Why is my mind such a mess? Why can't I stick to one simple decision? My mind and promises are changing like a chameleon, and I don’t understand what’s been going on for the past few days. I'm overcommitting to things, and nothing is going well for me. Yet, the same things seem to be going perfectly for my friends.
I can’t stick to one thing. I'm losing my mind. Why am I committing to things that aren't necessary? Even now, instead of doing my work, I’m writing this to ease my mind. Why am I the only person depending on others? Why can’t I have a strong opinion like everyone else? I can’t even understand whether I want to do something or not. I'm unable to make a simple decision.
It's not even like I’m being influenced by anyone because I’m always doing the opposite of what they suggest. I’m not following them, but I still don’t have a strong opinion of my own. I’m depending on others even for small things. I cannot even make a simple decision without consulting them. My mind is controlling me, and my brain feels like it's getting roasted due to this pressure. I can’t concentrate on other things without others' interference. What will I become?
I depend on them but don’t follow what they say because it might be wrong. I don’t have a strong opinion myself, and I don’t consider the opinions my friends give me. Seriously, my brain isn’t working. Why can’t this stupid brain have a strong opinion? Because of this, I can’t decide anything.
For everyone else, their parents' opinions matter. Even for me, when I was small, I used to listen to their opinions and never did anything against their words. But nowadays, I feel like I've grown horns or something. I'm not even following their opinions anymore—not entirely. Sometimes I do follow their opinions because I feel like their opinion is the final one, and nothing can beat it.
Why is my mind playing with me ? Just Why?........