Me Cole Jay and Zane were each given a dream spell in our dreams we'd go to a garden and find something grown on a tree. Cole picked a rose from his tree. For Jay it was a poisoned apple. For Zane is was two glass slippers. While I didn't have a tree.
My name is Kai. My dream didn't have a tree. Instead I was in bed. I felt a pain in my stomach so I put my hands on it and noticed something happening. At first my abs disappeared but then I looked at it and my belly inflated. Instead of it being light like a balloon my belly was heavy. It was becoming very heavy. Instead of something growing in a tree something was growing in my belly which became very soft and full. My hips started to widen and my chest started filling with milk. I realized that I was pregnant. When I stopped growing my belly started hurting and I gave birth to a beautiful girl. I named her Kathryn after a child I lost years ago.