[disclaimer : this is a work of fiction]
From a lovesick girl to the lover she dreamt up...
Dear X,
I'm a girl who's never experienced the "magical" phenomenon called falling in love.
I've read so much about it in books, lived it secondhand through movies. Heck, even some love songs paint the picture well enough.
I've learned that love is so many things.
Love is beautiful.
Love is pure.
Love is all-consuming.
Love is obsessive.
Love is blind.
Love is patient.
Love is forgiving...
Love is cruel.
But to me, love only exists in my head.
I've spent years dreaming about you — what you look like, what you sound like. Will your laughter really sound like angel choruses? Will our fingers really fit together like puzzle pieces, like they say? What would it feel like to be held by you?
I know I sound hopelessly cheesy when I say I'd give everything I have just to lay next to you under a star-filled sky and simply... bask in you. Your voice. Your smell. All of you.
You've evolved so many times in my head, yet I've always been helpless to the power you hold over me. You're a drug I can't get enough of — the sweetest addiction. No matter how hard I try to break free, I always come crawling back to the reality where it's just me and you. Where you're all I have... and I can be everything you need.
Your face haunts my dreams in endless cycles. It's strange — I don't even know what you look like.
But I know I love your eyes the most, especially when they're looking at me.
I know your lips set every inch of me on fire. And your sharp canines... people are conditioned to hate whatever brings them pain, but I don't hate yours. I love them — especially when they mark me. They're so pretty, it hurts.
I've fallen in love with the feeling of loving you.
I don't want a happy ever after if it's not with you.
Over and over again, I'll be yours anyway.