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I Hate That I Love You Jungkook FF

Chapter One

Kim Y/n. A college freshman who is very insecure due to her weight, and is bullied by the one and only Jeon Jungkook. They've known each other since grade school but never ever got along. Jungkook always bullied and humiliated her causing her to become depressed. Y/n is very quiet and has no friends. However Jungkook, is known as the hot guy, and plays with girls. That's how he rolls... Flirts until he gets the girl, gets her in bed, and leaves her for another. He is a bad boy after all.

This is the start of their unexpected love story.

**Walking down the busy hallways of your college, you noticed the amount of glares that came your way. Their looks were of disgust, and you were used to it so you always looked down trying not to meet any eyes. Heaving a sigh, you went off to your locker and opened it but as usual, someone slammed it back shut. And you already knew who it was... the bully AKA playboy, Jeon Jungkook.

Clicking his tongue with a smirk plastered on his face, he eyed you up and down.

"Why hello Miss Piggy how are you today?"

"Leave me alone." You said quietly about to walk away but Jungkook pulled you back harshly, grabbing onto your hair and pushed you hard against the lockers. You let a loud yelp in pain.

"L--let m-me go!" You shouted in pain, tears already streaming down your face**.

" **Sorry no can do I'm not done talking to you..." He said still gripping you a bit too much.

"B-but I-I have class!" You said.

" Does it look like I care??!! I'm not done with you!!" Jungkook yelled raising his hand, giving you a very scary look making you even more frightened.

"P-please!!" You pleaded.

" SHUT UP!!! " He yelled angrily, and slapped you aggressively on your face.

You let out a loud sob, thumping down to the floor, while he just rolled his eyes and crouched down to you.

"Now that you got me clear, can I speak to you??" Jungkook asked, gripping your cheeks with force, gazing at you very intimidatingly.

You nodded, as your were already trembling due to fear**.

"**I just wanted to tell you something that I've noticed about you." He said.

" H-huh??" You said confused.

" Have you looked yourself on the mirror?? You look a bit more fatter... "He said.

" Yes I gained a bit more weight than last time. Stop telling me that!" You thought to yourself since you know you couldn't talk back at him because you were very scared of him.

" You poor thing, no wonder no guy has wanted to be yours, like who would want to be with a hideous chubby girl like you? Jungkook said, with a scoff.

Your heart sank as you felt like his words were the truth.

" He's right, who would want to be my lover? Everyone looks at me with disgust and I'm no where near pretty." You thought to yourself staring down at the floor, shamefully**.

Chapter Two

~Time Skip Lunch Time~

Once again you sat down at the far table, away from the loudness and chaos from the students at the cafeteria.

Munching on your sandwich, you noticed Jungkook a few feet away with his friends surrounded by girls. While one of them was sitting on his lap, his hand slowly moving up her thigh as she let out a small gasp. He smirked as he whispered seductively into her ear. The girl was blushing hard and giggled continuesly, you could she was falling for his charms.

"Eeeeew...such a perv." You thought to yourself, but then saw him turn his gaze towards you and then back to the girl.

"I should stop looking over there, it's making me want to vomit." You said as you looked away, sipping on your juice.

"Oppa~" Mina said softly into Jungkook's ear.

" Yes beautiful?" He said.

" I think that girl was staring at us. I don't like it. Who is she?" She said, pointing towards you, causing him turn his gaze at you once again, his eyes turning dark.

" Oh her?? Don't worry babe, you don't have to worry about her, I know how she is. I'll be right back." Jungkook said as he kissed her cheek and placed her down to the seat, then walking towards your table without you even noticing.

He banged his fists hard onto the table making you startled.

" J-Jungkook?" You stuttered.

"Who told you can stare huh??!!" He shouted, making you even more scared.

"N-nobody..." You said, looking down to avoid his gaze.

" Then why did you huh?? You're making my girl uncomfortable!!" Jungkook hissed, glaring right into your eyes.

" Your girl? You mean new toy??" You wanted to say, but kept it to yourself.

~After school~

Just as walked into the house, you heard your mother calling you from the kitchen.

You let out a sigh as you walked up to her.

" Hey sweetie how was your day?" She asked.

You shrugged.

" It was ok I guess." You said, as you didn't want to worry her with the problems you had, since your mother is already suffering because of your abusive father.

As she gave you a kiss on the forehead, she said, " I'll call you when dinner's ready hmm? Go do your homework."

You went off to your room. A few minutes later, you heard someone knock on your door.

"Momma is that you?" You asked, taking off your headphones, turning your gaze towards the door.

" Hey noona!!" Jin your older brother shouted with glee, as he barged into the room to give you a bear hug.

" Yah! I-I can't breathe!!" You giggled.

" Sorry hehe. How are you btw? Mother seems more happy today". He said.

" That's cuz dad hasn't come home from work yet..." You said.

Jin sighed. He knew what you meant by this.

" So how are you sis?" He asked.

" M-Me? I-I'm umm ok." You said a bit nervously.

" Y/n are you s-"

"I told I'm fine." You cut Jin off, before he could suspect anything else.

This was also one of your insecurities.... not only because of your weight, you also are insecure when it comes to people having sympathy for you. You felt smpathy for others, but when it comes to you it bothered you for some reason, you felt like a burden.

" So why are you here Jin? I thought you were on a business trip. " You asked.

" I was, but I had time to come visit so I decided to come." Jin said.

You hugged him and he pinched your cheeks.

" I missed you Jinnie oppa."

" I did too noona."

Then all of the sudden, you heard the front door slam open, making you flinch. It was your father, who had already came home drunk and now yelling at your mother and breaking things.

" J-Jin h-"

Jin cut you off.

" Shhhh... don't be so loud, I'm going out there. You call the police ok?" He whispered, kissing your cheek and quietly walked out the room.

You nervously dialed the number on your cellphone and you waited impatiently, wanting someone to answer the call.

Chapter Three

"Hello what's your emergency?" The person on the line asked and you explained what was happening.

"Umm m-my alcoholic father is getting really violent right now, he might harm my mother again." You said.

" Ok we'll locate your location, will be there asap." The person said.

"Please hurry.." You pleaded and hung up."

"Don't you dare touch her you bastard!!" Your brother yelled, as he saw his father with a knife walking towards his mom.

"H-honey please p-put it down." His mom said trying to be calm, to not let down her tears.

Her husband just scoffed as he chuckled darkly.

Jin slowly walked towards his mom but she softly pushed him away.

" M-mom w-what are you doing?" Jin asked, completely bewildered.

"I'll fix this on my own ok? Trust me." She said, making Jin panic.

" What??!! Mom no! Don't do this-"

" Baby please I'll handle this... your father doesn't mean to do this, he's just stressed." His mother said, making Jin tear up.

" Eomma p-please" Jin pleaded, now crying.

"Daehyuk put the knife down please you're not in your sense, I'll make you some tea and we'll talk about it hmm?" Your mom said but all of the sudden, your dad pulled her towards him, the knife now stuck at her throat.

You came quickly out of your room, to the sound of someone trying to kick open the door. But as soon as the police barged in, your father had

already stabbed your mother multiple times, her body on the hardwood floor, a pool of blood visible.

The police arrested your father on the spot, as Jin just stood there frozen still, feeling pure guilt as he started to sob as well as you.

Your mom was taken to the ambulance to the nearest hospital.

"After checkup, the doctor then came to the waiting room where you and your brother were at.

" Is she ok? P-please tell me she's ok." You asked, as you sniffed.

The doctor sighed.

" What is it doctor? Please tell us she's ok!" Jin shouted, getting impatient.

" I'm afraid she has already lost a lot of blood, she might not survive."


Jungkook was now in the club as usual. with his friends

Many college students and other random people were now on the dancefloor, either making out,dancing, or grinding on each other.

" I'll get us some drinks, I'll be right back guys." Hoseok said, as he tried to go fast the enormous amount of people, to get to the bar.

Jungkook was now sitting beside Taehyung and Namjoon on one of the couches.

"So Jungkook? What do you plan on doing here tonight?" Namjoon asked, already knowing his answer, as he wiggled his eyebrows.

" Is that even a question?? Fish myself a girl and get laid of course!!" Jungkook said with a smirk.

" Yep I knew you were going to say that." Taehyung said.

~Time Skip~

Drinking his 5th shot of liquor, Jungkook found his himself eyeing out a girl who was conversating with another guy. He noticed she felt uncomfortable talking to him, and he then walked towards her.

" Hey..." Jungkook said softly, making the girl's attention now on Jungkook.

She blushed.

"U-umm h-hi!" She stuttered, making Jungkook chuckle at her nervousness.

"Is this man making you uncomfortable?" He asked, secretly eyeing the girl's body.

She nodded shyly.

"C'mon you can hang out with me, I don't bite." Jungkook said, winking at her.

Her face flushed red as she responded with an ok.

He grabbed her hand as he then pulled towards the dancefloor, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist as she put her hands onto his shoulders.

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