There is a girl,maybe at the age of 15 or 17 there was a field trip on their school that they have to attend this place that they were going to is a forest park were they only see is all tree and a scary house.When they arrive at their field trip destination at the exact date of November 25 2023 at the time of 5:46 her friends already saw the scary house and planning to go there for fun her teacher that was on the side overheard they're plan and warned them to not go there because something might happened to them the girl listen to the teacher and walk to their tent sites but her friends didn't listen so when the time is already 7:00pm all of the other kids are already sleeping including the teacher her friends wakes her up and told her to come with them to go on the scary house at first the girl hesitate to go but later she agree.When they already arrive at the front of the scary house she already feel goosebumps.
She even said to her classmates to not go there and go back to the tent sites instead but her classmates didn't listen so they decided to pick whose gonna be the first to enter or to be the leader of this adventure that they we're saying,but nobody volunteer to be one so the other one comes up with the idea to go there depending on they're age but the four of them is just born in the same year instead they change the rules to oldest by months,since it's just the four of them and the girl is born on December that means that she has to be the last,they enter the house together in line that depends on there birthday month.
When they enter they saw a rocking chair that's rocking by themselves the girl already felt scared and shaking one of her friends that's infront of her notice it and laugh"your such a scared baby" she said,when they walk further and further the girl that's on the lead accidentally bump into a vase that has a ashes on it they were so scared and paranoid that they don't know what to do but it got worsen when the painting on the side suddenly fell off "oh shit we need to go back to the tent sites right now"says the other girl "she's right let's go" said by the other girl why pulling the other girl on her side, they're already running to the door so that they could go out of there but the door suddenly closed and they can't open it the other girl started crying and shouting for help but instead they saw a white lady on the second floor looking at them while laughing the other girl started to walk towards the white lady and try to talk to her "who are you?why are you here?is this your house?"the girl question but they got a laugh as an answer the next thing that happens is the other girl is already floating and can't breathe and later on died in the other hand the three other girl runs to the other side to avoid the white lady hoping to find the backdoor and go out safely but they can't find the backdoor so when they heard a footsteps that coming the other girl said "we need to hide" and run below the table the other one open the door and hides on the cabinet inside while the other one is trying to find a spot that she could hide but failed instead she shout "aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" and the white lady stab her the girl below the table saw her already lying and saw her in all blood.
She gasped and cover her mouth using her hand hoping that the white lady couldn't find her "come out come out wherever you are" said the white lady while humming a song the girl on the cabinet was already shaking and pray for her safety she can hear that the door on the room open that's why she's all nervous her nervousness got worsen when the cabinet door suddenly opened that's why the girl shout while raising her cross necklace "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" and to her surprise the white lady was scared and suddenly disappear the girl was confuse and walk outside the room trying to find the ther girl that's she walks were she came earlier she found the girl under the table and also saw the girl whose already dead,when she saw her they hugged each other while crying "we can't escape here" said the girl "no we can escape here,do you have the cross necklace that your parents gave you" the other girl just nodded and show it to her "good,don't lost it cause we needed it,the white lady is scared of that" said the girl and walk towards the door and tries to break it,they failed and the white lady suddenly appear at their back the girl tries to protect the other girl the white lady started laughing "do you think that you can escape here??" said the white lady the other girl raised her cross necklace trying to threaten the white lady,the white lady slowly walking backwards while the two girls walking near her "yes we can escape here".
The white lady raised her hand that makes the other girl float while the other girl is trying to walk towards her and makes the white lady wares the necklace and the white lady shouted "aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, you'll regret this happen" and disappear the other girl is already free and the door suddenly open and they leaves the scary house safely but sadly without they're two friends.
When they got outside the other girl suddenly stops and collapse when the other girl notice it she saw her friend already bleeding,someone stabs her friend and dies when she tries to run again she stop because she saw her teacher she tries to get some help to her teacher but instead her teacher stabs her "you make my sister disappear,she's the only one that I have but you guys make her disappear" the teacher said and walks towards the house,when she enter the house she saw the vase that's broken and the ashes that everywhere the teacher laugh and said "we can finally see each other again" and stabs himself.