in a small town in nirvana, there this old and tragic legend about a kingdom that was fell down and get eaten by the ocean. the city was commonly known as gevallen city it was located in the middle of the ocean, legend says that it all started because of love.. a love that being pitied to a person.. not an ordinary person but an empress and her name was Aqua.. empress aqua was an only daughter and the emperor believes that she is the blessing from the god but even though the emperor believes that he sometimes questioning the uppers.. because Lady aqua didn't have a wonderful and happy childhood like other noble ladies or even ordinary Childrens. she was very ill and her heart was beliefs it was small and weak that's why the emperor was so protected towards her one and only daughter.. some commoners and even nobles believes that the empress (lady aqua's mother) was cursed because after the empress gave birth to aqua she immediately passed away.. lady aqua never seen her mother not in her entire life. .
she always locked up in her room with her servants and just always looking on her big glass window next to her bed.. but even though she was extremely ill she didn't gave up because she always hoping and wishing and praying that someday the tables will turn and she will become okay and will enjoy her life just like a normal person. many years past she was already 18 years old, did she recover?? No, she didn't.. there's no any recovery or even change in her illness. that was the time that she already accepted and gave up.. she realized that maybe the god was forgotten or didn't even care about her.. all her hope was fade and she just waiting for her death, she already accepted it and didn't want to undergo treatment..
One night, while every one was asleep, lady aqua decides to wander around her palace.. she got curious and just realized how her palace was huge and elegant, she never leave her room that's why she didn't know.. she went up and down on her own palace and after she enjoyes every place of her own palace she went to the top of the palace alone.. the cold breeze of the ocean touches and hug her weaken body, she began to cry and rant in the sky.
she said:
"I don't know what is wrong about me, I don't know what's the reason why you gave me this kind of suffering?!? all my life, all I want was to become free.. I want to experience what other normal human beings experience! please! if someone out there hear me in the sky.. please.. please.. I'm begging you.. I'm on my knees.. please let me experience life.. please let me be happy" she began to crying and weeping while on her kneeled.. the next day, everyone in the palace went insane because the princess.. the lady aqua was gone! they all search every where! even in some places that impossible she was in.. at last, a servant found her laying on a top of the palace.. her skin was very pale that's where the servant carry her back on her room and report to everyone that she was already been found, they immediately call a professional doctor and the doctor was surprised because Lady aqua condition was slowly improving. everyone was so happy on the news they also report to the emperor the Great news about her beloved daughter and he immediately went to her room to crying because of happiness and hugs her so tight.. he was so happy and thankful for the great news , every one was so happy all the people in gevallen was happy and thankful for the recovery of their future empress.
after of Aqua's recovery the emperor prepare a big celebration, a feast for everyone! and they went to every places to explore.. aqua's life was full of happiness and she always wish that this happiness will never disappear.. years past she was already 20 year old and the emperor (her father) says that this is the right time we're aqua will get married but, aqua on the other hand doesn't want to get married and just wants to become free.. but the emperor disagree with her opinions and just find royal that will become aqua's husband and be the emperor of the gellaven.. 3 weeks past the emperor already have chosen someone and his name was Azrael he was the son of emperor coa of vielle ( kingdom of roses) the both emperor agreed with the arrange marriage especially Azrael but Aqua never cared about it.. 4 weeks past both emperor decides that Azrael and aqua should meet so that they can both introduce themselves properly.. the day that everyone was waiting for, Azrael and aqua meet and Azrael was stunned on Aqua's beauty.. but aqua didn't even care about him just wait until he leaves..
also, both emperor decides that they both should meet every once a week so that they can knew each other..
on the second day of their meet up azrael asks aqua " your kingdom is quite beautiful! the scenery here in your palace was breathtaking is it wonderful?" Aqua didn't response and let him talk and talk.. "hey!? are you even listening to me last aqua? or do u even hear me?" says Azrael in his irritating voice. " I hear you but I don't want to talk to you, I don't even want to see you Azrael? can u just talk to my father and even your dad to cancel the wedding?" says Aqua and Azrael went quite and just walked away.
aqua was surprised because she didn't meant to hurt Azrael's heart but she also happy because the marriage will might be cancelled..
but 5 minutes past someone walk behind aqua.. "Azrael can you just gave up and go home where u live I don't like you okay? just go I don't want to be with you!" says Aqua angrily. " that's kind of hard madame, but my apologies I'm not prince Azrael.. " says the unknown man. aqua turn around and face the man and she was surprised on how the man was good looking, she was so stunned and can't even say a word.. "uhm.. excuse me your highness? are you okay?" says the man, " w-who are you? " asked aqua " I'm hellion your highness.. it's nice to meet you" says Hellion (the unknown man) "what Kingdom are you from hellion?" aqua's ask again to helion. "I'm from your kingdom your highness, I'm a servant here in the palace.. I'm the royal Gardener" helion answered with a sweet smile..
I guess.. out little lady was being in love with the Gardener.
© mori0mori