There is a man who becomes a soldier when he grows up ,as he had dreamt from his childhood … in the army because of his great work he becomes a captain of a particular team … he and his team were planning a surprise attack on the enemy .. But on the day when they had to attack it turned up on them and they were being attacked by the enemy , and they had to run for their lives … after coming back the captain was only thinking who leaked the information to the enemy , so after a lot of phone tracking , spying on his team mates he got to know who was the traitor in their team , so what he had to do was give the man to the higher officials of the army so that they can innterogate him .. but what he did was he took the justice in his hand and went to the traitors location with 4 of his friends to catch him and interrogate him , he did not want to give him to the higher officials as he knew the traitor from his initial days at work . so he went to his location with his team mates , but the traitor was also very cunning in the situation , and he had attached trackers on the walkie talkie of his team mates , so by this he got to know that they were coming to catch him so what he did was he took help from the enemy and planted a bomb in his location and he ran away from that place when the captain and his team came to his location he was long gone . they searched for him but could not find him , the thing they found was a bomb which did not have a lot of time left so what 2 of them did was they pushed the captain out of the window , it was near a lake so , the captain landed in the water and another 2 were outside looking for any enemy attack.. so the 2 men who were inside died , after which captain and his other men ran away from the place .. the captain to save his career because it as an illegal attack , he lied in the report that they were ambushed by the enemy and 3 of his men died and the body of 1 went in the lake , after few months the military camera saw that the traitor was alive and he was with the men of the enemies , so they thought that the captain is also a traitor , as he had written in the report that 3 of his men had died and he was lying , so they humiliated him and removed him from the military of the country .. the captain after being removed … for the first 4 to 5 months he was in interrogation period , as nothing came out of it his case was on hold for ever , so as he had not earned a lot he had no money left with him .so he went out in search of jobs but no one gave him job saying he was a traitor to their country so they did not give him job .. he wandered lonely in the whole world for 2 whole years he did not find a single job he was depressed , he used to cry alone because no one believed in him , but in the process he met a therapist who was a lot comfortable with him , who used to believe in him , the therepy sessions later on turned into love she was the only one who believed in him who stopped him from doing some thing harsh with him self , his parents had died in a young age so he lived in a orphanage he did have some relatives who came close to him when he as at his peak in his career but no one supported him in his lowest phase , except for his therapist .. after al, this what he would have done was turn against the country and try to kill the army officials .. but he died not do anything because he had so much patriotism in him for his country .. after the 2 years he proposed to the therapist and she rejected saying that she was just doing her job and nothing else as she had no such intensions like that , but after saying that to him she also cried for a whole day regretting it as she also loved him but the only reason she said no was because her parents would never accept it because he had no job . then after some days she shifted to a different country to start a new life and leave him … he went to the office and saw that it was closed he tried to call her but could not as she had even changed her number he had no clue where she was what she was doing basically he had 0 knowledge about her .. he used to wander all day in search of her .. but could not find her after like a month he found the receptionist who was working their ..he found her near a bus stop he went to her he pleaded in front of her to give him information about her .. she then told him that she was in Vietnam … his whole world shook in front of him as he found out that she was gone for ever .. he could not think how he could have her back in his life .. he thought a lot of for getting her but he could not for get her so he decided to go se her but he did not have so much money to go to Vietnam in plane … so he traveled to Burma by putting all the money he had .. so from there to Vietnam he trespassed illegally from one country to another to meet her … after reaching there he went on the streets of Vietnam to find her … in the process he met a lot of people and told them the story … then one day he got a call saying that the therapist was going to get married to a some one .. so he rushed there to go meet her when he went inside the wedding hall he saw something that left him stunned and that was he saw the groom was non another than his team mate who had betrayed the country .. so now was his chance to go there and prove himself .. so the first thing he did was he fought with the grooms men and entered in the room , and kept a knife on the troat of the betrayer and started recording a video and told him to tell the truth then he admitted that he was not with him and his captain was innocent .. he then sent the video to his lawyer the military officials the he took him outside and showed the video to the brides parents they then canceled the wedding and then the groom and the captain fought a very interesting fight .. after which he became a star in the eyes of the brides parents and the army officials . then he again proposed to the bride now she accepted and fought with her parents that she will only marry to him her parents were against it as they he had no work but they had to accept it as he forced them to do so he then won the case and once again became a soldier who was respected by every one .