Just a question for you all...
Do you think cindrella would have been chosen by the prince if she wasn't pretty ?
Do you think Rapunzel would have been helped to escape if she wasn't the jolly girl singing songs and painting etc ?why would she be saved if she was a depressed,sad girl ?
Do u think beauty would have been loved if she wouldn't have taken care of the beast or she wasn't perfect ..
Have u ever heard that an alcoholic women was loved so much that she changed ?
Or maybe a Playgirl was cherished so much that she got changed ?
Haha you must have heard the otherwise though ...
This is just a very hersh realization i have had recently.... imperfect men can be accepted with sorrow and embraced with faults by perfect women but imperfect women or maybe just depressed ones can't be accepted by prefect men ......women has to be good to be loved .....