'The Sorrows and Smiles'
Both Charmaine and Timothy rushed through the corridors to the hallways heading to the crowd,a glimpse of voices chattering in a distance became much close and closer until they arrived.There was a huge crowd gathering like they were betting for a street boxing fight."Uh,sorry coming through",Timothy said squeezing himself through in with Charmaine."You're an arrogant slimy whore",Nikki yelled as the crowd hummed,"I am the arrogant one?What about you?Don't think having a popular boyfriend so that you can be popular is admirable,tell me,how are you handling your grades?Don't even answer that because we all know that how much sweat you struggle to break you'll always get an F,or my mistake,you don't even try to",Ariana mocked back,the crowd laughed a bit for a moment."Grades?F**ck grades,don't talk absurd shit that you don't even know,yes mostly I don't get a pass because I don't give a damn about grades and yes the letter I see on my papers is an F and a you",Nikki said as she raised her middle finger."I suppose due to lack of grades you have no knowledge of what that means,well let me spell it all out for you,it means having sexual intercouse with another individual,...what?Mommy didn't teach you back at home when you were a kid?Or you were just too stupid to listen?",Ariana replied and hit the crowd with another laugh."C'mon,that's enough,let's leave,she's not worth it",Molly grabbed Ariana's arm,"okay we'll leave",Ariana said."Looks like mommy's arrived for her disabled baby,well speaking of intercourse,I'd like to prove you wrong because I know it much more better than you will never comprehend",Nikki replied."Dude I think you should intervene",Billy said to Timothy,"what?Why,I can't and you know that",Timothy said."Yeah I do but it really seems like you don't have any other choice,I don't know if you've been paying attention but it seems like Nikki's about to drag that fight to her bed with you,you're gonna take that risk?",Billy asked,"shit!!You're right",Timothy admitted."Care to elaborate on that phrase Nikki?",Ariana asked,"well since you're begging for such information,just so you know its quite confidential but I guess it won't be after this,well Iet's just say that I have a testimony,it was on Sunday morning,I was just finishing drying myself up after a cool bath then I put on my um you know,my sexy clothes.Then two certain boys came over and long story short,they gave me a hand on some boxes at the house then one of them left and the other one remained,it was like I was about to cage a robin bird with a blackmail trap.Due to my sweet tongue and my hot smoking piece of me the little bird was overpowered so I took the chance and trapped it until it yield,I can also pop out the bird's name if you want me to,you know what?I'll say it-" "Um Ariana can we talk for a sec?",Timothy stood in front of her,"Sunday?Morning....chocolates?Store...",Ariana said to herself as she whispered,"wait what,what did you just say?You said Sunday right?Wha-is that when-",Ariana's chest began to rise and fall flooding with emotions."Ariana we need to talk now,let's just get out of h-" "Don't,just....leave me alone",Ariana replied,"well I was about to speak of the devil",Nikki folded her arms,"speak of-wait,what are you talking about?",Ariana asked."Oh you really want me to spell it all out for you princess?",Nikki raised her brows with smirk on her face,"Ariana just-" "Don't,..touch me!!",she yelled a bit,"say it!!",Ariana yelled,"oouuu,I like this foreplay game,alright,..the name starts with the letter-" "What's taking place here?!",Mr Alkins appeared.The crowd scattered heading to the gate exit,Nikki waved her middle finger while walking away."C'mon Ari,let's go",Molly said,"Ariana....",Timothy called out,they both stopped then Ariana looked back,"can we....talk?",he said."I've nothing to say to you",she replied,Molly looked back at him with a concerning face as they walked along."That was....awful",Billy said,"yeah,it is",Timothy replied,"well look at the bright side,the grenade didn't explode after all in front of hundreds of people",Billy said while they were still standing by the corridor."Oh,there's Susan,what do you say we head home together?",he suggested,"you go on ahead,I just....want to walk alone for a while",Timothy said Billy placed his hand on his shoulder then he left.Timothy took a moment standing there glancing at his friend Billy colliding with Susan and the others,he smiled a bit then he headed home.Ariana and Molly stopped by the store to get some cupcakes,Ariana stood at the chocolate row glancing at them,a tear came out of one of her eyes,"hey...what's wrong?",Molly asked with a concerning face,"its....its just,this is where I bought those chocolates for Timothy the past days",Ariana said with a breaking voice.Molly frowned her brows then she grabbed her arm,"c'mon",she pulled her out of the store heading out,"wh-what are you-",Ariana mummed a bit while being pulled."You and I are gonna have some fun",she said,"I...I can't I just wanna go home and lie in my bed",Ariana replied,"well f**ck that,you're coming with me",Molly took out two ID's one for her and the other one for Ariana,she handed it to her,"wait what?How,it says here that I'm twenty-one",Ariana said peering at the ID."Yes,you are now",Molly replied,"what,no I'm eighteen and I know where you're heading with this and I don't know if I'm able",Ariana said,"well how typical of you,like it or not we're doing this and....we're almost there",Molly put her's in her pocket."Don't act so decisive over me",Ariana said,"well that's too bad consider it a gesture",Molly replied.They arrived at the bar entrance,there was a guy standing by,"IDs",he said then both Ariana and Molly handed him,his eyes bounced to them while checking their IDs."How old are you both?",he asked,"well it goes without saying on those IDs",Molly held her waist with her other hand,"alright,get in",he made way as they both entered."I can't believe that just worked",Ariana said with a small smile,"buckle up sweet cheeks,we're just getting started",they both head to the bartender and ordered some shots."Ready?",Molly asked,"ready when you are",Ariana responded then they both took a mouthful sip of it,"ggrrahhh",Ariana groaned,"haha,you never had one before huh?",she questioned,"absolutely not,this is vigorously strong",Ariana admitted.They ordered variety of alcohol and drank a couple of more."Um,Ari,there's something that I need to tell you",Molly said,"what's wrong babe?",Ariana asked,"I-I um,when um,when we went to the animal museum,we...there's....something happened,in the bus",Molly tried to explain."What do you mean,what happened?",Ariana asked,"do you recall when we crowded into Mrs Chris's bus,when some of us didn't have anywhere to sit?Well,I went to Timothy and Billy for an available sit and there wasn't,then Timothy offered me a sit on his lap,I resisted at first and I made it clear if it was okay with him and he told me that it was okay.I sat and then after a couple of miles,my um my butt was hurting because I was sitting on his lap for a long time and a hump lifted the bus then I landed on his middle part",Molly brushed her glass while she was explaining."Molly where is this going?",Ariana narrowed her brows,"just...let me finish,I-he insisted a couple of time for me to get back to his lap but I insisted back claiming that,that position was much better than his lap",she continued,"Molly uh",Ariana held her forehead."Then things got out of hand and he began....to respond to the arousal then we ended up engaging intercourse,I didn't mean to,I swear Ari,I wouldn't do that to hurt you but,I lost control",Molly acted completely ashamed."Oh....how did it feel",Ariana asked with a little smile on her face also trying not to laugh.Molly quickly faced her,"wh-what?",she asked with a flummox face,"you heard me,answer the question and I want an honest answer",Ariana replied,"um,it was....amazing",Molly said with a low voice staring at her waving alcohol avoiding eye contact."Ah haha",Ariana chuckled,Molly was puzzled,"wh-what?",she asked,"its just I didn't know that you would act it out on Timothy to be honest",Ariana laughed a bit."Wait so,you're....not mad?",Molly questioned with a sudden puzzled face,"nah I'm not,its just....funny to me...somewhat",she replied,"well....alright,but I'm still shaken up that you're still not mad at me",Molly took a sip."Take this chance of my undisputed kindness before its too late",Ariana laughed a bit."Oh...um okay okay so,let's shift to another topic don't you think?",Molly suggested as the music bounced on."What do you say we hit the floor?",Molly stood up finishing her drink as Ariana stood up,she stumbled a bit,"woah,I think that alcohol is starting to drive me though I could actually use the dance floor",she replied as she took another sip.They both headed to the dance floor and took over,they both danced like it was their finale of living their lives,jumping,spinning,yelling with the music letting their alcohol take over.Ariana ordered a bottle of another alcohol,she took several mouthful sips,"woah take it easy tiger",Molly chuckled,some random guy came from nowhere and landed his hands on Ariana's waist,she turned around and swang her bottle on his head as he fell."Aaarrggh,what the hell!!",he yelled a bit,"oouu,um uh....sorry",she smiled pointing her finger to him,her eyes were sloppy and she was slightly standing.Molly rushed and grabbed her,"okay you're drunk,let's get out of here before things get out of shape",they both walked away with Molly supporting her,"sorryyyyyy again,you...guy...you ..guy...uhm,don't mind me",Ariana spoke while her drunkness took control,they exited and headed home,The following day in the morning when the birds were chirping with delight,Timothy was still in his bed even though it was almost time for him to ready himself for school.He even turned off his morning alarm,"hey,youngster",Andria his mom threw a pillow at him,"mmm momm,stop it",Timothy moaned a bit in the blankets,"I'll stop when you start getting to the bath,c'mon its time",she said,"noo,I'm not going today,I don't feel well",he replied back,"you think randomly waking up some day claiming like you don't feel like going acting like everything is somehow typical is going to make me agree?You know what,I don't have time for this,I've got breakfast to prepare,I'll let Hazel handle you",she said as she was about to leave,"no no no no,please don't ,not her",Timothy pulled his blanket off as he pleaded."Oh you know I'm gonna",she left the room."Shit",he spoke under his pillow as Hazel stepped in,"hey!!Don't give me any of that I don't wanna go to school bullshit,you're getting your ass up right now Timothy!",she exclaimed."Just leave me alone Hazy",he replied,"I sure will when you get yourself ready in the bathroom",she replied back,Timothy rose up as he sat."Look,its not that I just don't wanna go,that's not the case",he said,"so what's the case then?",she asked,he paused for a moment and there was a sudden frown on his face,"look just....let me be,just for this once...please",he said.Hazel sat beside Timothy on his bed,"you know I really know my little brother when he's being an asshole and obscene but....I can actually tell that something awful is really going on",she said.Timothy sighed a bit,"you don't know the half of it",he replied,"its a girl isn't it?",she said as Timothy quickly glanced at her,"H-h..how did you...know?",he asked."Like I said,I merely know when my little brother is having a dilemma",she responded,he buried his hands into his hair,"I don't know what to do,I made a terrible mistake",he said.Hazel placed her hand behind his back,"Timothy,...talk to me",she said,".....um.....there's this girl um,her name is Ariana,I already have feelings for her,we've actually kissed and made out and all that",he explained."And.......?",Hazel said awaiting for another explaination,"and I...there's this other girl Nikki,a lot of people crave her a lot plus she has a boyfriend who's also a freaking imbecile",he explained,"let me guess,...the bully one?",she asked."Precisely,...so me and Billy went to her house dropping off groceries sent by her brother and she insisted us to help her with some boxes at their house,afterwards...Billy had an emergency,he went back home then Nikki took her opportunity to seduce me...somewhat...she blackmailed me and things got out of hand then the situation escalated even more to a greater extend",he explained with his hands over his hair."Don't tell me that...did you two....?",she asked,"ugh....yes....yes we did",he replied,"oh my God you did have sex did you?",she yelled a bit,"shhh,c'mon Hazy,keep it down for...Christ's sake!",he exclaimed as he whispered heading to the door closing it.He returned back and sat beside her,"you really are manly evolving are you?",she asked with an impressed smile on her face,"maybe I mean,but that's not the point",he said,"judging by your appearance and body language I assume this Nikki girl's not the only one you had sex with",she said with a small smile."I-I- I mean yes but that's-",he mummed,"so tell me,who else have you also had it with?",she asked excitedly,"Hazy c'mon...focus already please!!",he exclaimed."Oh okay sorry,carry on",she said,"Ariana caught me when we had just finished,she was holding some chocolates while standing at the back of the house staring at the exposed window",he said,"sllssslh,woah,um okay haha,um mm woo,mm um that's messed up Timothy",she said,"I know,I made a huge mistake,I didn't even mean it,I'm a complete asshole",he said."Look sweety,young relationships are....complicated,you wanna get her back right?Well from my own perspective and experience,I suggest you get her attension for you to talk to her because she won't agree to talk to you if you ask her and by won't I mean never,...somehow",she suggested."But how can I even do that?",he asked,"that's on you to figure out how,because you're the one who actually knows her",she replied,".....um....that's it!!....of course",he figured."Well I guess it didn't take long for you figure that one huh",she said,"yeah,only thanks to you,I appreciate that",he replied,Hazel opened wide her arms,"c'mon....c'mon",she offered,"what?No,I'm not hugging you",he refused,"c'mon all we do is get on each other's throats,...its time for a hug",she said."Ugh..,alright",he closed in and collided with her,"so is this like a truce or something?",he asked,"maybe,maybe not,whatever",she replied,Timothy sighed a bit."This is actually sweet",Hazel said,"yeah,...I wouldn't have it any other way",he replied as he smiled."But I'm gonna stay home for the day",he said,"I understand",she replied.That day at 9:30 pm at night,Timothy got out of the house carrying his backpack,he got onto his bike and took off,he saw steam coming out of his mouth as he exhaled.It was actually freezing a bit,he went down the street then he arrived at Ariana's place.He got off and headed to the back where her bedroom window was,he looked up for a moment as he sighed.He took off his backpack and opened it then he took a medium sized stone,he then broke it into two halves,it was purple and crystal like inside of it.He took his phone and turned on his flashlight then he directly pointed the flashlight to the stone then he shifted and pointed it through Ariana's window with it producing glint light purple dots which revealed at the walls in her room.He waited for a moment then he picked up a stone and threw it against her window three times.Ariana heard a knock sound at her window,she opened her eyes and the first thing that smacked her view was various beautiful added light purple dots on her wall."What is....",she mummed a bit as she went to her window and opened it and saw Timothy holding a stone with a flashlight on."Um wha...what are you doing?",she asked with a small flummoxed smile,"I um,I just want us to talk",he replied.She sighed,"Timothy,there's nothing to talk about",she said,"no just....let me say what I want to say",he said,"listen,I'm not really in the mood as you can see you just woke me the hell up",she said."I know and....I'm,sorry...." "Goodbye Timothy",she turned around,"no PLEASE!!",he yelled as she stopped stiff,"please",he stood down on his knees."I....I can't take back what I did,if it was feasible I would but....I'm sorry,alright I'm sorry I didn't mean to,it wasn't my intension to hurt you",he apologized."Hurt me?",she turned around,"hurt ME?!",she yelled a bit."You didn't just hurt me,you crushed me and tore me and dismantled me into pieces,I stared at you both on her bed for six seconds,and that view is still trapped in my mind",her tears were on the edge of her eyes."I just....I....I I messed up I I didn't....I ju..I I regret what I did,she was going to blackmail me,she's the one who took that video of us at the first place and all I could think of was you and I didn't want you to get expelled of that because of me,its not an excuse I'm just explaining the side of my story",he explained."So you're saying you did what you did to protect me?I can make my own decisions its my f***king life Timothy!!",she yelled as her tears finally went down her cheeks."Ariana please,....I'm sorry,I know I caused you a lot of pain,....I....I shouldn't have done that without informing you first....please....can't you see I'm also hurting,well not the way you are hurting but still,it really pains me to see you with this agony and knowing that I'm the one who caused it",he said,his cheeks were also soaked a bit with his tears."You're the one who I truly love,even from the start up until now,I never stopped thinking about you,I don't give a shit about any of the girls at school except you....Ariana please...I love you....I love you Ariana ,can you hear me I LOVE YOU!!",he yelled a bit,his eyes turned red due to crying.Ariana covered her face with both of her hands crying,"how do I know that you won't hurt me again?",she asked while she cried,"I don't want to feel like this anymore,I HATE IT!!,Aaagh",she yelled."Ariana,I promise you,I give you my word,I will never do what I did again,I'll never hurt you again Ariana",he pleaded,"do you really mean that?",she asked with her hands still covering her face."I promise and I can prove it",he opened his backpack and took out an envelope,"what's that?",Ariana raised her head,"I'm going to announce my transfer tomorrow at school,I've messed a lot of things and the only way for me to fix it is for me to go",he said."Wha,..what?",she mummed,Ariana I want you to forgive for what I did and if it means that I have to transfer for you to forgive me then so be it",he spoke,Ariana lowered her head,"Mrs Chris's husband gave me a huge offer to join his uprising football club in Paris and he's expecting my response much sooner",he said.Ariana clenched both of her fists with her head low,"don't",she said with a low voice,"please",she spoke again with her tears endlessly flowing down with her blonde hair hanging down."Ariana,...did...you say something?",he asked,"please",she clenched her fists much tighter,"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!",she yelled and there was a sudden moment of silence between them,"please don't,don't do this to me,you promised not to hurt me again,so don't,I want you to stay with me,I f***king miss you",she said."Then I won't leave you and I promise I'll never hurt you again",he promised as she raised her head with a delightful smile on her face and tears soaked on her pink cheeks.Timothy couldn't actually figure out why but he claimed how much beautiful she was,like an angel rising up to heaven,his eyes widened astonished by her gorgeousness."Good then",she sobbed while smiling."Do you....want me to come in?",he asked,"um...not today",she replied,"oh alright,so...",he picked up his stone and his phone."I loved it....that,...this",she said,"you mean the stone?",he asked,"yes",she said with a smile as Timothy threw the other half at her as she caught it."As long as we've got these stones,we're inseparable,okay?",he said,"okay",she replied with a low voice,Timothy got on his bike,"so,I'll see you tomorrow then....bye",he said,"bye...be safe okay?",she said,"okay",he rode back home as Ariana went back into her room.