently, which did, as his cooking skills were not enough for his survival. Taehyung always has dinner at Jackson's whenever he is not out for hunting.
Taehyung placed the warm glass of milk at the coffee table infront jungkook who was snuggled against the couch comfortably. He bambi eyes brightened and he eagerly took the glass of milk holding it with his both of hands.
''Its hot, so be careful-'' Taehyung paused when he heard the baby vamp whimper and stick his tongue out and fanning it.
''-when you drink it.'' Taehyung completed his sentence. Jungkook pouted at him but still continued to drink the milk after fanning his tongue. He finished his milk with a satisfied sigh and burped after.
He covered his mouth and giggled with a blush. Taehyung stared at him this whole time like he was enchanted when the only thing the younger did was drink his milk like a hungry baby, yet here taehyung was, looking mesmerized.
''Tell me about your family.'' Taehyung asked when he finally snapped out his daze. He almost forgot the important thing. The bunny's house was ambushed if taehyung's guess was right. The boy escaped per his mother's wish. Taehyung was not sure if the baby vamp's mother escaped or not.
''My family?'' Bambi eyes gazed at the almond ones. His lower lip wobbled when he thought about his eomma. Tears flooded his eyes, small pearl like tears dribbling down his soft pink cheeks. A small broken sob left his mouth alerting taehyung.
''Hey, hey... Why are you crying?'' Taehyung took the empty glass out off jungkook's hands, and placed it on the table beside his untouched coffee. Not knowing how to calm the bunny, taehyung stared at the younger with a troubled look. He cupped the baby vamp's cheeks ignoring the sparks that ran through his hands to his heart.
''Eo-eomma? Wh-what about my eomma? I lef-left him alone!'' Jungkook wailed. Taehyung heart twisted painfully at the sight.
''Its alright. Your eomma would have wanted to keep you save and that why he asked you to run away.'' Taehyung softly said rubbing the tears away from the bunny's cheeks which was futile as the tears kept pouring down like a waterfall.
''Wi-will my eomma be alright?'' Jungkook asked as a sob left his mouth. Taehyung don't know what to say. He didn't want to give false hope only shatter it later. He doesn't even know if the younger's mother was alive or not.
''I don't know...'' Taehyung whispered helplessly. His words only fueled the baby vamp's crying.
''But I can help you find your mother, okay? So now stop this waterfall.'' Taehyung said with a soft yet firm voice.
Jungkook hiccuped and leaned into the older's hands. ''Rea-really?'' Taehyung hummed in reply to the bunny's question. He sighed in relief when the younger stopped crying but his breath hitched when the baby Vamp suddenly hugged him.
''Thank you taehyungie.'' Jungkook buried his head deeper into the older's chest inhaling his scent which calmed his nerves. While taehyung's heart was pounding against his chest mercilessly.
''Y-yeah...'' Taehyung closed his eyes and took a shaky breath. He patted the younger head three times. After few seconds he pulled the baby vamp away from him with a cough. Jungkook pouted at the lose of warmth.
Back to business. He will have to ask question to the younger to find more about his mother.
''If you want me to find your eomma, you have to tell me about your eomma, okay?'' Taehyung asked and jungkook nodded his obediently.
''Good boy. Tell me your eomma's name.'' Jungkook blushed at the praise.
''Kim seokjin.'' Taehyung paused, he didn't show his surprise on his face, and kept his natural poker face on. The Vampire's mother was a male. Taehyung was surprised but not shocked. Male carriers were rare, very rare. And that name sounds familiar he have heard it somewhere.
''What is your appa's name?'' Taehyung asked curiously. Jungkook opened his mouth only to cover it later and stared at taehyung with wide eyes.
''What happened?'' Taehyung questioned.
''Eomma told me to not tell anyone about appa's name.'' Jungkook whispered in a hushed voice. Taehyung raised one of his brows in amusement.
''But I am not just anyone. I am your mate.'' Taehyung said with a small smirk.
Bambi eyes widened comically. ''Taehyungie is my mate?!'' He gasped making taehyung chuckle.
Don't tell him that the baby vamp had no idea about it.
''You didn't realize?'' Taehyung asked with furrowed brows. Jungkook shook his head furiously.
''Is that why my heart feels tingly and it beats so fast? Its because taehyungie's my mate! Oh, that's why I feel so safe around taehyungie!'' Jungkook exclaimed happily.
''Yeah...Hmm-- you feel safe around me?'' Taehyung's heart skipped a beat when the younger nodded his head in conformation. Taehyung smiled, but tried to hide it with a cough.
''So, now you can tell me your appa's name?'' Taehyung cleared his throat and asked again. Jungkook nodded his head. His eomma had told him about mates. Hyungie was his mate so he could share everything and trust him. Jungkook blushed at the thought.
''Appa's name is Kim Namjoon.'' Jungkook said with a huge smile.
Taehyung felt like the lightening just struck him.
KIM NAMJOON! The vampire king?!
Oh ok, his father-in-law was a big shot, no big deal, right? But he didn't know the king had a son? But now he remembered the name of the queen, Kim seokjin. Taehyung remember jackson telling him about it.
The king and queen went missing 20 years ago. People think they are dead but their body was never found. The royal family has been fighting for the throne for years.
If the power hungry higher ups knows about jungkook's existence they won't hesitant to send assassins after the younger. Taehyung's blood boiled at the thought. The need to protect his mate burned inside him. He understood why his mate's mother asked him to run away.
''Hyungie..?'' Taehyung looked at the boy who was the sole heir to the throne.
His baby vamp was a prince.
Taehyung smiled at the younger. ''Do you know who your appa is?'' Taehyung asked pushing the stray hair strands away from the bunny's face. They were so soft against his fingers.
''Appa is a king.'' Jungkook simply stated surprising taehyung.
''Do you know that your life in danger? The people who ambushed you and eomma might be from the royal family who wants to hurt you.'' Taehyung tried to explain to the younger about the danger.
''I know. Eomma told me. To never trust anyone from the royal family.'' Jungkook said sadly. He and his eomma were hiding all this time.
Jungkook doesn't know where his appa is though. His eomma never told him. He have never seen his appa's face except from photos his eomma showed him. He had asked his eomma but his eomma told him he will meet him when the time comes.
''Was your appa with you when...'' Taehyung questioned but paused when the younger shook his head.
''No. I haven't seen appa before. It was just me and my eomma. He never told me anything about appa. All I know is that he is alive somewhere.
Do you think the royal family might have taken my eomma?'' Jungkook questioned with his eyes tearing up again.
''I am not sure about that. Your eomma might have escaped.'' Taehyung tried to assure the younger who nodded his head sadly.
''Tae-- who is this kid?'' Jackson asked the moment his eyes fell on jungkook who was hiding behind taehyung. His question made the younger cling on taehyung more. Taehyung tried to move away so he could let jackson see the younger but the baby vamp attached himself on his arm like glue. Taehyung sighed and let him be.
''This is jungkook...my mate.'' Taehyung said and waited for the older male's incoming scream.
''YOUR WHAT!'' As expected, jackson didn't disappoint him.
Jungkook peeked at the other curiously. He flinched when the vampire's eyes fell on him. He quickly looked away, easily getting distracted by the bar's interior design.
Jungkook lived alone with his eomma in the forest away from the people. He was never allowed go outside. His mate was the first person he have ever interacted with, other the bad mister who tried to kidnap him, he wouldn't even call it interaction when all he did was cry.
''Yes, my mate.'' Taehyung confirmed and pulled the young vampire infront of him holding both his hands at the younger's side to make sure he didn't try to hide behind him again. Jungkook looked at him with wide teary eyes when he was exposed to the stranger. Taehyung almost let the younger hide again when he saw his Bambi eyes stare at him like that. But he shook his head mentally.
''Don't worry. This is jackson. He is my family. He won't hurt you or something. So calm down.'' Taehyung said as gently as he could to the baby Vamp who looked like he will start crying any minute.
''Yah! Tell him I am your father!'' Jackson pouted at taehyung who gave him an unimpressed look.
Jungkook blinked his teary eyes at jackson. ''You are taehyungie's appa?'' He asked, sniffling. Taehyung wiped the tear that escaped his eyes with thumb and rubbed his slightly pink cheeks. The vampire leaned to his touch unconsciously. Jackson smirked at Taehyung who set his lips into a grim line and withdraw his hand making the younger pout at the loss of his warm touch.
''Yes I am!'' Jackson replied to his question with a wide smile. Taehyung didn't understand why the older loved to introduce himself as his father. It's not like he hate it, he considers the other as his father figure but he finds it embarrassing to call jackson his father. He prefers hyung over appa.
''Hyung...'' Taehyung gave the older a tired sigh. Jackson glared at him with a pout.
''What! Don't t-tell me that you don't love me anymore!'' Jackson sniffled and wiped his non-existent tears making taehyung roll his eyes at him.
Drama queen
Taehyung shook his head but smiled nonetheless. ''Fine. Do whatever you want.'' He gave up. Jungkook looked at them both with confused eyes. Why did taehyungie call his appa, hyung? Jungkook scrunched his nose in confusion. Jackson cooed at him.
''God, he is so adorable! How old is he? Wait don't tell me he is-'' Jackson gasped dramatically.
''He is twenty.'' Taehyung interrupted with a glare. What does this old man think of him?!
''Oh, then its fine. He looks younger though.'' Jackson said with a smile. Jungkook puffed his cheeks out angrily.
''I am not a kid!'' Jungkook pouted and puffed out his chest proudly and stood on his toes to appear tall. But ended up struggling to keep his footing but Taehyung's grip on his waist stopped him from falling.
''Ahhh! He is so adorable! Can I adopt him?'' Jackson squealed squeezing the baby Vamp's cheeks making him whine.
''No.'' Taehyung didn't even hesitant to reject the older who looked like a kicked puppy at his blunt rejection.
''Well... He is my son-in-law, that makes him my son!'' Jackson laughed to himself still squeezing the young Vampire's cheeks who was struggling to escape from his hands.
''P-plesh leefp meei cheesh'' jungkook said his words coming out unclear.
''H-he is too cute... I can't handle it!'' Jackson squealed again clenching his heart with his free hand making Taehyung sigh for nth time. He decided to save his mate who looked like he wanted to escaped from the elder's evil hands.
''Stop squeezing his cheeks you are gonna make him cry.'' That had jackson withdraw his hands and smile guilty at Jungkook who quickly cupped his cheeks and buried his face on his mate's chest to hide from Jackson. Jackson clenched his heart dramatically with both his hands.
''Fucking cute!''
Taehyung felt his brow twitch in annoyance. He understood the older's feeling. The younger was indeed freaking adorable but he had control over his feeling unlike his hyung who was fawning over the younger. Even if having his mate this close to him did unexplainable things to his heart but on outside he looked unaffected.
''You are scaring him.'' Taehyung deadplanned. Jackson froze from his fangirling section like someone slapped him. He gave Taehyung a horrified look like he couldn't believe him. Taehyung shook his head at the vampire's dramatics.
''H-hey... Jungkook... I didn't mean to scare you.'' Jackson said with sad puppy eyes. Jungkook peeked from his hiding place that being Taehyung's chest while the man just stood there. ''-but you were so fucking cute that I couldn't help but-'' Jackson rumbled on excitedly making Taehyung cough and give him a glare.
''-yeah I am so sorry.'' Jackson finished looking guilty.
Jungkook removed his hands from his cheeks, he looked at Jackson then at Taehyung tolike he was asking if it was safe or not. Taehyung raised a brow at the younger who was looking at him with starry eyes.
He can't really blame his hyung for squealing over the younger, can he?
His mate was ridiculously adorable!
Taehyung cleared his throat and gave the young vampire a nod. Jungkook pulled back from Taehyung's chest and the man almost wanted to pull him back to his chest but refrained from doing so.
''Its alright.'' Jungkook mumbled softly playing with the long sleeves of the brown sweatshirt he was wearing. Jackson seemed to be glowing from the way he was smiling. He wanted to pull the younger into a hug but he didn't want to scare him more than he did.
''Oh, thanks you Jungkook. It was lovely meeting you. Taehyung is really grumpy, isn't he?'' Jackson leaned on counter with his chin resting on his palm as the other two sat on the chairs infront of the counter.
''What?'' Taehyung snapped at the older who ignored him and focused on the younger.
Jungkook nodded his head in agreement. Taehyung felt his brow twitch. The younger have known him for only few minutes but he was already teaming against him with his old man?
''So, I am grumpy, huh?'' Taehyung moved closer to jungkook who blushed and nodded his head then he furiously shook it in negative making jackson laugh aloud. Taehyung just stared at him intensely making jungkook blush more than he already did.
''You gonna burn holes into the poor kid with your looks tae.'' Jackson smirked passing a drink to Taehyung and a glass of apple juice to Jungkook who's eyes sparkled. He smiled happily and sipped on it eagerly. He scrunched his nose at the first sip but still continued to drink it. He seemed to like the taste after few sips and then drank it. He seemed to like the taste after few sips and then drank it in one go. He looked from his glass to see the other two staring at him. Jungkook felt his cheeks burn.
''Do you want more?'' Jackson asked with a gentle smile. Jungkook shook his head then bit his lips and looked at the empty glass yearningly. Taehyung felt his lips twitch into a smile.
''Yes, he does.'' Taehyung answered for Jungkook who's eyes snapped towards him. Jackson nodded and turned back to prepare Jungkook's drink.
''I didn't say I want more.'' Jungkook mumbled through his pout.
''Ok, then I will drink it.'' Jungkook widened his eyes at him, his pout seemed to widen.
Oh, Taehyung found the situation very amusing.
''Here you go.'' Jackson placed the juice infront of Jungkook who looked at it with eager eyes but Taehyung dragged the glass towards him without saying anything.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung then at the glass then at Jackson who tilted his head to the side. Was he supposed to help? But Taehyung seemed to be upto something.
''Jungkook? You don't want it?'' Jackson asked. Before Jungkook could say anything Taehyung beat him to it.
''He said he didn't want anymore. So I will drink it.'' Taehyung said calmly, enjoying the way his mate puffed out his cheeks.
Argh...he just wanted to squeeze them and pinch that tempting lips set into an adorable pout. Taehyung felt himself staring at the younger's lips more than necessary. He reluctantly took his eyes of them and looked Jungkook's eyes only see them filled with tears ready to burst.
He panicked for a second and moved the glass back to him with exasperated sigh.
''If you want something you should say it out loud instead of lying, okay? Now, drink your juice.'' Taehyung said with a serious voice. Jackson rolled his eyes at him while Jungkook nodded with teary eyes avoiding eyes contact with taehyung.
''Look at me when I am taking to you.'' Taehyung said, his voice coming out stern making the younger whimper.
''How dare you talk to my kid like that! Now you are the one scaring him.'' Jackson said smacking Taehyung on his head. Taehyung growled and grumbled under his breath something. ''I thought I was your kid?'' Taehyung rubbed the back of his head where he got smacked.
''Oh, I disowned you a second ago! Now Jungkook is my kid!'' Jackson said clapping his hands happily while Taehyung stared at him with his jaw dropped.
Jungkook giggled and wiped his eyes. He liked the older man. He was a good person unlike someone who is scary and grumpy! Hmph.
Jungkook didn't like getting scolded and his mate was scary when he talked in that deep voice.
''Jungkook don't mind him, okay? He was always like this.'' Jackson said shaking his head like he was disappointed.
''Did you eat something?'' Jackson asked Jungkook who shook his head. Jackson glared at Taehyung accusingly. Taehyung raised his hands in surrender and grumbled. ''I can't cook, if you forget that after disowning me.'' He grumbled.
''Oh, you are cute when you are sulky taebear. And what kind of mate leaves his mate with an empty stomach? You didn't care to take him to a dinner or something?'' Jackson asked poking Taehyung's cheek who swatted his hands away.
''I was coming here to eat anyway.'' Taehyung said with a blank face. Jackson stared at him for a second then looked at his new kid.
''He is so unromantic that I feel bad for you, kid.'' Jackson patted Jungkook's head in pity while the younger sipped his drink and looked at him with big clueless eyes.
Taehyung gritted his teeth. That's so not true!
"Hyungie is nice to me, though." Jungkook smiled so innocently, melting Jackson's heart right on spot.
"I so wanna adopt him!" Jackson squealed with heart eyes.
"Not happening." Taehyung replied easily, pushing hovering older vampire away from his little mate.
"Then you better make him your bride soon." Jackson jabbed a finger at the taller vampire, who looked somewhat embarassed when the older said the word bride.
Jungkook ears perked at the word bride.
"Bride??" The younger curiously asked.
"Yes, you are my Taehyung's bride--" Taehyung slapped a hand the older man's mouth with irritated eyes.
Taehyung just realised as he stared at the sweet boy's doe eyes gazing at him with such untainted innocence, that, his life was going to take drastic change.
And this boy was going to centre his life.