'Into the woods'
The dark swallowed the night,except for the full moon which was up high gleaming upon the soldiers and the recruites moving in the forest in unison.They were all wearing black caps and black cloths on their necks to cover their mouths and noses. "So....you're the ones they call the Rovers?",Steven asked while walking in pairs "Nah....we're not yet Rovers,not yet promoted",Alicia an attractive young lady of twenties with a cloud of brown hair replied,"you should see them when they're on the move,they're like operated controlled beings,they don't talk,they only communicate with signs,moving in stealth,silent and fast "Oh,you mean those guys who wear those unusual helmets?",he asked "Precisely",she answered "So....what do they call you?",he asked "We're just soldiers" "No I mean your code names or something" "Oh....that....I am Purple Dust",she replied "That's cool" "You think?",she smiled a bit excitedly Sileena closed in next to Hailen,"mmf,look at her,she doesn't even look like a soldier",Sileena spoke "Mmmm maybe,but we won't know until we know,you know?",she questioned "Mmf,I already know,....I mean why is she walking like that?Flexing her waist like a freaking model",she mocked "Sileena,she's a lady,just like us",she laughed a bit "Mmmf,what a rip off" "Wait don't tell me that....are you jealous?" "What,uh,um,I'm not....",she mummed avoiding eye contact "Awww that's so cute,I know you were into Steven somehow,I mean,a guy and a lady sure can spend weeks fighting over senseless things just until that fight is finally dilluted with boredom,then that love spark glints,just like that",she snapped her fingers "Ugh let's just focus on the mission or we will be massacred in the process and that pretty boy of yours",Sileena said "Hey we about to enter the Pirate's territory,once we step in be on guard by all means",Dalvin spoke "Rodger",Ciara a gorgeous blonde lady replied "Once I become a Rover I want to experience every single mission with General Shark Steel,she's the real thing",Ciara said "How's she in the field?",Jessie asked "Omg you should watch her one time,the leader of the Rovers,she's a killing machine,a sub-machine gun,give her a USP or a Fiven Seven or a Desert Eagle or any pistol,she'll desimate any threat",Alicia faced back as she spoke "Her name runs through every Empire's spine and feared,I bet to them just saying Shark Steel give them the chills",Jack said "Haha!You're damn right about that",Dalvin chuckled a bit "Oh,hey what did the Emperor meant when he said something about the Great War or something?",Hailen asked "Oh that,its this massive great war against all Empires",Ciara replied "What!All Empires?",Steven exclaimed "Relax nut head,we made a truce with the Flute Empire,we're neutral,it is expected that we might join forces with them against the Pirate and the Vice Empires which made an alliance together on the other hand also against the fancy gentlemen the Elite Empire,although we have no knowledge of which side they are on due to our loss of communication with our underground team but regardless we have our Leader Shark Steel,she'll be with us commanding us all,ooouu its going to be a massive bloodbath I can't wait I already feel my fingers twitching to pull the freaking trigger",Alicia said excitedly "So when is this war going to occur?",Jessie asked "In three years time",Alicia responded Jessie and the others said nothing but just glance at each other with fright just imagining of what it will be like in the blood bath warzone. "Okay weapons on",Dalvin cocked his gun as they all followed suit "Come in Small Giant",Kitanna spoke through their earplugs "I'm here General,we've entered the Pirate's territory",Dalvin responded "Okay listen up soldiers,your objective remains the same,destroy the Pirate's jamming voltage device which has neutralised our connection with our underground team,as long as they stiffen connection dominance,its a lopsided fight",Kitanna explained "This is Cranium,we understand General",Jack spoke "Gladly,once you destroy the device,quickly evade back,you can cut off scrubs off your tails if you must but don't get too cocky,as you can see we have recruits,got that?",Kitanna waited for responded "Rodger",Alicia replied "Once we finish our conversation we will be completely offline by then due to your movements near the device tower and one more thing,watch each others backs okay?",Kitanna adviced "Yes ma'am",Dalvin responded "You're concerned about the recruites?",Commander Griffin spoke next to Kitanna in the operating room glancing at the huge screen which had visions outside the Empire with cameras installed,the room was full of hackers on computers "That may be true,but its essential,they should experience this",she replied.They moved deliberately in silence with no one speaking "Everyone check your radar its working properly",Dalvin spoke silently "Shit!Mine's acting up",Ciara tapped her's as it was blinking and blacking out "Yeah,all of our radars are going off,it must be that device tower,its interfering with any electonic devices",Alicia said "So does that mean that we're closing in?",Jessie asked "Probably,stay sharp and follow suit",Dalvin led He paced with the others close behind,they all put on their mouth cloths.As they were closing in Dalvin suddenly raised his fist clenched halting "What is it?",Ciara whipered,she glanced forward and they came across a dead fresh male corpse,he was wearing a dark yellow vest,a yellow bandana,a black trousers and black boots,Steven vomitted "Hmf",Sileena hummed a bit avoiding to vomit "Hm,don't do that,I'll lose it if you keep doing that",Hailen covered her mouth "Hmmf",Sileena hummed again as Hailen lost control then she vomitted and Sileena vomitted afterwards "Ugh,what's up with you Jessie?Why isn't it affecting you?",Steven asked "Um,about that,this is....not new to...." "Elite Empire?In this territory?But why?",Alicia kneeled upon the corpse "Something's not right,....what if the device was not built to jam our connections only,what if it is interfering connections of their choosing",Dalvin came to a realization "If what you're saying is accurate then it goes without saying that they must have known that we're coming",Ciara said "They're expecting us",Jack spoke "They should",Alicia cocked her side arm USP.45 Pistol "Here these earplugs won't be blocked by that device,keep your ears open all the time",Dalvin lent them one each,"let's move",he led
Alicia was carrying a P90
Ciara had an M4A1
Dalvin had an M240 Saw
Jack had an M60E4
then Jessie and the rest had a G36C
They walked a couple of metres and they saw a big medium metal house which had a wide open entrance "Yep,they sure are expecting us,okay I'll go in and I'll signal you of how many we're dealing with"Alicia suggested "Okay,be on guard",Dalvin said "Rodger",she replied as she went in then she stood by the wall which was in the middle inside,she peeked a little then she raised both of her hands with a signal of ten people "Ten hostiles huh?Not so bad after all,okay me, Jessie,Ciara and Hailen will go to the back and Sileena,Jack,Steven and Alicia head to the front,got it?",he questioned "Copy that",Jack replied "Uh Small Giant,we've got a problem",Alicia whispered through the earplug "Purple Dust,elaborate",Dalvin responded "Three hostiles are placing claymores at the entrance as we speak,I can't go back",Alicia replied "Where are you now?",Dalvin asked "I'm inside at the side of the wall,they can't spot me,its kind of dark here",Alicia responded "Okay stay put don't try anything cocky alright....Alright?!!",he exclaimed "Ugh,well that's no fun,okay I'll remain stiff but hurry up my reflexes are tingling",she said Dalvin,Jessie,Hailen and Ciara deliberately moved to the back while Sileena,Jack and Steven headed to the entrance.While Alicica was hiding she saw another pirate soldier checking claymores at the entrance then she jumped and hit him with a massive drop kick at his back as he fell unto half of the claymores and they exploded against him "Purple Dust do you copy?",Dalvin spoke "Yes Captain",she replied "What did I say?I thought I told you not to intervene",he said "Well,you were taking too long,I've made a path for you Cranium,I guess they're coming to check who triggered the alarm",she peeked "Purple Dust is the device there?",Dalvin asked A pirate soldier stood at the entrance spotting the claymores,they were wearing pirate black hats with purple strings and a pirate outfit,they had pirate guns but they were fully enhanced and effective with increased damage He suddenly looked beside the dark wall then he saw Alicia,he reached for his side gun then Alicia quickly wrapped her left hand around his neck and stabbed him on the neck with a blade "Um,sorry was just putting a baby to sleep",Alicia as she peeked "Hey didn't we send two of our comrades to check back there?",one of the pirates said "Yeah,we did,they're not back yet,I'll go",he walked torwards the middle wall then he saw blood flowing torwards him,he halted with his right clenched fist "What is it?",the other pirate asked,then he pointed over to the blood direction with his head,they all alertly stood up with their guns closing in deliberately to the wall "Shit!!",Alicia whispered as Jack and the others arrived "Uh,about time",she said as she threw a flashbang It blew then Alicia quickly shot the first pirate on the front while the others were barely standing because of the flashbang,Jack cut the other one on the neck and shot the other three then Sileena shot at two of them and there were four left,they shook off the dizziness while others were being slaughtered They pulled the trigger and one of their bullets slashed Alicia on her cheek as they took cover behind the wall "That was close,I thought for a moment there you were going to receive a killshot",Jack reloaded his weapon "Those scums are starting to piss me off!!",Alicia appeared in their view,they began to shoot and she quickly rolled over forward dodging the bullets then she withdrew her side pistol then she shot the other pirate in the stomach then in the head.Then the other three as they were about to pull the trigger they were shot first by Sileena,Jack and Steven "You never stop being cocky do you?",Jack spoke "Mmf,from my own perspective they were the ones who were becoming cocky,just look at my beautiful face its ruined",she said "Who cares about your stupid face?",he mocked "I know you do",she smiled "Mmf",he scoffed "Or someone does",she glanced and smiled attractively to Steven "Uh,um",Steven blushed while Sileena grinned her teeth "That dumb freaking prostitute",Sileena said to herself "Well,no device here",Jack said "Of course,that's because its right back here",Dalvin said while moving to the back with his squad The device tower was inside but it could be seen because it was a bit tall peeking out of the metal house.Dalvin stood by the back door as he placed his ear on it "Okay Jessie,breach",Dalvin commanded.Jessie took a C4 and placed it against the door,Hailen was shocked for a moment then it blew "Breaching,breaching!!",Dalvin and Ciara firstly moved in quick and shot two of the pirates who were there "There were only two of them?Okay,Jessie hand me that C4,I'm going to blow up the device",the other pirate who was down reached for his gun lying on the ground silently and pointed it to Ciara's head then he pulled the trigger "Look out!",Jessie pushed her to the other side as the bullet pierced through his shoulder leaving a tunnel on it then Dalvin finished him off with his blade to the neck "Thanks Jessie,I appreciate it",she stood up "Are you okay?Let me see?",Hailen touched his shoulder "Ahh,I'm okay",he said "No you're not,you could have been killed....I'm glad you're okay",she said "We'll deal with the wound later,firstly we need to dismantle that device",Dalvin insisted "I'm on it",Ciara walked forward to the device and once she walked past the other door beside her it then blew off its position giving Ciara a massive hit as she flew hitting against the wall "Shit!Ciara!",Dalvin rushed to her,there was a piece of metal from the door which had stabbed her in the stomach "Ahh,shit",she cried a bit in agony,her blood was flowing endlessly from her wound "Okay,I'm gonna count to three,okay?",he asked for her permission "Okay",she agreed "ONE!!",He pulled the metal out "Ahhhh!!",she screamed painfully,Dalvin stood up with her shoulder over him and began to walk torwards the door,while on their way Jessie widened his eyes and pulled Hailen behind her "Small Giant!!",Jessie yelled as he pointed with his eyes to the door which had exploded,Dalvin deliberately looked back at its entrance with Ciara and they saw a pirate soldier wearing a Juggernaut suit cocking his weapon,luckly his weapon was an M240 saw which had a bit of a process when cocking "Shit!,everyone out now!!",Dalvin yelled and Hailen firstly got out and Dalvin was heading out with Ciara but the juggernaut was fully prepared to fire then Jessie fired at its front helmet to blind it for a moment and Dalvin managed to head out "Cranium come in",Dalvin spoke through the earplug "Yes,Small Giant,we're good here",Jack replied "Heads up,we've got a juggernaut here,come to the back at the forest and cover us",Dalvin commanded "Blue Spear!",Alicia called "She's hurt Purple Dust",Dalvin responded "What?!What happened?",Alicia asked "A metal door exploded on her way to destroy the device by the juggernaut,it stabbed in her stomach",Dalvin responded "Don't worry Purple Dust,I'm still alive",Ciara laughed a bit "I'm going to kill that bastard!"Alicia snarled with anger "Calm down,Purple Dust",Dalvin said "I won't calm down until he pays for what he did to my friend",she replied Jessie got out the soon as the juggernaut started firing,they head to the forest "Quick behind the tress",Jessie yelled as he rushed to his hiding spot behind the tree as well as Dalvin,Ciara and Hailen The juggernaut fired at them as the bullets pierced parts of the trees "Damnt!Its like a machine gun,what kind of a weapon is that?",Hailen spoke while firing back "Its an M240 saw,the same as I'm carrying,huh,that's why I prefer it,its like a mini machine gun itself",Dalvin laughed a bit as he saw the bullets with blue air pierce behind them,he looked back "About time",he said,Alicia,Jack and the rest arrived "So this is what we're dealing with huh",Jack spoke as he fired,Alicia rushed from tree to tree getting close to the juggernaut "Purple Dust!!,What are you doing?!",Dalvin yelled "He's going to pay for what he did to Blue Spear",she said with a fustration voice escaping her mouth.The juggernaut was now reloading its weapon "An M240 saw huh,mmf,this is our chance",Alicia rushed directly to it while it was reloading "You're mine!!",she snarled then all of a sudden it pulled out another weapon,an AK 47 which was always reloaded and pointed it directly to her,her eyes widened and the juggernaut fired then she dropped herself to the ground and she slid between its legs as she placed a grenade behind its back The juggernaut struggled to reach then it blew its back was wide open as it fell,its metal was blasted off.Alicia fell to the ground due to the explosion,she sighed a breath of relief then it stood up again with smoke coming out of it,it walked towards Alicia while she was still on the ground "Shit",she said to herself,the juggernaut drew its weapon "Purple Dust!!",Ciara shouted The juggernaut pointed directly to Alicia then a gun was fired.