'Close Call'
Timothy stood stiff,his heartbeat racing and his nerves were out of control,standing there in front of Nick,Samantha's freaking husband.Billy just froze beside Timothy,so eager to find out what was about to take place the next momentum."Aren't you going to say anything boy",Nick snarled,Timothy gulped once more,"look I really didn't mean to cause any inconvinience I had no choice I don't want to get suspended,if I lose this then my life is going to crumble,it wasn't my intension,I'm just a boy who's looking ahead for his future and I don't want anything to ruin that",apparently Timothy couldn't stop explaining,he noticed Samantha behind her husband waving her hand a bit,slicing her throat as an expression to cut it out,saying 'No' a couple of times soundlessly then he knew that he was off the rails and he suddenly stopped."What?What are you talking about?",Nick seemed confused,"I um,okay you go first",Timothy offered."I hoped that you were going to tell me everything,well in that case,I'll enlighten you",Nick suggested,"okay",Timothy's heart rate escalated."So my wife told me about what you did....are you serious?You're playing with reality boy,seriously?Losing to Rotchberry Maclean?",Nick said with a little smile,"uh...come again?",Timothy was confused."Come on,I've heard about you,they're calling you the freestyle footballer and I heard about the technique you used to sink a ball into their net,they say it was like your team was in star shape position,many are currently replaying the tape",Nick explained.Timothy breathed a massive sigh of relief,he held his forehead and exhaled a bit,"I um I was a little stressed that day,you know relationships and stuff",he laughed a little still relieving the shock,"but I didn't see any cameras at the game",Timothy wondered,"it doesn't mean if you didn't see them then they weren't there,I sent one of my guys to your game and let's just say he's quite stealthy",he said,"I'm gathering a team,a real football club and I'm going from school to school picking up pontetials and I want you on my team,you have agility, you have composure and you've got balls",Nick complimented,"Oh he sure have balls alright",Samantha said to herself with a smile,"we already built a stadium,its just waiting for us to walk in",Nick explained."What?!,How did you do that?",Timothy asked surprisingly,"let's just say I'm an ambitious dedicated man,so....I'll let you think about and I'll pop in the day after tomorrow right?",he asked,"of course,thank you",Timothy thanked,"don't thank me yet",Nick faced his wife,"see you at home",he said with a smile and they hugged then he walked away."Actually at first it really seemed like it was serious,like he didn't look like he wanted to tell you about recruiting people,his expressions are really off the chats",Billy said beside Timothy,"I was completely lost at first,I mean could feel my blood boiling with steam inside",Timothy said,"he's got a temper I see",Billy wondered,"yeah tell me about it",Timothy said."Timothy in my office",Samantha called,"wait for me here okay?",he said,"sure buddy",Billy replied.Timothy went in her office as he closed the door."What was that?",she asked,"what was what?",he asked,"THAT!!You,can't you at least hear what a person gotta say first before you blow off like that?",she questioned."What,...if you were in my shoes with a man in front of you saying that 'you're going to tell me everything',after everything we just did,would you have actually said 'I wasn't feeling good that day,that's why we lost',out of nowhere or you could have pissed your pants burning with anxiety in front of him",Timothy yelled a bit."Okay first of all I've never,pissed my pants and second....that was....so close",she stood by her window,"yeah",he held his forehead,"so what does he do anyways?",he asked,"he's a Marshall but he's just putting some of the pieces of his other dreams together",she explain."Ugh,I feel horrible",Timothy said,"and why is that?",she asked,"I saw the way he looked at you and I couldn't stand knowing that I'm the one who just had what we had with you",he said,"do you sorry for him?",she asked,"of course I do feel sorry for him",he said,"then that's a shame",she poured a bottle of scotch in her glass."What?!",Timothy exclaimed,"as I said he's putting together pieces of his other dreams and shipping is one of them,....listen he hasn't been home for two months,he was doing a shipping business outside country and he would return sometimes for three only and go back again,its quite feasible that he somehow found also a certain someone to be with when he's there because how can a man spend two three months outside country on a job and come back to spend a few days?",she asked,"so that he could see his daughters",Timothy realized,"precisely",she took a sip."But how could he do that?You're a great woman",Timothy asked,"well,its life,it turns around,I just don't care anymore about him being my husband,all I care about is that he comes back to visit our daughters and that's good enough for me",she finished her glass with a mouthful sip."Well,all I can say is that he's missing a lot,how beautiful you are,smart,elegant,gorgeous,I could actually go on I mean the list is endless",he said,"haha,stop it,you're making me blush",she faced torwards her window,"um....Timothy,before you go can we have a quickie?",she asked,"a what?",he asked,"a quickie,just something to blow off some steam in our bodies",she suggested,"uh uh no no,if we start now we won't get out of here any sooner",Timothy said,"now?Oh,...okay so later then?",she smiled attrctively,"damnit she's doing it again,I can't resist just look at that sexy smile with those hot lips damnit!!",Timothy spoke to himself,"uh....no not happening",Timothy opened the door as he stood there,"ughh come on little bunny",she yelled a bit,"have a great day Mrs Chris",he said with a smile as he closed the door,"ugh you're no fun!!",she yelled as Timothy smiled a bit walking in the hallway,full of students,he wandered a bit looking for Billy then he waited at his locker.He suddenly popped out in the crowd heading to Timothy,he arrived,"dude,where the hell were you?",Timothy asked,"I was....around",Billy replied as Susan waved to Billy behind and Billy waved back,"I'll see you later Billy",she cheered."Dude,is that Susan?",Timothy wondered,"um yeah it is",Billy replied,"woah how come I never noticed how beautiful she is?",Timothy asked."Haha,you really want me to answer that?",Billy laughed a bit,"haha,nevermind then",Timothy said then he glanced again at Billy,"you freaking piece of shit",Timothy said,"what?",Billy asked."Are you and Susan....?",Timothy paused a bit as Billy scratched his back neck with smile,"you are!!....why didn't you tell me man?",Timothy asked,"well...you were going through a lot of shit and I didn't wanna bother you and make it worse",Billy explained."No no you should have,ugh its probably me,I was too eager to focus on myself and I didn't even ask how you were doing ugh I'm sorry man",Timothy apologized,"dude what are you apologizing for?,You were going through hell,its okay man,stop blaming yourself everytime when stuff like this happen",Billy placed his hand on Timothy's shoulder."Come on let's go eat",Billy led the way,they headed to their break hall,students walked in line at the food station receiving their fills while others were already at the benches eating and chatting.Timothy and Billy sat on the empty spot for three people only."This is cozy",Timothy complimented but not entirely,"look sometimes privacy is essential",Billy took a bite on his burger as Timothy took a sip on his soda,he sighed."Billy!Can you come here for a sec?",Susan called out sitting with her friends,"duty calls",Timothy smiled,"haha,shut up and let's go",Billy stood up,"no no no,you go,she called out for you",Timothy suggested,"yeah I know but,wouldn't you be alone sitting here?",Billy asked,"I'll be fine,besides,I need to clear my junk head for a bit",he replied,"okay I'll be back in a sec",he took off.Timothy sighed again with a bunch of thoughts waving in his head,he glanced at his burger and his chips and he scoffed then he took another sip on his soda."Well would you look at that,a lone wolf",Charmaine stood in front of Timothy where Billy was sitting,"This is just great,just about when I'm about to clear my head,something or someone suddenly pops out out of nowhere",Timothy thought to himself then he raised his head to face her,he froze a bit.She was wearing a jean mini skirt,white sneakers and a pink shirt unpinned on her chest a bit,her breasts were showing a little behind her white bra.Timothy was amazed at that very momentum that he forgot to swallow his soda which was still in his mouth,he gulped all of it."Hey...Charmaine",he greeted,"how come a handsome devil like you is alone like this?",she picked up one of his chips and ate it,"sometimes privacy is essential",he replied,"I can't believe I'm actually rephrasing Billy's words right now,ugh",he thought to himself,"oouu,I take it you're that creative huh?",she rested her chin on her hand as she smiled,"actually a friend of mine came up with that one",he admitted,"oh really,I guess he must be really smart",she said,"you have no idea",he laughed a bit,he took his soda and sipped,he looked at his front and she was gone."Wha tha!",he waved his head from side to side wondering where she had gone,he saw a note on the table which she had left and read it.Follow me to the BasketBall Court,he put the note in his pocket and he stood up heading to the basket ball hall court.He arrived and he saw her at the middle of the court staring at the basket with her hands behind her."So what....you're a ninja now disappearing like that?",Timothy yelled a bit,she turned around as she laughed,"well did I pass to be one?",she asked,"maybe just a little bit",he smiled a bit,"mmm,cheeky",she said."So...why did you call me here?",Timothy asked,she walked torwards him closing the gap then she stopped,she was five inches shorter than him,she leaned a bit to his face with her hands behind her,"you and I are gonna have some fun,come on",she ran to the back door beside the terraces and she stood there,Timothy followed,"this is Mr Alkins's office,its probably locked,how are you going to get in without his keys?",he asked then she took the keys in her pocket and unlocked the door as she opened it,she put back the keys in her pocket,"what keys?",she asked as she smiled and got in."Uh,we're gonna get caught you know",he said as he got in and closed it behind him,Charmaine opened the drawers of the table each of them then she pulled out a bottle of half scotch.She opened it and took a sip,"aarrgh,that's strong",she said with feint voice,"hey what are you doing?",Timothy whispered,"you wanna try it?",she asked,"no,put that back",he said."Come on just try it ,its really good,just one sip",she convinced,"no,this is a bad idea",he said,"okay then,suit yourself",she took another sip,"wooo,ehm,mm",she placed it on the table and reached her back pocket,"uhh,God",Timothy whispered to himself.She took a small white packet and opened it as she began to pour it in the bottle,"what is that?",Timothy asked,"hangover",she smiled as she glanced at him while still pouring,Timothy peered a bit,"is that cocaine?",he asked,"I don't know what you're talking about",she laughed a bit."That could get us arrested you know that?",he whispered,"yeah I know,if we get caught,chill out",she whispered."Oouu this is gonna be so much fun",she laughed,"hey that's enough",Timothy said,"just a little more,haha,I can't wait to see his face when he shows up to his lesson tomorrow",she laughed excitedly then she put it back in her pocket,she closed the bottle and shook it,she peered in it and put it back in the drawer."Can we go now?!",Timothy asked,"well the fun is not over yet,we're gonna have much more fun",she stood close in front of him as she started to unpin his shirt buttons from the top."Hey no no no",Timothy touched her hands stopping her,"what?You didn't even ask me what I'm going to do yet",she faced him,"if I ask you are you gonna tell me what I think you're gonna tell me?",he asked,"what are you thinking I'm gonna tell you?",she smiled as she asked,she leaned closer that their breaths were began to collide together."You tell me because you're the one who wants to say it",he said,"no you tell me because you're the one who's thinking what I'm gonna tell you",she whispered,"okay I'm not gonna play this game with you",he attempted to step back but she grabbed his shirt much tighter."What do you mean,its fun",she smiled as she stood on her toes trying to meet his lips,"Charmaine,we shouldn't do this,if we do we might end up doing something we're gonna regret",he explained,"you mean like....sex?",she asked with a lustful smile,"yes that's exactly what I mean",he replied,"you know,I wasn't really thinking about that,but it seems like you're the one who's planting ideas in my head",she licked her lips."Charmaine,I...I can't",he refused,"look,okay I get you,so....how about dry sex instead?",she suggested,he looked away for a moment,"Timothy....if you don't want to then at least accept my final offer....Timothy I can't take it anymore I'm freaking wet right now",she whispered in his ear with her warm breath."What about Mr Alkins?",he asked,"didn't you know?He goes back home every Wednesday early morning just right after he finish his lesson",she explained."So he's gone already?",he asked,"yes",she answered pulling his shirt down to meet his lips,"come on loosen up baby boy",their lips bonded together,Charmaine took her time kissing him deliberately and passionate.Timothy felt that alcohol taste in her mouth,"damn she really is good at this",he thought to himself,"I could kiss him all day if he lets me",Charmaine had thoughts of her own.She tilted her head to the right with her arms crossed behind his neck,she upinned all his buttons and took off his shirt and dropped it then Timothy unpinned her's and removed it together with her bra while their lips were still brushing against each other.He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight pressing her filled chest against his.His blood rushed and boiled rapidly,it was the first time he actually felt her breasts make contact with his chest and it was magical,the warmth,the softness and the feeling of it drove him over the edge.Charmaine began to breathe a bit heavy against Timothy's nose,she reached for his jeans and unpinned the button and unzipped its zip all the way down while their lips were still in contact.Timothy broke the kiss and turned her around then she looked back,"woah,she's so beautiful",he thought so as he kissed her lips behind her.She wrapped her arms around his back neck then Timothy grabbed her left breast,she inhaled sharply and her breath was getting a bit heavier.He squeezed it a bit and she deepened her breath,she did her best to stand on her toes to get more of his lips even if their lips were still attached.He stepped over his jeans removing them and he was left with his boxers only.Charmaine bent her back and began to flex her behind against Timothy's crotch,he responded by flexing back at her then he slowly slid his hand under her mini skirt to her inner right thigh.She shivered a bit breaking the kiss letting out a soundless moan,Timothy felt her wetness flowing down on his hand.He squeezed her inner thigh a bit,"come on baby stop teasing me",she whispered with her warm breath escaping her mouth,she bit her bottom lip as she touched his hand which was on contact in her inner thigh and drove it directly to her crotch.Timothy felt her wetness soaking her crotch by every second,he began to rub lightly with his fingers then she flexed her waist to get more pleasure unto his fingers.Charmaine's eagerness of craving Timothy's pleasure grew out of proportion,she touched his hand which was still rubbing and started to support it rubbing much faster and deeper,"uhhhhhh,I'm sorry Timothy but I can't take it any longer",she moaned.Her breath was much heavier,breathing in and out like she was about to suffocate,rocking her body on his fingers,"gosh she's hot in there....and she smells good too",Timothy was out of space for a moment with his thoughts."Shit I just wanna pour right on his fingers now,I can't take it anymore he feels amazing",it seems like Charmaine was on her own planet too.She quickened her breath and deepened the rubbing hand and Timothy knew by that very momentum that she was about to jump over a cliff,"uhhhh,uhhhh Timothyyyyy,uhhhhhhh",she moaned rubbing her upper crotch then after a couple of seconds Timothy's pleasure took control of her body with intense shivering,her mouth open and her eyes shut facing the ceiling moaning.Timothy did his best to keep her on her feet after a while,she regained and turned around,"now its my my turn",she cleared the table and drove him to lay on his back on it.She took off her skirt and she was left with only her panties,she climbed up on him with her legs spread,she lowered herself,her crotch making contact with his.He felt blood flowing in his member."I'm gonna make you flood so hard that you're not gonna come to school tomorrow",she smiled after whispering in his ear,"well,I'd love to see you try",he replied,"oouu,don't say things that you surely gonna regret.She filled his mouth with hers,sucking his tongue twisting hers over his,she then began to grind her crotch against his in circular motion slowly but deeply,"uhhhhh",he moaned a bit,"moaning already?I must be amazing aren't I?",she questioned,"you have no idea",he responded.Timothy's boxer's and her panty was soaked wet with their mixed arousal.Timothy began to raise his hips a little to meet her hot flesh crotch,he touched her left breast while she was flexing her behind,her hands supporting her,he squeezed her nipple as she inhaled deeply,"you want me to pour again?",she asked with a little smile,"maybe",he smiled a bit as Charmaine's smile vanished entirely off her face,she increased her speed began to grind much deeper and deeper breathing heavy,"uhhh,Charmaine,you're so good uhhhh",he held her waist tight while she rode him.Her moans were getting a bit louder breathing sharply,she lowered her head next to his right ear,"you want me to flood baby boy?Huh?Uhhh",she whispered in his ear,he could actually feel her warm breath as she was breathing like a furnace,"yes,do it for me",he replied,"shit! I wanna remove these freaking panties so I can feel him entirely,but I can't",she went through her mind.Her thinking of how his member would feel inside her made her flood at that moment,she reduced her pace grinding deeper while she moaned,her arousal licking from her pants,"uhhhhhhhh you just made me uhhhh again!!",she moaned flexing her waist much faster and harder,she noticed Timothy's breath quickened a bit,he was moaning and a little louder too,"uhhhh stay right there uhhhhhh I'm gonna-",he moaned as she raised her behind,"ohhh,no you're not,not yet",she said as she sat on him with her hands on his chest and began to grind forward and backwards against his member."Uhhh,I can actually feel you right now,due to our wetness spreading over our panties",Charmaine said facing the ceiling with her eyes closed,she bit her lip and squeezed her breast while she grinded without rush.This was another sexiest view Timothy was also astonished of.She deeped her nails unto his chest and started to stroke harder and quick producing friction between their crotches,there was heat and Timothy couldn't take it,"uhhhhh how are you doing thisss??!!",he moaned as he was about to reach his limit,she stopped again and squeezed hard against his hard rod,"uuuuuuuuh,Charmaineeee",he barked."Wha,hey I was about to....you know,why did you stop?The feeling was superb",he said."Not yet baby boy",she said,she lifted her right leg and land it across Timothy's left chest,her toes beside his left ear.She leaned back a bit with her arms supporting her with her hands on his libias then she grinded up and down also making contact with his baseballs brushing her crotch against them."Uhhhhhh,Charmaine this position is freaking effective,uhhhhhhh I can really feel your inner flesh",he said as he moaned,"uhhh,I know,uhhhhhhh",she moaned too.He placed his hands on her thighs much tighter and started to flex his waist to feel her pleasure,"uhhhhhhh this time I'm gonna flood,you're going anywhere,you're not escaping this time uhhhhh almost-",he moaned as he was about to drown in her pleasure,she felt his base tightened then she tickled him,"hey!!That's not fair,ah hahaha,why don't you want me to....just why?",Timothy asked breathing heavily,"not yet",she smiled,"I'm going to strain your balls",she whispered,Timothy's member hardened more after hearing that.She turned around and spread her legs,Timothy and Charmaine were both facing the same direction the same as reverse cowboy position.She lowered her behind against his crotch as she squeezed harder,"uhhhh,uhhhhh",he moaned.She began grinding forward and backwards,Timothy's hard rod was beginning to show in his boxers because of the wetness of their arousal,it was rubbing just in the middle of Charmaine's a$$ cheeks and that made her to shiver a bit for a while,she was flooding but in a dry way if you know what I mean."Uhhh is she having a dry org....ohh,that's hot",he thought to himself.Charmaine grinding while facing the other way was Timothy's best view ever,just like when he did it with Mrs Peterson.Watching Charmaine flood while facing the other way,watching her behind suck and stroke his member,grabbing and squeezing her well shaped a$$ cheeks made him totally insane that he was about to shoot hard."Uhhhhh Charmaine I can't keep it any longer uhhhhhh you're soo freaking awesome,I'm flooding now,uhhhhhhhhhhhhh",he moaned,"uhhhhhhhh yes uuuuuuuuuuuuh me too baby uhhhh,do it with me uhhhh",she spread her cheeks as much as she possibly can for him to feel her completely,Timothy flexed his waist hard and applied a hard push against Charmaine's flooding crotch,she felt it and she pushed back and squeezed hard to make him feel much good,"uhhhhhhh Charmaineee uhhhhhh shit how....wha the f.... uhhhhhhh",while they were both in the middle of reaching their maximum point,Charmaine grabbed Timothy's baseballs while moaning and shivering hard,squeezed them and massaged them,she could actually feel his arousal coming out through his base.As Timothy felt her squeezing and massaging his base he shivered feeling Charmaine's amazing warm hands in contact with his base,feeling that tingling electric sensation in his member and he was shocked for a moment,he never did that before.After he had flooded he was paralysed with Charmaine's skills gasping for air,she got off him and laid next to him."That was the best experience I've had",he admitted,"well,I told you I was gonna strain you every drop",she smiled,"I'm sorry about denying your offer its just I don't want to make things worse anymore",Timothy explained."Hey,its alright,I get it all I wanted was a piece of you and your arousal unto me and that's not all,....I also wanted to spoil you a bit,you were looking sloppy back there that your worry lines was actually showing from a distance",they both laughed,"wait what?So you know about me and Ariana and you're not jealous but you still went ahead and got what you wanted",he said,"you can say that",she replied."Did you do all of this to get my mind off things?",he asked,"you finally figured it out,yes....I do care about you Timothy and Ariana too",she admitted,"woah,I....I don't know what to say I um-",he was speechless,"just say thanks,....and Timothy,...talk to her",she suggested,"but I don't even know where to start",he put on his jeans,"I haven't figured it out yet",he put on his shirt."Damnit Timothy!!Stop figuring and apologize to her and tell her what's in here",she said as she placed her hand on her chest,Timothy froze for a while glancing at her wondering."Oh....um,okay I'll talk to her",he said,Charmaine put on her clothes and they rearranged the office.His phone rang,he answered,"dude where are you?",Billy asked through,"I'm....I um at the ground what's up?",he asked,"dude Nikki just broke up with her boyfriend and she's now arguing with Ariana talking about some stuff,insulting each other",Billy explained,"what?Well so what has it got something to do with me?",he asked,"are you serious right now?Dude its only a matter of time until she tells her about you having sex with her in front of the whole crowd just to piss her off,so you still sure it has nothing to do with you?",Billy questioned,"shit!!Okay I'll be there",he hung up."What's up?",Charnaine asked,"we have to go now!!",he yelled a bit,"wait what's going on?",she asked,"there's a fight back there,Its Nikki and Ariana,I've got to be there",he explained."Okay but wait!!",she yelled,"after this I may not get the chance to do this again with you,so-",Charmaine closed the gap between them giving him a magical passionate kiss,he felt amazing and his heart pounded with one beat of ecstacy."I wish things were much easier",he said,"well if there were dragonballs laying here I would wish for that too but they aren't,so I won't wish for it knowing that it will never happen,we all know that life is a b***ch",she explained,"yeah,you're probably right",he replied,"okay let's head there then",they both got out and they headed there.