'The Heat'
"Scooooorrrreeee!!",the RotchBerry Maclean crowd roared with wild ecstacy as a bunch of their players inlcluding the goal scorer ran with their celebrating technique style to the corner flag and the Maclean fans spread both of their hands forward in parallel then began to raise their hands up and down like they were bowing to their players.Timothy held his waist with both of his hands and checked the scoreboard as it indicates "Wilkins 0 and RotchBerry 2 his head turned down with a disappointing low face while dripping with sweat.....the sun was glinting too bright."Tim!!,uhm uh...",Billy struggled to grasp a breath,"uh..so Dolph and the rest of us have been thinking..what if we do the "The Falcon".The Falcon was their attacking technique which they practised in training,"uhm I don't think...that it's really a good idea...look yes we did practise it in our training but...it wasn't really that successful...we struggled for a bunch of days pushing it...if we do this we will be adding exhaustion,"Tim raised his right hand over his eyebrows looking at the opposing gate,"yes I get it...it's a risk but it's worth a try man...we are really being dragged into the ground right now we're exhausted Tim,I don't know if we can keep this up...unless you've got any ideas for us to ascend our flow",their teammates were standing there as a bunch with Billy as they waited for Timothy to answer.Timothy wasn't the Captain in their team but they treated him as if he was,Dolph was their Captain but he just admired how Timothy played,he was a striker...number 3,Dolph always assumed that he played in freestyle street baller which they all insisted it was astonishing."(Sigh) okay...let's give it a slide",Timothy answered as Billy and his teammates raised their voices shouting "HU HAA!!" and the whistle flooded the air,"The Falcon" required seven best fast strikers as it was in form of a star,...like a shape of a star the first striker was at the front..,on the lower left side there was Billy,...Timothy was at the right lower side,then at the middle there were two other strikers including Dolph meters apart from the other striker then at the back there were also other two strikers a couple of meters apart,the one on the right and the other one at the left side like the legs of a star.Timothy held both of his hands on his knees breathing heavily,the whistle was blown and they began since they were the one with the ball,the front striker passed the ball back to the mid where Dolph was and he started heading forward then he passed to his right mate as he took a long high pass to Billy on the upper left.Billy saw Timothy barely running,"damnit Tim",Billy said to himself as he passed the ball to the front striker,they were nearly at the eighteen area,"come on Timmyyy!!",Ariana shouted as she and Molly was standing near the benches,"oooouuu,...",Molly teased.Timothy's eyes grew wide,surprised to hear Ariana's voice though he almost forgot that she was watching.His heart rate increased,her voice pumped Timothy with focus and agility,he then started to increase his speed like a charged bull.As the crowd,the opponents and the goal keeper thought that the front striker was finally going to shoot he then passed the ball at the lower right to Timothy.The ball was a bit higher and the opponent next to Timothy jumped to reach for a header,due to Timothy's embraced speed when he jumped he was already at the front of his opponent,the ball reached his chest and as soon as the ball hit the ground he then swang his right foot and shot massively to the left corner in the gate where the keeper couldn't reach and the Wilkins crowd grew wild both exciting and shocked at the same time."Ah...I...I can't believe that actually worked...I...Uh",Timothy struggled to catch a breath with his excitement and extremely shocked as his teammates threw theirselves at him celebrating,Timothy could barely stand and they all fell on the ground and roared with laughter.Ariana jumped up and down with excitement screaming "yes,yes"."Unbelievable did you see that technique,it was glorious",Molly's face indicated her effective shock,"I knew he could do it,I knew it somehow,woooo",Ariana's reaction was like a five year old dripping with elation,Molly chuckled a bit.As the game went on none of the two teams managed to score another goal.The whistle was blown as the Maclean team celebrated their victory,the Maclean supporters scattered everywhere in the ground then they lifted the best of their players up high."We lost....again....and again",Billy's face was filled with disappointment,"how long can we keep this....when does this stops?",Billy asked,"it stops when it stops",Timothy answered with disappointment as they head back inside the the school to head home.Ariana took an attempted step forward worried about what Timothy was feeling then she felt Molly's grab on her arm,"let him be....for today".Molly released her hand as Ariana listened.Timothy and Billy headed home both silently and disappointed.Molly and Ariana went home talking about their usual stuff then they seperated waving goodbyes at each other.Molly pushed the entrance front door of their house."Oh....M....Mo....Molly you're back",Molly's mother said while sitting with her father at the table.It didn't take a second for Molly to realize that her parents were discussing about her."Yep",Molly said heading upstairs,"Molly wait",Molly faced up being bothered,"what?",she asked,"how was school honey?",her mother asked,"fine",Molly shrugged her shoulders."Honey you know you can talk to us",her mother insisted,"am I not talking?...does my talking doesn't sound like talking?",Molly asked,"Molly!!!",shouted her mother,"what!!!",Molly shouted back,"just ...stop",her mother responded,"stop what?",Molly asked,"that....this....always creating your own dumb phrases",her mother said,"they're not dumb they are smart,you're just too stupid to get it",Molly mocked."Alright enough you two!!!",her father shouted with infuriating voice,"Mollene dear....what's really bothering you honey,you've been acting like this for two months now,what is it",her father politely asked,"oh....okay....you really want me to tell you?Okay I'll tell you then....I'm so angry....and depressed you know why?Because my own mother....turned me down....she cancelled my biggest opportunity for finally to be the great famous singer but instead....she saw the mail before I did which was written my approval then she burnt it....burnt IT!!!",Molly's anger rose,"Molly honey I didn't mean to break you apart like that,I even felt bad when I burnt it and I cried too plus that was a year ago and even still....you're not yet finished with school",her mother responded,"school?....School doesn't freaking matter",Molly threw her right hand away,"what will it take for you all to freaking understand",Molly's eyes were flooding with tears."Awwww honey....",her mother was concerned,"no....just....don't",Molly rose her right hand like she was voting as she clenched her hand into a fist then she went to her room and slammed the door as she screamed "Uhh God!!!" Her parents glanced at each other concerned.Usual morning,the light beams of the sun radiating upon the surface,birds never stop singing.Billy had just finished both bathing and packing ready for school as he sat at the table eating cereals."I don't wanna!!!",shouted Billy's young sister Britney while his other younger brother Cameroon sat beside him eating."Its not a decision for you to make Britney....its always compulsory and a priority for you to go to school young lady you hear me?",insisted their mother Cathy,"what's with her?",asked Cameroon,"I don't know....I wish I knew",Billy responded,"she doesn't wanna go to school,....she's dumb",Cameroon said,"no she's not",Billy said while glancing at his lil brother,"honey don't you have....friends....at school?",Cathy asked,"I do....its just that....",Britney's cheeks were soaked with tears,"awwww baby....what is it?",Cathy held both Britney's soaked cheeks wiping the tears with her thumbs."Some boy is bullying me....his name is Terrence",Britney explained,"umfm....ehm....",Billy could not wait to swallow as he wanted to speak,"that's where I come in....I kinda know a thing or two about those vultures",Billy said,"noo....no....Billy....not you....uh uh no",Cathy refused,"why not mom....just let me tell her one tiny little bit of information",Billy said with his forefinger attempting to collide with his thumb explaining how little it was,"no Billy....remember what you told Riley from next our house?And what happened after that?",Cathy asked,"I promise....this time will be different",Billy insisted,"no....no Billy",she refused,"but mom",Britney whined grabbing her mothers arm,"just don't stand his way and everything will be fine baby okay?",Cathy said,"hey....Britty....",Billy whispered pulling his hand back and forth asking her to come,"for today,just try,okay Britty",Billy said,"but what about Terrence?",she asked while wiping her tears,"Cameroon will protect you,I told him,then when you come back I'll tell you how to defeat a bully okay",Billy held her left cheek,"okay",Britney rested a little on his hand as she smiled.Billy saw her mother's face coloured with elation then he winked at her,"I'm elated at the first part not at the second one about defeating a bully",Cathy explained as Billy chuckled.The bus sounded it's horn outside as Billy grabbed his back pack leaving a kiss on Britney's cheek then she chuckled."byeee",Billy waved,"bye baby",his mother responded as they all waved.Billy rushed to the bus as he got in,he then went to sit at the back leaving a spot for Timothy to sit.The bus departed,Billy removed his back pack placing it on the seat.He then saw Ariana who was sitting at the third row with Molly from the back looking back where he sat.He noticed that Ariana was looking for Timothy,he then waved and she waved back.The bus stopped near at Timothy's area as the bus horn rang.Billy peered at the bus right window waiting for his usual view of Timothy's sister.He always knew that Hazel depart at the same time when Timothy is about to depart.Timothy appeared at the scene outside rushing to the bus,Billy saw Hazel heading to work,she was wearing a tight blue skinny jean,a light white polo neck and high heels.He sat there glancing as Timothy spots him at the back.Ariana's breath escalated a little when she saw Timothy stepping into the bus."Thanks for the spot",Timothy noticed Billy watching his sister,"I see you're enjoying your favourite morning commercial",Timothy sat beside him,"she always snatch my breath away",Billy spoke near the window as his breath fogged at the window."Aaarrghh,she always what?....okay nevermind",Timothy took off his back pack,"(Sigh)Love these days....chasing you crush.....pouring your active feelings....",Billy explained while staring at the bus ceiling,"what are you looking at?",Timothy asked,"I'm creating a momentum",Billy said,"I can see that you're failing to.....shit!!",Timothy exclaimed,"what",Billy asked,"I wanted to talk to Ariana yesterday remember....but I forgot....ugh I was so tired",Timothy explained ,"oh...yeah I totally forgot too to remind you....but its not your fault actually....we were coloured in lost at the game remember",Billy explained,"ughh",Timothy rested his head upon the upper top staring at the bus ceiling.The bus arrived as the students exited,their usual morning lessons came to pass as they reached break time.The whole food section was crowded with students grabbing food,loitering in the hallway,chatting and eating.Ariana and Molly were sitting with their other fellow three friends,Susan,Charmaine and Fiona pep talking about their general stuff."UH....I should be the popular queen not that wankle fake smug Nikki",Susan said,"huh....so you wish that stupid fake rich boy Fedrick was your boyfriend?,...huh....please don't be obscene",Molly grabbed her juice putting the straw in her mouth,"yeah....I'm with Molly on this one....I mean....why merely pour desire on that sloven guy all of a sudden?....As for me....being the queen,that totally fogs my interest....I hunger for guys....aha yes guys and I've been checking on that Timothy boy recently and I must say his handsomeness slides beyond compare,I mean he's so hot especially when he displays that smile,gosh that ravishing smile",Charmaine explained as she licked her lips.Molly glanced at Ariana and Ariana glanced back then Molly returned to Charmaine's view and she faked a smile,"and have I mentioned that I saw him at his house by the pool in his trunks',Gosh he was so much sexier dripping with water and you should've seen his lower....",in the middle of Charmaine's finishing sentence Ariana stood up and head to the bathroom."Um did I say something?",Charmaine asked,"um....no....no you didn't,she just had a phone call",Molly said.Ariana stood at the bathroom mirror,much interest of girls to Timothy made her realize that she craved him more.Her breath escalated....she then grabbed her right thigh....deliberately sliding her right hand to her middle part as she deepened her touch then she moaned innocently quiet while her eyes closed and her mouth open."No",she whispered to herself,then she washed her face and got back where she was sitting,"you okay?",Molly asked,"yeah I'm good",Ariana responded,"girl you are one mystery bastard aren't you",Fiona said,"ah ha ha ha what....what was I supposed to do?",Charmaine asked as she smiled,"what did I miss?",Ariana whispered in Molly ear,"um....uh...nothing....nothing important",Molly whispered back,"she was still talking about him wasn't she?",Ariana asked,"um....yeah",Molly responded,"ugh",Ariana was annoyed."Hey!!...guys....do any of you have a glimpse of idea of were the book box was put in the junk room?I was told by Mr Alkins that he sent one of you girls in there",Billy approached them with Timothy beside him.Ariana felt Timothy's presence behind her while sitting,she thought of looking but she just froze stiff."Hey Tim",Charmaine waved her hand with her soft voice and lustful smile.Ariana's rage grew as she squeezed her juice box which was barely empty."Hey....Charmaine right?",Timothy asked,"yes that's right",Charmaine glanced at him from bottom to top licking her straw,"Billy you stay here and I'll go and search for the box",Timothy insisted,"um ...okay...if you insist",Billy said,"I'll accompany you Tim ,surely there's a lot of stuff in there and you might need help".Charmaine suggested,"actually Ariana was the one who was sent in there because Mr Alkins told me that he sent a blonde girl,..well he still doesn't know all of our names quite well since he's a bit new".Billy explained,"yeah....okay....I'll show you",Ariana stood up,"ugh fine",Charmaine rolled her eyes,Timothy and Ariana departed and they arrived at the door,he took the key as he attempted to unlock the door but it seemed like he was struggling."Let me try a bit",Ariana insisted then Timothy handed the key to her.She turned it once and it unlocked,"you don't have to try so hard",she said with her soft voice and her smile,"woah....damn that smile,that damn smile",Timothy's self conciousness said inside his brain,"ah ha ha show off",Timothy said as they both got in while Ariana chuckled then she accidently banged the door,Timothy looked back at the door then he attempted to open it but it was completely locked."What did you do?!!",Timothy shouted,"I....I....I don't know....I didn't mean to",Ariana mummed,"now we're locked from the inside",Timothy shouted again,"I'm sorry okay,I didn't mean to",Ariana apologised,"no no I'm not blaming you,uh I'm sorry for shouting",Timothy tried to reason,"its okay Timmy....uh....how stupid of me",Ariana touched her forehead,"how about we search for that box while we figure out the solution for us to get out of this room?",Timothy suggested,"okay yeah,that's a good idea",Ariana agreed.They began to search for the box for twenty minutes."Hey Timmy,come look at this",Ariana said holding a picture of soccer striker of their school,"what is it?",Timothy asked,"this is Jefferson Huston,the best soccer player of two years ago,he was a captain in his team and he always led them....led us to glory",Ariana explained,"what happened to him?",Timothy asked,"he was a casualty in a car accident,"Ariana said,"oh....that's awful",Timothy sympathized,"pictures of him are flooded around the school as a rememberance except this one....there are too many",Ariana gave the picture to Timothy for him to see,"I bet he was the best of the best huh",Timothy said,Ariana glanced at Timothy as he was looking at the picture and then he noticed her staring....then he faced her.Her cheeks turned bright red,she was blushing.Timothy began to lean closer to her and Ariana doing the same until their lips collided passionately and deliberately.Timothy rubbed her on her back and began to slide his hand on her lower back then he squeezed as she moaned silently,"At the ground I wanted to tell you how much I feel about you but I was so exhausted I really forgot",Timothy said while facing her and his left hand still on her lower back,"really",Ariana was surprised while her breath was heavy.They continued to kiss deeply as Timothy lifted Ariana's right thigh then she wrapped her right leg around his left leg.They were both breathing heavily then Timothy lifted her a little driving her against the wall then he pressed his lower body against her as she broke the kiss with a little moan in Timothy's ear while he was exploring her neck."uhhh....Timmy",she whispered then he deepened another strong kiss then he broke the kiss while facing her,her eyes were still closed while she was breathing heavily,she looked so fragile and powerless still hungry for Timothy's mouth then shen stood on her left toe since her right leg still wrapped around Timothy's as she finally reached his lips and kissed hungrily.Timothy returned the kiss then he started grinding his body against her while her hands were over his shoulders.Ariana pulled Timothy's t-shirt over his head and removed it then he did exactly the same to her and they were now half naked,they began to grind against each other with rhythm as Ariana moaned soundly,"uhhh....Timmy what are you doing to me",she said with a whiny voice,"mmhh Timmy your crotch is tearing my soul apart",Ariana whispered in his ear,"uhh,you are tearing my soul apart",Timothy responded.The room was filled with excessive heat and heavy breaths,Timothy drove Ariana onto a table which was there in the middle with him on top,both of their jeans were soaking sweat and arousal."Gosh you're so beautiful",Timothy said to her as she smiled then he began to explore at her breasts.She let's out a long moan while holding Timothy's head,she began to push her breasts against his mouth searching for his warm tongue and he began to lick and suck them,he felt them erect in his mouth then he bit them a little with his teeth as she moaned loudly pressing his head then he kissed her lips and their tounges twisting against each other and again they started grinding aggressively,their body rubbing against each other,their jeans dripping with arousal as Ariana hands held tight on Timothy's back."uuhh,Timmy do what you want I'm completely yours now uuhh...yes...uh rock that hot body on mine baby uuhh...feel me Timmy feel me with ecstasy...uuhh baby you're so hot uuhh... deepen your crotch against mine baby uhhh...fuc...",Ariana was breathing harshly and heavy while she moaned but Timothy did not expect that an innocent girl like Ariana could say those sexy words,"uhhh Ariana you're so sweet",Timothy spoke in her ear then he pulled away and he stood her up and he pulled her with him leaning back against the wall then he hugged her from behind as he began to kiss and licking her neck with her head tilted the other side then she started grinding her lower back against Timothy's crotch,"aaahh Ariana",Timothy moaned.He slid his right hand on her middle part against her soacked jeans.They could actually feel each others flesh a little because of their wet jeans.Timothy pressed his fingers against her middle part,"uuuuuhhhhh....mmmhh..Timmyy..uhhhhhhhhhhhh....fuc...uhhhh please don't stop uHH",Ariana didn't care that there were students in the hallway but regardless they couldn't hear a glimpse of anything because it was crowded.Ariana slid her hand back as she pressed tightly on Timothy's middle member,"aaahh...uhhh",Timothy moaned excessively then she began to rub against it with force while she was facing up resting on Timothy's shoulder moaning loudly.She was rocking her body against Timothy's hand on her middle part as she breathed quickly and heavily."uhhhh...ahhhhh....uhhhhhhhhhh....uhhhhmm...uhhh Timmy I'm gonna...uhhhh...I'm gonna...uhhhh",Ariana moaned as she was about to reach her point,"oh...you really gonna....",Timothy asked while his breath was heavy,"yesss I'm gonna uhhh don't stop,don't stop uhhhh...uhhhh...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Timmy....uhhhhhhhhhhhhh",Ariana's eyes where closed shut,her mouth open facing upwards as she finally reached her point.Timothy felt Ariana's arousal dripping on his hand which was at her middle part.She could barely stand due to her exhaustion but Timothy held her as she recovered a little then she turned around facing him and started to rub hard and agressively on Timothy's crotch while kissing him deeply.She started to grind her body against her rubbing hand on Timothy's crotch enabling her hand added pressure."uhhhh.....uhhhh.....Ariana.....uhhhh.....your hand....it feels amazing...uhhhhh uhhhhh....uhhhh I can't take it uhhhhhhhhhhh",Timothy reached his point as Ariana felt some hot juice on her hand and began to clean it with her tounge.They both rested a little as they heard a knock,"is someone in there?",the old lady who worked at their school shouted as both of Timothy and Ariana's eyes were wide open glancing at the door.The lady attempted to open the door then she stopped,Timothy and Ariana breathed a sigh of relief as they heard the lady taking out the keys,she had extra in case of emergency,"Oh..shit",Timothy's faced was printed with fright as Ariana's heartbeat increased it's rate.